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Additional Schools News Items

Many of the links on this page exit EPA Exit

EPA's new IAQ school assessment mobile app

Improving Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality During Wildfire Smoke Events (PDF) (2pp., 130KB), Exit

California State PTA Raises its Voice For Climate Change Education Exit

A Student's Green Shopping Guide

New Addendum to the School Environmental Health Guidelines

Funding Opportunity Announcement: Using Educational Networks to Increase Schools' Adoption of Integrated Pest Management

New Article: "School lunches just got way better in these six cities (and it's not the food)". Exit

New Report: "Impact of Safe Routes to School Programs on Walking and Biking" Exit

Register for Indoor Air Quality Master Class Professional Training Webinar Series: Learn how you can ensure a healthy indoor environment in your school.

Read EPA's new Indoor Air Quality Guidelines for School Building Upgrades

Study on the impact of pesticides near CA public schools

EPA Connect Blog: Is Your Child's School Stuck on a Pest Control Treadmill?

EPA Awards More than $500,000 to Schools to Help Reduce Children's Exposure to Pesticides

Boston Globe--Study: Healthy school lunch standards don't waste vegetables

TeenNick's HALO Effect awards (Helping And Leading Others) for community service

EPA's 2013 Clean, Green and Healthy Schools Regional Highlights

NSTA Blog: Lab Incident at a Manhattan High School: Another Hard Safety Lesson to Learn

New York Times--"School experiment that burned boy was focus of federal warning"

Environmental Building News--"Radon and schools: A study in denial"

EPA research on recycled tire materials on playgrounds and fields

Read EPA's guidance to schools on PCB-containing light fixtures

Updated State School Environmental Health Statutes

Read the New York Times article, "Urban schools aim for environmental revolution"

A new study from the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center claims student health is threatened by idling buses and cars in front of school buildings

View EPA Region 7's Healthy Schools Toolkit

Check out AAFA's 2013 State Honor Roll of Asthma Policies for Schools

New Environmental Law Institute resource: Overview of State Laws on School Environmental Health

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