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Environmental Leadership

Every element of the Knight Management Center reflects our commitment to being a leader in environmental sustainability.

A Recognized Accomplishment

The Knight Management Center has earned the respected LEED® Platinum rating — the highest level of certification offered by the U.S. Green Building Council. This internationally recognized certification acknowledges significant accomplishments in energy efficiency, water conservation, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality.

Beginning with Design

The innovation started with the architecture. Planners knew Stanford GSB needed a more versatile facility, one that would adapt easily to inevitable change, and offer the flexibility our collaborative academic style required. Complementing the innovative building design, a full 50% of the site is open space, landscaped with drought-tolerant native plants.

How students, faculty, staff and visitors would access the Knight Center was an important consideration as well. An underground parking facility reduces the “heat island” effect of traditional asphalt parking lots, and carpool and low-emission vehicles receive priority parking. Alternative transportation is highly encouraged, and bike parking is ample.

Water Conservation

Minimizing water usage was a primary goal of the facility’s design. As a result, we’ve reduced our use of potable water by 80%. A 75,000-gallon holding tank captures rainwater that’s used for irrigation, and low-flow fixtures reduce usage. Water needs are supplemented by Stanford’s Central Energy Facility as well as the campus lake water system.

Energy Conservation

Mechanical and electrical systems exceed current energy efficiency standards by at least 42%, and we generate at least 12.5% of our electricity through photovoltaic panels. Natural light permeates spaces, reducing need for overhead lighting. A wide variety of innovative heating and cooling features offers even more efficiency.

Materials Selection

We used low- or no-volatile organic compound-emitting materials to ensure exceptional indoor air quality. We also reduced construction waste and selected materials with high-recycled content. The construction team recycled more than 90% of waste during the 31-month project. And, 25% of materials include recycled content.

Indoor Environmental Quality

Large windows, skylights, sliding glass doors, and other features eliminate barriers, and reinforce the indoor/outdoor connection. More than 90% of building occupants have views directly to the outdoors, and 80% of spaces benefit from daylight.