
The US Program’s immigration work focuses on reforming harsh, outdated, and ineffective detention and deportation policies to ensure they take into account family unity, flight from persecution, and labor considerations that draw immigrants to the United States. We have exposed the crimes and unsafe working conditions that unauthorized immigrants are too afraid to report out of fear of being deported, the risks of violence back home for those denied due process to seek protection from US deportation, and the devastating impact on millions of people—citizens as well as non-citizens—whose families are torn apart due to inflexible and unfair immigration policies.

Take Action

Protect "Dreamers" from deportation

Protect "Dreamers" from deportation

Trump announced he will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which shields young immigrants like Angie who were raised in the US from being deported. He may push Congress to trade protection for “Dreamers” for enacting other parts of his agenda to ramp up the government's broken and abusive enforcement efforts. President Trump wants to build more detention centers, and hire thousands more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Tell Congress that immigrant youth matter and are not bargaining chips. Tell your representative to protect “Dreamers” AND block Trump’s request for additional immigration enforcement funds.