OHNS Research Facilities
Stanford Otolaryngology laboratory facilities are located on the Stanford medical campus and total approximately 12,000 square feet. Our laboratories are primarily located on the first and second floors of the Edwards building with a satellite lab located in the Stanford Stem Cell Institute.
Our laboratories are supported by the Otolaryngology Imaging Core (OIC), an advanced imaging center with fluorescence, 2-photon, and four confocal microscopes dedicated for routine and specialized imaging on fixed and live cells or tissue.
Our animal hearing testing center consists of soundproof rooms with apparatus for basic and advanced auditory function measurements. Individual laboratories are equipped for molecular, biochemical, as well as cell biological and electrophysiology work at the cellular and whole animal level. The department’s imaging and animal hearing test facilities are support by an NIH P30 core grant.
Stanford-wide support facilities for mouse transgenic technology, electron microscopy, FACS, human embryonic stem cells resource, various small apparatus design and construction shops, etc are available on campus within close distance.