The California Healthy Kids Survey will be administered at each school site for students in the grades 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th.  For the 2019/20 school year, the following Modules along with a Custom Module (which will be provided soon) will be administered during the administration window of November 6th-November 20th, 2019. If you do not wish your child to participate, complete the withdrawal form below and submit to your child’s school site by November 1st.

For additional information, please refer to the official CalSCHLS website.

Survey Downloads- You can find the surveys in English and Spanish


The elementary core module assesses student attitudes, behaviors, and experiences related to: school, academic and social-emotional learning, positive development, overall health and well-being, and provides indicators to support meeting Local Control and Accountability Plan requirements.


The secondary core module assesses student attitudes, behaviors, and experiences related to: school climate and safety, pupil engagement, student supports, bullying, and substance abuse, and provides indicators to support meeting Local Control and Accountability Plan requirements. Additionally, demographic questions help identify the needs of key subgroups, including: racial/ethnic groups, foster youth, economically disadvantaged, and English language learners.

To opt out your child from the California Healthy Kids Survey please contact

Middle School

High School




Archived District & School Survey Questions & Reports

District Main Reports: 

Main Reports by School Site:

Elementary Survey

The single (non-modular) elementary school survey is built around CHKS Core and Resilience & Youth Development items. The elementary survey contains many of the same or similar items as the middle school version, so that cross-survey comparisons can be made. For these items, the wording is simpler and developmentally appropriate.

Middle School & High School Survey

The Core Module assesses student attitudes, behaviors, and experiences related to school and learning. It includes questions in four priority areas: school climate, resiliency, protective factors, and risk behaviors. CDE requires that districts administer the complete Core Module at least every other year to maintain the integrity of the longitudinal district, county, and statewide CHKS data system.

CHKS Withdrawal Forms