The following links provide access to publicly available data for California public schools.

California Dashboard (CDE)

Level of Data: District, school, subgroup
Type of Data: California's accountability reporting system
Update Frequency: December

CAASPP Results

Level of Data: State, district, school, grade, subgroup
Type of Data: Smarter Balanced and California Alternate Assessment (CAA) results
Update Frequency: Annually in Fall
How to view 2018 test results quick guide


Level of Data: State, county, district, school, other
Type of Data: Compilation of state-collected data
Update Frequency: Ongoing (See Change Log)


Level of Data: State, county, district, school, and comparisons
Type of Data: Compilation of state-collected data with ability to compare
Update Frequency: Ongoing

District/School Profiles

Level of Data: District, school
Type of Data: demographic, assessment, accountability, LCFF snapshot, LCAP, legacy report
Update Frequency: Ongoing


Level of Data: District, school, grade
Type of Data: School climate survey for grades 5, 7, 9, 11
Update Frequency: Every two years; posted in November

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Level of Data: District
Type of Data: The LCAP describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities.
Update Frequency: 3-year plan updated annually

School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs)

Level of Data: School
Type of Data: Student achievement, environment, resources, and demographics
Update Frequency: Annually in February
Links to Reports: Elementary Schools; Middle Schools; High Schools

Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

Level of Data: School
Type of Data: Goal setting
Update Frequency: Annually
Links to Reports: Elementary School SPSAs; Middle School SPSAs

Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)

Level of Data: High School
Type of Data: Accreditation/current school priorities
Update Frequency: 4-6 year approval and mid-cycle reviews
Links to Reports: Henry M. Gunn High School WASC; Palo Alto High School WASC


List compiled by Research, Evaluation, and Assessment, updated September 2019