What are the exact REU program dates?
The program dates vary by campus, as a result of each campus's academic calendar. In 2016, the program at CSM will likely begin the week of May 31, NMSU will likely begin the week of May 31, Berkeley will likely begin the week of June 6, and Stanford will likely begin the week of June 13.
Will it impact my chances for acceptance if I only want to be considered for the program at specific ReNUWIt campuses?
It depends. In general, your chances for acceptance are greatest if you want to be considered for the program at all campuses. During summer 2015 we had 16 total openings: 2 at Stanford, 4 at UC-Berkeley, 6 at NMSU, and 4 at CSM. We select applicants on a project/mentor-specific basis, doing our best to match applicant interests and background with faculty requests. So if, for example, you only want to be considered for openings at UC-Berkeley but you're most interested in stream restoration, which is based at NMSU, you will be at a disadvantage.
Will I know which campus I'm going to before I accept an offer?
Yes. After matching applicants with projects, the applicants will be notified of the placements. If you are offered a position, the offer letter will include specific information on the campus, project, mentor, stipend, etc. You will have a chance to review this information before you decide whether or not to accept the offer.
Is campus housing part of the program?
Yes, campus housing will be provided by ReNUWIt. Your stipend is paid in addition to the housing.
Am I eligible if I am graduating in Spring, 2016?
No. You must be returning to your undergraduate institution in Fall, 2016. The earliest you can be graduating to still be eligible for the 2016 REU program is December, 2016.