
Archive for the ‘CMC Committee’ Category

First-year students join the CMC Committee

January 13, 2010

First-years Ivan Canales, Marc Mooney and Pat Noonan recently joined the CMC Committee and bring the first-year perspective and voice to the robust discussions the Committee is having each week.

If you have ideas or concerns to share with the CMC Committee and staff, please contact one of them or the second-year members, Jason Hild (Co-chair), Tom Wait (Co-chair), Danielle Burke, Rachel Holt, Timothy Lee, Christiane Rizk Canessa and Ann Wessing.

Thanks to retiring members, Pete Franco, Georgi Matev and Daniella Raffo who just completed their terms.

We are all interested in your ideas and feedback!

Join the CMC Committee

November 11, 2009

Thursday, November 12th marks the deadline for submitting a position statement to join the CMC Committee.  This is an opportunity to serve your fellow classmates in a very meaningful capacity – you’ll be helping them take the first steps toward their new career.  As a member of the CMC Committee you will act as a liaison between students and the CMC.  You will keep current with issues facing students and assist Pulin and his team in addressing those issues.  If you have ideas to make the CMC better, then you will absolutely have the opportunity to implement them.  Additionally, you’ll have unparalleled access to the CMC advisors and staff.  The time commitment is one hour per week for meetings and additional time commitment is a function of how many tasks you are able to assist based on your availability; the work is highly flexible.

If you are currently sitting on the fence between putting in your position statement or enjoying a Wednesday off, then I would encourage you to push toward the former.  Those of us currently on the committee have found the experience to be incredibly rewarding, both personally and professionally.

I look forward to reading your position statements and working with you on making the best Career Management Center in the world even better.

Position statement template: https://mygsb.stanford.edu/mba/student/organizations/sa/career.cfm

Email completed position statements to: GSBSAChiefOperatingOfficers@gsb.stanford.edu