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The top-ranked people, programs and services of Stanford Children’s Health and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford are frequently highlighted in all types of social and traditional media. From press releases on pioneering research to features on innovative, world-class care for children and expectant mothers, we provide an ongoing dialogue that assists and advances the media conversation.

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Featured Media Release

We're one step closer to opening the nation’s most technologically advanced, family-friendly and environmentally sustainable hospital for infants, children and expectant mothers.

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James Lock, MD, PhD

Featured Experts

In a new Q&A, James Lock, MD, PhD, discusses the first set of guidelines for treating adolescents with eating disorders, and explains why evidence-based therapies for these common and serious conditions are so important.

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Ed Kopetsky

Recent News Coverage

Hospital and SCH are highlighted for EMR success Silicon Valley Business Journal 11/20/15. CIO Ed Kopetsky is featured in this article to discuss the hospital’s and network’s transition to EMR and the Epic system. The recent receipt of a HIMSS Analytics Stage 7 award was referenced. 

Media Contacts

Samantha Dorman

Robert Dicks

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