
The Children's Heart Center Cardiothoracic Surgery Team

The complexity of heart defects in children, and the uniqueness of many cases, requires the professional attention of experts from a variety of disciplines. The Children’s Heart Center has developed a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to caring for your child who may need cardiothoracic surgery.

Cardiothoracic Surgeons

Advanced Practice Providers

Specialists Working Hand-in-Hand

The Children’s Heart Center surgery team draws on the expert aid and assistance of:

  • Pediatric cardiologists: Physicians who specialize in medical, or nonsurgical, approaches to heart disease and defects in infants, children, and adolescents
  • Neonatologists: Physicians who specialize in the care of newborns, particularly those born prematurely or with very low birth weight
  • Specialists in related medical disciplines: For example heart imaging (echocardiography) and the electrical properties of the heart (electrophysiology)
  • Anesthesiologists: Physicians who specialize in the unique pain-control needs of children undergoing heart procedures
  • Infectious disease specialists: Physicians who are expert at preventing and controlling bacteria and other infectious agents that can invade children who have undergone major surgery
  • Clinical nurse specialists and nursing staff
  • Respiratory therapists: Clinical experts in supporting healthy breathing, particularly after surgery
  • Nutritionists: Specialists in meeting the precise nutritional needs of children undergoing heart surgery
  • Pharmacists: Specialists in managing the multiple medications required in treating children’s heart diseases
  • Social workers: Professionals who provide emotional support and community networking for patients and their families
  • Support staff: Specialists in handling the many administrative and personal details of care and treatment