Road to Home

If you are a Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) family that’s been referred to Road to Home – congratulations! Your baby is getting better and stronger and will soon be able to move out of the NICU in Palo Alto. Your baby’s health care team will begin to work with you to transfer your baby to a new nursery. This move is the beginning of the next stage of your baby’s care and the road to home!

Your baby's new nursery will focus on your newborn's nutrition, growth and development. It will also focus on helping you form a strong bond with your baby.

Nursery Locations

Stanford Children's Health has a network of nurseries located throughout the greater Bay Area. These locations may allow you to stay closer to home while we provide you with the same high quality of care you have received at our main hospital in Palo Alto.

Palo Alto
Level II Intermediate Care Nursery

Redwood City
This nursery is staffed by Stanford Children's Health physicians, nurses and support staff:

Santa Cruz, Salinas and Watsonville
These nurseries are operated by outstanding hospitals in the local community. They are staffed by Stanford Children's Health physicians and are affiliated with our hospital:

  • Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz
  • Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital
  • Watsonville Community Hospital

Preparing to Move to a New Nursery

When our NICU staff works with you to determine the best nursery for your baby, they will discuss:

  • Your baby’s medical needs
  • Your family’s unique needs and situation

We realize a change in location will be an adjustment for you and your family. Our team is here to help you transition as smoothly as possible to the new nursery, and then to go home.

Please contact your social worker or case manager if you would like to tour the nursery to which your baby will be transferred.

A team specially trained to transport newborns between hospitals will move your baby to the new nursery.

What to Expect in Your Baby's New Nursery

Your baby's new nursery will focus on your baby’s nutrition, growth and development. Every day, our staff will:

  • Work to form a partnership with you. Our nurseries believe in family-centered care—when families work in partnership with their health care team, the child receives better care.
  • Encourage bonding between you and your baby
  • Help you achieve breastfeeding success (if you are breastfeeding)
  • Teach you how to care for your baby at home. Some examples include:
    • Feeding your baby
    • Understanding your baby’s cues
    • Giving your baby any necessary medication
  • Help you access the people and services you need, including social workers and lactation consultants

We can also provide you with resources and support you as you start your journey through parenthood.

Our Team
Our nurseries in Palo Alto, Redwood City and Fremont are staffed by Stanford Children's Health:

  • Neonatal and hospital medicine physicians
  • Nurses
  • Specialists from other services required to help and support your baby and family

Our nurseries in Santa Cruz, Watsonville and Salinas are staff by Stanford Children's Health neonatologists.

All of our team members follow the same policies and standards of patient care, regardless of the nursery’s location.

Visiting Your Baby
We encourage parents and immediate family members to spend as much time as they wish with our patients. Learn more about visiting your baby’s nursery.

Contact Us

Please contact your social worker or case manager if you would like a tour of your baby's new nursery. Please contact your health care team if you have any questions or concerns.