Our contribution to the presidential conversation

After 15 years, President Hennessy is stepping down. In that time, he’s seen our school through two financial crises, the fear and turmoil of 9/11, the start of two wars and four presidential elections, to name but a few major events. Students come and go every year, but the president often remains, through national and international changes, through campus triumphs and failures and through year after year of students demanding a better school for themselves. Through change. In other words, he or she matters. Who they are matters. And more specifically, who we choose as our next president, matters.

The conversation about what we want our president to be should start with understanding the role not only of the president, but also that of the people he or she selects, particularly the provost.

The president is the front man – the spokesperson in non-Stanford spaces, charged primarily with outreach and fundraising. It is the provost that has a more hands on role, as far as student life is concerned. Our deans, our academic directors, our vice provost – we interact with all of these positions on a daily basis, and they report directly to the provost. The sexual assault task force report, OpenXChange, emails intended to quell student concerns, all had Provost Etchemendy’s name signed on the dotted line. The choice of a president cannot be expected to dramatically change the campus climate – that will most directly happen through the president’s selection of a provost. However, the president will represent our school, build the Stanford brand in the public eye, and help set the long-term course of the University.

Hennessy is considered a leader in higher education policy issues. He led fundraising for research, access and affordability, financial aid and has connections to Silicon Valley. He is respected in Silicon Valley and seen as another CEO in its midst — a powerful tool to have at the helm of a school with such a symbiotic relationship with the technology world. So, Hennessy has, by most standards, been a successful President. But where do we go from here?

Historically, Stanford has chosen from within. Our presidents tend to start as professors or administrators within the institution before moving into the more prominent position. But is this an advantage? Or does this limit our ability to innovate on an institutional level? Perhaps we should consider who would be the most objective about our collective progress. And that isn’t necessarily another Stanford professor.

Within that question is another more targeted question: Should the next president be tech-focused, or is it in our best interest to mold Stanford’s image into something more well-rounded?

There are compelling arguments on both sides of each of these questions, and the caliber of people most likely on the list of presidents-to-be makes it hard to say there’s a right or wrong answer. But let’s try this out for size:

As students, we want a president who values the entire academic enterprise of the university, and is not solely focused on either engineering or humanities. That doesn’t mean he or she needs a particular background, but it does mean he or she should have an appreciation for the ways diverse schools of thought contribute to a stronger institution.

As far as tech or non-tech, the Editorial Board would support a presidential choice that is not selected primarily on the basis of the candidate’s connection to technology companies. Specifically, the Board votes for diversity of perspective; for the person with the CEO know-how of the innovative, fearless Silicon Valley stereotype, and an ability to recognize the strengths and privileges that come with being in the Silicon Valley nest, without forgetting we can do more than code.

Our University’s connection to technology – and President Hennessy’s role in facilitating those connections – has certainly helped drive Stanford’s rise to the top of America’s higher education system. But those connections will persist, and the public will continue to strongly associate Stanford with Silicon Valley, even if our president doesn’t sit on the board of Google. We would prefer a president who is committed to strengthening all facets of our University, particularly the arts and the humanities, as President Hennessy has begun to do through the end of his tenure.

As far as Stanford or non-Stanford, there are legitimate reasons why Stanford people have filled the presidential shoes so frequently. Our culture is unique. We are a school that believes in possibility and strives for the impossible, that continually tears down boundaries academically, socially and professionally. We are entrepreneurial and impatient, humble and ambitious – we’re cardinal in as many ways as there are students on this campus. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be better. Even if the new president has some former ties to the University, the Board believes the presidential office has potential to benefit from an occupant that also has significant experience elsewhere. Other schools have pursued exciting opportunities that we should seek to develop and integrate into the Stanford culture, and further, fresh eyes will help ensure that Stanford remains on a positive trajectory as opposed to stagnating.

Though the presidential choice will most strongly affect Stanford’s image in the outside world, the culture the new president sets and the provost he or she appoints will also impact the experience within the Campus Drive loop. While in-house candidates absolutely must get their due, it is critical that the search committee also reaches beyond the proven pathway to ensure that we have a president that will continue to strengthen and add to the foundation that President Hennessy has built.

About Vol 248 Editorial Board

Editorials represent the views of The Stanford Daily, an independent newspaper serving Stanford and the surrounding community. The Daily's Editorial Board is chaired by President and Editor in Chief Ashley Westhem '16, and joined by Executive Editor Andrew Vogeley '17, Managing Editor of Opinion Katie Kramon '16, Matthew Cohen '18, Ben Kaufman '17, Jana Persky '16, Winston Shi '16 and Anja Young '16. To contact the Editorial Board chair, submit an op-ed (limited to 700 words) or submit a letter to the editor (limited to 500 words) at opinions@stanforddaily.com.
  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear StanfordDaily People,

    “Our contribution to the presidential conversation”
    ___Well, where is such a ‘presidential conversation’? with whom?
    ___There are much more serious matters that is fascism by nature exist in this coup in Stanford University; I have further detailed what’s going wrong in the comment section of several StanfordDaily article in this regard;

    1) ‘President John Hennessy to step down in summer 2016′ June 11, 2015 link here: http://www.stanforddaily.com/2015/06/11/president-john-hennessy-to-step-down-in-summer-2016/

    2) ‘Presidential search committee members selected, to find Hennessy successor by spring 2016′ September 7, 2015 http://www.stanforddaily.com/2015/09/07/presidential-search-committee-members-selected-to-find-hennessy-successor-by-spring-2016

    3) ‘Board of Trustees debrief Oct. 7′ October 7, 2015 linked here: http://www.stanforddaily.com/2015/10/07/board-of-trustees-debrief-oct-7

    4) ‘A cappella groups perform songs for Hennessy at Block Party’ October 25, 2015 linked here: http://www.stanforddaily.com/2015/10/25/a-cappella-groups-preform-songs-for-hennessy-at-block-party/

    5) ‘Can data help save MOOCs?’ October 26, 2015 linked here: http://www.stanforddaily.com/2015/10/26/can-data-help-save-moocs

    6) ‘Students attend Presidential Search Committee town hall’ linked here: http://www.stanforddaily.com/2015/10/30/students-attend-presidential-search-committee-town-hall/

    Can you tell us which part in my public challenge posted in the comments section of those StanfordDaily article is not based upon facts?

    Are you trying to ignore such a public challenge against fascism crimes that resulted in this fascism coup in Stanford University as one of the dire consequences, or are you just PRETEND not seeing?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    “After 15 years, President Hennessy is stepping down. ”
    ___Would you tell us the real reason why this coup in Stanford University happened? Under what circumstance? on what term?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___What articulated in your article here in name of your ‘contribution to the presidential conversation’ is actually covering up the real problems of fascism crimes underneath of this fascism coup and advocating a dire consequence out of a series of fascism crimes in alignment with interest with those fascists, isn’t it?

    tell you more later …

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear StanfordDaily Editorial Board,
    (e.g. Aimee Trujillo ’15 . Joseph Beyda ’15, Ashley Westhem ’16, Ed Ngai ’15, Vihan Lakshman ’16, Winston Shi ’16)

    Stanford University at this moment is at a cross junction, either fascism rules or anti-fascism rules through this fascism coup; which way are you guys and girls from StanfordDaily want it to go?


    Look, in light of solid questions directly addressed to them in such public challenge, those from Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Chaired by Mr. Issac Stein dare neither acknowledge nor deny anything, but PRETEND nothing of these had ever happened? What’s wrong with them? Are you going to follow their path and being PRETENTIOUS, as well?___Editorial Board of StanfordDaily would not like to be used by those fascism powers behind this coup, do you?

    Why not urge those in this public challenge to come forward and answer to us all the solid questions listed in this public challenge? You don’t want to cheer up and advocate anything in alignment with interests of those fascists who had besieged/terrorized/extorted Stanford University for over a decade long, do you? You don’t want to help them build up crimes one on top of anotherdo you?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear StanfordDaily Editorial Board,
    (e.g. Aimee Trujillo ’15 . Joseph Beyda ’15, Ashley Westhem ’16, Ed Ngai ’15, Vihan Lakshman ’16, Winston Shi ’16)

    I am candid enough to tell you what’s going on behind the scene and my statement can withstand public scrutiny, but would this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees?___ask them what’s going on here? why dare they neither acknowledge, nor deny anything about these fascism crimes? ask them why they dare not answer the solid questions listed in this public challenge? If they dare not, do they have any credibility to you? Would you like to make contribution to anything they propose to do?

    ___Ask yourself, whom you should believe in? You don’t want to be fooled by some PRETENTIOUS and COWARDICE chairs and committees that you try to manipulate fate of your school, do you?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Beat the Fascism Out of Stanford University!___

    Dear People of Stanford University as well as the rest of the world,

    In a war of anti-Fascism v.s. Fascism, Humanity v.s. Anti-Humanity, Justice v.s. Injustice that is going on in Stanford University for 11 years and counting, the world-renowned Stanford University is now at a cross section in the history of education and of human society …

    But, would anyone from Stanford University like to live in a society without FAIRNESS and JUSTICE, and where facism prevails? Would anyone in the world like to interact with a Stanford University where fascism rules? Wouldn’t we all have the responsibility to fight against such anti-humanity crimes?

    ___an Educational Lesson to All of the Universities and Insititutions World-Wide___

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear All,

    A retaliatory fascism coup was set up in Stanford University as a consequence out of a lenghy and tough war of anti-fascism vs fascism that is going on for 11 years and counting, starting from a Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturl.com/pa672 (attention to the 7 photo evidence); Such a fascism coup is a winning on the fascism side; fascism prevails;

    However, Under public attention, no one among the 19 members in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ dare give us a candid answer to questions raised in my public challenge, for public scrutiny, neither dare anyone from Stanford Board of Trustees___So far, they all remain COWARDS in light of my public challenge, same as those fascists;

    However, if they were responsible for what they are doing, how could they PRETEND nothing in this war against fasism crimes have had ever happened in Stanford University, in the first place? By contrast, My challenges have been withstanding public scrutiny for many years, While their actions can not;___ask yourself whom you should believe in?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    In regard to the three Stanford Report articles listed in the ‘news announcement’ section of the web site “Stanford Presidential Search” http://www.stanford.edu/presidentialsearch/ (the link of which was shown on the front page of Stanford University website) launched by a 19 member ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, … all 19 of them are COWARDS in light of such public challenge against fascism crimes, though;

    ___For Fairness, I’d expect Stanford Report also post a report on this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturl.com/pa672 along with the 7 photo evidence and my public challenge against fascism crimes, accordingly, and display the link to such a report in the same ‘news announcement’ section of the web site “Stanford Presidential Search” http://www.stanford.edu/presidentialsearch/ , as nobody should cover up such anti-humanity crimes and everybody has the obligation to fight against such anti-humanity crimes; if they dare not, what they are doing is anti-humanity___how could they have any credibility to human society, at all?

    ___Nobody would like to be seen as IMMORAL or COWARDS, why would you all, 19 members of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, and Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    By the way, Dear StanfordDaily Editorial Board,
    (e.g. Aimee Trujillo ’15 . Joseph Beyda ’15, Ashley Westhem ’16, Ed Ngai ’15, Vihan Lakshman ’16, Winston Shi ’16)

    ___For Fairness, I’d expect StanfordDaily also post a report on this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturl.com/pa672 along with the 7 photo evidence and my public challenge against fascism crimes, accordingly

    ___What you stated in this article had hided the truth; This is the moment to tell the truth to all people of Stanford University; This is your chance to make real contribution to the world of humanity in this war against fascism crimes, a chance to show us the true color of Stanford University through what kind of education you young boys/girls had received in Stanford University;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Under public attention, no one among the 19 members in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee‘ Chaired by Mr. Issac Stein (a puppet to a fascism circle) linked here: http://www.stanford.edu/presidentialsearch/committee.html dare give us a candid answer to questions raised in my public challenge, for public scrutiny, neither dare anyone from Stanford Board of Trustees ___So far, they all remain COWARDS in light of my public challenge, same as those fascists;

    However, if they were responsible for what they are doing, how could they PRETEND nothing in this war against fasism crimes have had ever happened in Stanford University, in the first place? By contrast, My challenges have been withstanding public scrutiny for many years, While their actions can not;

    Again, such a fascism coup and this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ were built up on a series of fascism crimes to start with; since fascism crimes have involved, their actions do not have credibility to human society, i.e. What they are doing is anti-humanity;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Please tell your beloved ones, especially Speculators who are ready to take advantage of such an intensive situation in Stanford Unviersity, to Watch Out!___Tell them that what is set up here http://www.stanford.edu/presidentialsearch/ is a trap and that this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ Chaired by Mr. Issac Stein are hiding something evil and criminal from us underneath this fascism coup;___Tell your beloved ones, especially those Speculators for candidancy of Stanford President Position, that “Don’t walk into such a trap, Or, your fame and credibility as moral majority will be fundamentally destructed, as exampled by so many people who had already been entangled into so many tragedies through this case for so many years; and when this decade long criminal case eventually clarified, any candidate produced by this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ will be despised as supporters to fascism crimes;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___This case of anti-humanity crime now becomes an issue of the whole society and we need input from the whole society to overcome such anti-humanity crimes;


    ___Mr. Stein, When fascism crimes have involved, it is no longer a private matter, you can not make it “strictly confidential,” any more; you and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Chaired by you do not have the credibility to human society to start with, i.e. what you are doing is anti-humanity;

    This coup in Stanford University happened after a lengthy and tough war against fascism crimes, starting from a Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford Police Case Number: IR#04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturl.com/pa672 and lasting for over 11 years and counting, in which Stanford Authorities have been constantly besieged/terrorized/extorted while President John Hennessy refuses to give in to the intimidation/terrorization from those fascists;

    But now, instead of pushing to clarify this decade long Stanford University Campus Atrocity Criminal Case first, and instead of finding justice to those fascists first, you rush to install a coup against Stanford Authority President John Hennessy; That’s an action of stabbing him in the back, the same to the criminal action from Gabriele Scheler when she physically stabbed me in the back on site of the crime scene on Stanford Campus back in 2004, as evidenced in one of those 7 photos in the case link above, isn’t it? That’s very much the same kind of “Thuggish” behavior as Gabriele Scheler did on my body back in 2004 as you thugs are doing today to Stanford Authority President John Hennessy by this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee as well as by Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly chairs Mr. Issac Stein and Mr. Steven A. Denning, isn’t it?

    Under the influence of this decade long fascism criminal case, the actions from this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee in this Stanford coup is immoral, thuggish, criminal, fascism by nature and definitely anti-humanity;

    Again, Your actions have to withstand public scrutiny, because fascism crimes have involved into this case___Would you dare say no?___You don’t want to build up crimes one on top of another, do you?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Mr. Stein and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee, as well as Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning, you got to understand that there are outside rules and laws we all observe that supersedes whatever rules you enact;

    I am pretty sure that, when this decade long fascism criminal case clarified ___[Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler]___ http://alturl.com/pa672, Stanford People and the rest of the world will find out that it is you, Mr. Issac Stein of this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Mr. Steven A. Denning of Stanford Board of Trustees, who need to be replaced;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    BTW, this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees,

    ___Where were you, when I was assaulted and injured on Stanford Campus?

    ___Where were you, when I was conspired/terrorized/retaliated/endangered by those fascists during these many years?

    ___Where were you, when Stanford Authorities are being besieged/terrorized/extorted by those fascists during these many years?

    ___Where were you, when we have tough legal battles with those fascists in a currupted judicial system?

    ___Where were you, when I post public challenges on the web for public scrutiny, in fighting against fascism crimes, starting from so many years ago?

    ___and Where were you, when I challenge those fascists to clarify the case with CONFRONTATION, all the time?

    Now you cowards jump out PRETENDING nothing of these had happened, and rush to install a coup in Stanford University in alignment with interest of those fascists who had committed fascism crimes in Stanford University___Where is your sense of rightousness? Wouldn’t it be FAIR for the whole world of humanity to call you as ‘Immoral’, ‘Thuggish’, ‘Pretentious’, ‘Cowardice’, ‘Fascism’ and ‘Anti-humanity’?

    ___SHAMELESS is the exact word I am going to choose to attribute to this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, all of whom supposedly consider themselves as ‘high intellectuals’ coming out of the world-class Stanford University;

    … Yeah, even ‘high intellectuals’ can be thugs, and thugs can be ‘high intellectuals’, as well;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel,

    ___Did you provide political support to the two German civilians Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler over their unruly fascism criminal behaviors in the United States, starting from a Stanford University Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford Police Case Number: IR#04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler]?__case link: http://alturl.com/pa672 (attention to the 7 photo evidence);

    ___Did you besiege/terrorize/extort authorities and innocent companies and innocent universities of the United States, e.g. authorities of Google and Stanford University, and at the same time conspire to terrorize/retaliate on victims, in order to obstruct justice in the handling of this criminal case in the judicial system of the United States? That’s very much a ‘thuggish’ behavior, isn’t it? Did you play such a thuggish trick again these days, which led to oppression and fascism persecution of Stanford authorities and plotted to install coup in Stanford as what happened recently, and which would add another case of anti-humanity crime you fascists have committed against Stanford people___fascism prevails, again?

    ___Did you motivate tycoons from the world of education, academia, industry, business, foreign-affairs, politics and even from the inside of the judicial system, etc. to purposefully mess up this case in an effort to cover up Gabriele Scheler and Sebastian Thrun’s involvment into fascism crimes on land of America?___That’s a serious offending to the dignity and sovereignty of the people of the United States as well as to the whole world of humanity, isn’t it?

    By the way, how could you stir up waves in an American University as a Chancellor of an European country? Did you plot to form an alliance of Axis from the inland of the United States to rival U.S. Authorities and to act against humanity? ___(What?Who?You bet, easily… tell you what if asked …); Why are they gambling their fame working for you? Did you abduct their morality and credibility? ___What’s the deal behind the scene?

    Chancellor Merkel, what’s going on here?___Would you please give us a candid answer that can withstand public scrutiny? As you see, many top-notch Universities from around the world are watching you on this matter … nobody wants to be seen as coward or immoral___Why would you?


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    I wish this campus atrocity case ___[Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler]___, which turned into a series of fascism crimes for over a decade long, could serve as an Educational Material to all Universities and Institutions World-Wide;

    ___Watch out! If any lady from Germany (e.g. Gabriele Scheler) works on your campus, she could behave extremely irrationally, such as molest your office properties, physically injure other scholars (e.g. in case of Gabriele Scheler, see photo evidence of her inhuman atrocity on my body as documented in http://alturl.com/pa672 ), and then recant her testimony and shamelessly falsely accuse victims with the collusive help from some cowardice and malicious hidden judicial officers (in this case, ZZZ/YYY/VVV, from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc. Who are they? Why are they hidding from public scrutiny?)___and that’s why Miscarriage of justice is going on;

    ___And also watch out! some Professor of German origin (e.g. Sebastian Thrun), the fascism powers behind whom could bring into our lives fascism crimes which could endanger human lives … and even though both this Germany lady and this professor of German origin (Gabriele Scheler and Sebastian Thrun) had committed crimes on your campus with clear evidence and serious police investigation, they could still pretend innocent by keeping silence (can they fool us like that for ever?), despite so much concrete evidence and undeniable facts of their involvment into fascism crimes which had produced endless tragedies into our lives, and they could even terrorize/extort authorities and retaliate on victims and set up coups in your University, with the political support from the most powerful figures from Germany (Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel; Merkel must have plotted to form an alliance of Axis in the U.S.___What?Who?You bet, easily …here are two live examples: Mr. Issac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Mr. Steven A. Denning of Stanford Board of Trustees);___and that’s why fascism prevails;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Some Advices Directly to Mr. Steven A. Denning and Mr. Issac Stein___

    Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford Board of Trustees,
    and Mr. Issac Stein, Chair of PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee,

    Mr. Denning and Mr. Issac Stein, again, Under public scrutiny and in light of this public challenge against fascism crimes, You can not remain COWARD for ever as a Stanford University representative; you can not PRETEND all the time that such fascsim crimes do not exist in Stanford University; Your support on such a fascism coup will not make it go through, and you can not make fascism prevail through this coup in Stanford University, and you can not escape from facing moral and lawful consequences when this decade long fascism criminal case clarified eventually …

    Mr. Denning and Mr. Issac Stein, the difference between you and me is that my statement can withstand public scrutiny while yours can not, and that I am on the anti-fascism side while you take side with those fascists; and that is what makes you intrinsically COWARDICE;

    ___As a real life COWARD while being PRETENTIOUS, as well, how could you be a symbol to the fame and the credibility of the world-class Stanford University?

    … to be continued …


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Again, here are the three key questions to challenge Mr. Steven A. Denning Chair of Stanford Board of Trustees and Mr. Issac Stein Chair of a ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee':

    ___Mr. Steven A. Denning and Mr. Issac Stein, It is high time of your responsibility to urge this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler / Sebastian Thrun / hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV who are manipulating this decade long fascism criminal case (from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI?, etc.), etc. to come forward and Clarify this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case at Authorities with CONFRONTATION, and find justice to those facists accordingly;

    ___Mr. Steven A. Denning and Mr. Issac Stein, It is now also your responsibility to make fascism powers behind the scene (including those from inside of Stanford University) to understand that in light of public attention, they would have nowhere to hide___is that right?

    ___Mr. Steven A. Denning and Mr. Issac Stein, It is now also your responsibility to tell us who in Stanford University has the power to cover up fascism crimes coming along with Scheler and Thrun while retaliate on victims for these many years?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Laurent Fabius
    Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Government of France
    President, COP21 Conference
    37, Quai d’Orsay 75007
    Paris, France

    Dear Mr. Laurent Fabius:

    Let me tell you the truth: Stanford Board of Trustees Particularly Mr. Steven A. Denning, whose signature appeared in a public letter to the United Nations conference on climate change which was addressed to you and was posted on Stanford Report in an article titled “Stanford issues statement on climate change ahead of Paris conference” on October 28, 2015, is a disgrace to human society;

    Would you please in name of the world of humanity urge Stanford Board of Trustees, particularly Board Chair Mr. Steven A. Denning to answer the solid questions listed in the public challenge against fascism crimes that is going on for 11 years and counting, starting from a Stanford Campus Atrocity Campus Atrocity case back in 2004 [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturlDOTcom/pa672 (replace DOT with . for the right web address; attention to the 7 photo evidence);

    In light of this public challenge against such anti-humanity crimes, this Stanford Board of Trustees, particularly Board Chair Mr. Steven A. Denning, remain PRETENTIOUS and COWARDICE; how could anything tagged with the name of ‘Stanford Board of Trustees’, particularly with Board Chair Mr. Steven A. Denning, deserve any of your respect at all? How could they have any credibility to human society to start with, at all?

    Mr. Laurent Fabius, when they present such a letter to you___Would you please make them understand first that such anti-humanity crimes they had involved into would not be tolerated anywhere in human society, let alone in a United Nations Conference and in the Great Country of France; ___Would you please also make them understand that in light of public attention, they would have nowhere to hide;___Especially, Would you please ask this question again which I had challenged to Mr. Steven A. Denning whose signature appeared in that letter to you that “___As a real life COWARD while being PRETENTIOUS as well, how could you be a symbol to the fame and the credibility of the world-class Stanford University?”

    Anyway, Put them aside and above them all:

    ___Vive la France!!!___

    to be continued …


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear French Minister Mr. Laurent Fabius, Chairman of UN Conference COP21 – Paris 2015
    and Mr. Michael R. Bloomberg, U.N. SECRETARY-GENERAL’S SPECIAL ENVOY FOR CITIES AND CLIMATE CHANGE, Three-term Mayor of New York City,
    and and All Others,


    First of All, Stanford Board of Trustees is a disgrace to human society; Anything tagged with the name of ‘Stanford Board of Trustees’, particularly with the name of Mr. Steven A. Denning and also of Mr. Isaac Stein is PRETENTIOUS and Fascism Related; If they intend to remain PRETENTIOUS and COWARDS in light of such public challenge against fascism crimes, how could they have any credibility to human society, at all?


    Please see in the following a statement of public challenge at French Minister Mr. Laurent Fabius’, in response to a public letter tagged with the name of Stanford Board of Trustees and board chair Mr. Steven A. Denning addressed to Mr. Fabius who is the Chairman of UN Conference on Climate Change (COP21 – Paris 2015);


    But, Why would a board chair want to show-off his name to the world via a public letter to a UN conference? Why does Mr. Steven A. Denning jump out to the front at this particular moment?

    Can anyone here figure it out and tell us why? Can anyone from Stanford Board of Trustees give us a candid answer? Can anyone from this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ Chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein give us a candid answer? Right in front of us all, Can Mr. Steven A. Denning give us a candid answer by himself?

    to be continued …


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    From: “caomingpeter”
    Date: 2015-10-13 12:01:54
    To: “Malala Fund Info” ,PRETENTIOUS_PresidentialSearchCommittee_KenGoodson

    I am sure the whole squad of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ had read all of my public challenges in these emails, so did Ms. Susan McCaw ; but in light of my public challenge against such anti-humanity crimes, they all remain COWARDS;

    Oh yeah, Ms. Susan McCaw is not only PRETENTIOUS, she’s a COWARD as well;

    But, she would have nowhere to hide in light of such public challenge;


    Peter Cao

    >>At 2015-10-13 01:15:18, “Malala Fund Info” wrote:

    >>Hello Peter,

    >>I cannot provide that information and do not have access to it. …

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ___Professor John Ousterhout and the MUTINY Stanford Computer Science Department___

    Dear Professor John Ousterhout of Stanford Computer Science Department

    >>>On 2015-10-26 04:28:26,”John Ousterhout” wrote:

    >>>I’m not interested in these emails; please remove me from your mailing list.

    You are not a candid person; What you are trying to say is that you are being harassed by a bunch of emails, but what you PRETEND not understanding, is that there is a war against fascism crimes;

    In case you PRETEND being irrelevant: You are a faculty of Stanford Computer Science Department, while Sebastian Thrun, the center on fascism side in this war against fascism crimes, is also a faculty of Stanford Computer Science Department, and Thrun’s Stanford boss Emeritus Professor Ed Feigenbaum who had gone exteme length to support Sebastian Thrun’s criminal standing on fascism side against ruling from Authorities and who at the same time had applied serious conspiracies to retaliate on victims (such as intrude my privacy, conspire/terrorize victims) is also from Stanford Computer Science Department;___Stanford Computer Science Department is a MUTINY department out of control at authorities, taking side with those fascists in this war against fascism crimes; among the several faculties I had interacted with from Stanford Computer Science Department, they are all PRETENTIOUS and DESTRUCTIVE, and needless to tell, because of this fascists Sebasian Thrun; and that is one of the primary reasons why such a simple campus atrocity case happened on Stanford campus back in 2004 [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] had turned into a series of fascism crimes for over a decade long;

    Surprisingly, Sebastian Thrun, Professor Ed Feigenbaum and you Professor John Ousterhout had all done your Ph.D. work at Carnegie Mellon University; even more surprisingly, there is a figure named Kaifu Lee who had collateralled with Sebastian Thrun’s fascism crimes from China also got his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University; so at least four of you who had involved into this fascism crimes against the world of humanity had done your Ph.D. work at Carnegie Mellon University___is that a coincidence?___So, Professor John Ousterhout, you are relevant to this decade long fascism criminal case, aren’t you?

    By the way, what would your students think about this matter and about your reaction here? What kind of education would you extend to your students, after all?


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    From: “caomingpeter”
    Date: 2015-10-13 12:26:16
    To: caomingpeter
    Cc: “Malala Fund Info” ,PRETENTIOUS_PresidentialSearchCommittee_KenGoodson

    Dear Malala Fund and All,

    ‘PRETENTDING’ is a contagious spiritual disease coming from this 19-member PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee in which Ms. Susan McCaw of Malala Fund Founder is a member; Seems Malala Fund is infected;

    Would you expect any candidate produced by this 19-member PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee in which Ms. Susan McCaw of Malala Fund Founder is a member, to be respected by the world of education, science and technology? and be accepted by the world of humanity, at all?


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear Malala Fund and All,

    I can’t help but say it again that:

    ___SHAMELESS is the exact word I am going to choose to attribute to this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees …
    Isn’t the above point re-confirmed by the COWARDICE and PRETENTIOUS reaction (documented in the following) via a Malala Fund email account from Ms. Susan McCaw of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, and of Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired Mr. Steven A. Denning? (most likely orchastrated by Mr. Issac Stein and Mr. Steven A. Denning both of whom are puppets on fascism side)


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    “Denning said the 19-member committee, which is conducting a highly confidential search, expects to receive hundreds of nominations. ”
    ___Mr. Denning, if Mr. Stein Chair of this 19-member PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee could not understand, don’t tell us you as a Stanford University representative also do not understand that: “When fascism crimes have involved, it is no longer a private matter, you can not make it “Strictly Confidential” any more;” you and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee do not have credibility to human society to start with; you are building up crimes one on top of another; what you are doing is anti-humanity; … any candidate produced by this fascism-ridden ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ would immediately be entangled into such anti-humanity crimes, and be despised by the whole world of humanity;


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    “Denning encouraged members of the Stanford community to provide feedback to the committee through the website, which invites faculty, staff, students and alumni to provide comments on Stanford’s key opportunities and challenges, and to suggest presidential attributes and names of prospective candidates.”

    ___Here is a live feedback from me as a victim of a decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case:
    ___For Fairness, I’d expect Stanford Report also post a report on this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] along with the 7 photo evidence and my public challenge against fascism crimes coming along with this case, accordingly, and display the link to such a report in the same ‘news announcement’ section of the web site “Stanford Presidential Search” http://www.stanford.edu/presidentialsearch/ , as nobody should cover up such anti-humanity crimes and everybody has the responsibility to fight against such anti-humanity crimes; if they dare not, what they are doing is anti-humanity___how could they have any credibility to human society, at all?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    >>>“Looking at this room of empty chairs makes me feel that people are indifferent, or that students have lost hope that the student voice matters – it’s disappointing,” said ASSU President John-Lancaster Finley ’16.


    Dear ASSU President John-Lancaster Finley ’16,

    Would you like to live in a society without FAIRNESS and JUSTICE? Would you like to live in Stanford University where fascism prevails? Would you like to be part of a fascism conspiracy against Stanford Society and against the world of humanity?

    What you should really feel disappointing is that you, as a naive and helpless young dude, was brought up into this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search’ matter, without understanding the fascism nature and the all the conspiracies behind it;

    Watch out! It doesn’t seem that you have a good understanding of what going on behind the scene; learn some facts first before you want to mess up this fascism ridden ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search’ matter …


    >>”The town hall was the main opportunity for undergraduates to influence the decision
    >>on Stanford’s next president, and the ASSU had hoped to represent a wider swath of
    >>the student population”


    Whoever motivated you to speak in name of “the student population” is using you; I am sure this person would not be candid enough to tell you what I am going to tell you; Do they, especially Mr. Issac Stein of this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committe Chair’ and Mr. Steven A. Denning Chair of Stanford Board of Trustees, have any credibility to a young dude like you, before they have the courage to answer the solid questions listed in this public challenge against fascism crimes that is going on in Stanford University for 11 years and counting?

    Everyone in Stanford University deserves to know, so do those from ‘a wider swath of the student population’ that you are going to represent;

    Tell you more later …

    Right now, would you please reference my comments in the following about Mr. Robert Chun’s involvement into this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search’?


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    “Looking at this room of empty chairs makes me feel that people are indifferent, or that students have lost hope that the student voice matters – it’s disappointing,” said ASSU President John-Lancaster Finley ’16.


    ___Those who did not show up might as well say: We disagree with what you are doing; This fascism coup evidently does not have population basis;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Morrison’18 said.“It’s one of the few chances we have to influence how $22.2 billion will be spent. But we don’t know what impact this will have yet, I guess we’ll have to see.”


    Mr. Morrison’18, wouldn’t you agree that “Protecting human lives and their basic rights of living supersedes teaching/research/doing business/raising fund/spending money?”

    If in the end, your ultimate intention is focusing on “how $22.2 billion will be spent”, you lost; my experience out of this decade long fascism criminal case has told me that there are things you can not buy back no matter how much money you are going to spend;

    e.g. if you have committed crimes, you can not buy back you innocence, no matter how much money you are going to spend; today, this PRETENTIOUS and COWARDICE Presidential Search Committee chaired by Mr. Issac Stein is building up crimes one on top of another, and the dire consequences coming out of tragedies they are going to produce would not be bought back no matter how much money they are going to spend;

    ___You really need to get some fine education on rightousness;

    tell you more later …

  • PeterCaoPotato

    “It was actually better than I expected, and I think [the committee] was really listening,” Morrison’18 said.


    But [the committee] is really PRETENDING deaf to the serious problems in these fascism crimes displayed in this public challenge; The stuff in my public challenge is real and serious and in earnest; but [the committee] are COWARDS right in front of my public challenge;

    Here Mr. Issac Stein and Mr. Ramon Saldivar are no more than posers on stage; ask them what’s going on here? why dare they neither acknowledge, nor deny anything about these fascism crimes? ask them why they dare not answer the solid questions listed in this public challenge? If they dare not, do they have any credibility to you?___you don’t want to be fooled by some PRETENTIOUS and COWARDICE chairs and committees, even if you are a young student, do you?

    Would you really like to be represented by those 19 COWARDS listed in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’, and put trust on them and allow the fate of Stanford Unviersity to fall in hands of those 19 COWARDS listed in this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ Chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein, and also Mr. Steven A. Denning Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees? … that would be Really Hard To Understand (RHTU) …

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear ASSU President Mr. John-Lancaster Finley, ’16
    Sammie Wills ’16
    Natasha Patel ’16
    Kinsey Morrison ‘18
    William Brown ’18
    and All others,

    You see, it is not as simple as they are trying to make you believe; there are quite a lot of dark and sinister stuff going on in this fascism coup in Stanford University, isn’t it?

    I am candid enough to tell you what’s going on behind the scene and my statement can withstand public scrutiny, but would this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee and Stanford Board of Trustees, Particularly Mr. Isaac Stein of PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair, and Mr. Steven A. Denning, Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees?

    ___Ask yourself, whom should you believe in? You don’t want to be fooled by some PRETENTIOUS and COWARDICE chairs and committees that you try to believe in, do you?

    Feel freed to pass on the words to your friends, other Stanford polulation, especially ASSU President Mr. John-Lancaster Finley, ’16 who hoped to represent a wider swath of the student population. ask them what do they really think …

    Your candid thoughts and feedbacks are welcomed …


    Isn’t it a basic instinct that embedded into the spirits of us all to spontaneously fight against such anti-humanity crimes?


    If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask via email caomingpeter126AT126DOTcom


    Peter Cao

  • PeterCaoPotato

    >>”Brown said. “Something important they said is that they felt like they’re pressured not to talk to us, about what’s wrong with Stanford. But I think it’s very important for us to have open environments with workers and students.”


    Dear Mr. Brown,

    I am telling you what’s wrong with Stanford, right here, right now;

    But this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committe’ chaired by Mr. Issac Stein, with Mr. Ramon Saldivar included, and Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning, are PRETENDING nothing of these had ever happened; ___What’s wrong with them?


    30 out of 16,000+ students turned out, and that’s still not embarrassing (according to a faculty member on this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee Mr. Ramon Saldivar’s speaking as quoted in the article)? ___What a poser!

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Dear French Minister Mr. Laurent Fabius, Chairman of UN Conference COP21 – Paris 2015
    and Mr. Michael R. Bloomberg, U.N. SECRETARY-GENERAL’S SPECIAL ENVOY FOR CITIES AND CLIMATE CHANGE, Three-term Mayor of New York City,
    and Others coming to COP21Paris,
    and People of European Commission and of EU and All Others,

    Miscarriage of justice is one horrible horrible thing that could ever happen to human society; it could result in victims being further victimized; it could produce retaliatory fascism crimes directly from the judicial system which could disrupt human society without an end;

    Can you believe it? the complication originated in a 2004 Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] can last for over 11 years and counting, and is going to reach the United Nations in a UN Conference COP21Paris holding at the Great Country of France ___coming along with such a complication is a War of Anti-Fascism v.s. Fasicsm of over a decade long, in which Miscarriage of Justice is going on, victim being further victimized, Authorities at Stanford University and Google are being besieged/terrorized/extorted by fascism powers from both inside and outside of Stanford University behind the criminal suspect, while this criminal suspect remains at large and such judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV who are underhandedly handling this case with miscarriage of justice hided their real identities from public scrutiny … even the world-famous Angela Merkel threw some punches with her political power … European Commission of European Union(EU) had also been affected … Couldn’t it be messier? Please see the ATTACHED in this public challenge

    ___This War against fascism crimes now becomes a matter of the whole society, and we need input from the whole society to overcome such anti-humanity crimes;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    And, at this stage, the most confusing part of this case is:___What are the real identities of judicial officers (namely ZZZ/YYY/VVV, who must have power of jurisdiction over civilians of Santa Clara County, including everybody in Stanford University, from Santa Clara DA? or from FBI? etc.) handling Sebastian Thruns case and this criminal suspect Gabriele Schelers recanted testimony?

    The point is: How could this campus atrocity case remain unclarified at judicial authorities for over 11 years? How did ZZZ/YYY/VVV rule this criminal case behind the scene? What had they done behind the scene? Why are they hiding from a victim as I am during these many years, despite my challenges to clarify the case with CONFRONTATION, all the time?

    As we all can see through this case: ZZZ/YYY/VVV are actually crime producers who are underhandedly manipulating the case with miscarriage of justice; ZZZ/YYY/VVV had turned themselves into real menace to human society; and that’s why we have to find out who they are;

    Therefore, Shall we unite our powers of determination, including those of Stanford University and Google and European Commission and EU and COP21Paris and of anyone else at all, and at this particular moment for the goodness of the whole society spearhead ‘a major’ investigation into finding out and telling us all who ZZZ/YYY/VVV are, in an effort to terminate such anti-humanity crimes?

    ___We should all have serious questions to ask such malicious and cowardice hidden judicial officers ZZZ/YYY/VVV___Shouldn’t we?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Again, Dear StanfordDaily Editorial Board,
    (e.g. Aimee Trujillo ’15 . Joseph Beyda ’15, Ashley Westhem ’16, Ed Ngai ’15, Vihan Lakshman ’16, Winston Shi ’16)

    ___For Fairness, I’d expect StanfordDaily also post a report on this decade long Stanford Campus Atrocity Case [Stanford police case number: IR #04-111-0335; Victim: Peter Cao; Criminal Suspect: Gabriele Scheler] http://alturl.com/pa672 along with the 7 photo evidence and my public challenge against fascism crimes, accordingly

    ___What you stated in this article had hided the truth; This is the moment to tell the truth to all people of Stanford University as well as to the rest of the world; This is your chance to make real contribution to the world of humanity in this war against fascism crimes, a chance to show us the true color of Stanford University, i.e. through your treatment of this public challenge against such anti-humanity crimes going on in Stanford Unviersity for over a decade long, the whole world would see what kind of education you young boys/girls had received in Stanford University;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    ‘… Through change. In other words, he or she matters. Who they are matters. And more specifically, who we choose as our next president, matters.’

    ___To be honest, I can’t stand your phony accent; Are you talking about change according to the rules of fascism? Would you like to live in a society without FAIRNESS and JUSTICE and where fascism previals? Let me ask you this simple question again:

    ___Would you please tell us the real reason why this coup in Stanford University happened? Under what circumstance? on what term?

    Talking about Stanford Presideny at this time is a serious matter; it regards to which way Stanford University is going to, rules of anti-fascism or rules of fascism; it is no longer a private matter since fascism crimes had involved; If you can not give us a candid answer over such a simple question, how could you have any credibility to talk about ‘change’, or ‘who you choose as your next president’ to start with?___it is fair to term your accent as ‘phony’, right?

    As far as I can tell you: miscarriage of justice is going on, fascism prevails and justice has not been done in Stanford University, while Stanford Authorities are being besieged/terrorizated/extorted by those fascists___these are the facts that you should talk about to be changed, if you have any sense of rightousness;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    “Our culture is unique. We are a school that believes in possibility and strives for the impossible, that continually tears down boundaries academically, socially and professionally.”

    ___Don’t forget that you are still made of human beings; there are outside rules and laws we all observe that you supersedes whatever rules you enact; if you behave immorally, you will still be dispised by the whole society; if you commit crimes while striving ‘for the impossible’, don’t believe the possibility that you can escape from facing lawful consequences;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Through this War, Fascism had plagued Stanford University for a long time; For years, I’ve witnessed fascism supporters jump out from every corner of the world, so here jump out another set, from right here inside of Stanford University___some naive and helpless young students from StanfordDaily Editorial Board, and obviously they spoke on behalf of Stanford Board of Trustees and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee who set up this retaliatory fascism coup in Stanford University;

    Again, for those who still want to join this ‘thuggish’ group in support of such fascism crimes, particularly, Mr. Isaac Stein of this PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair and Mr. Steven A. Denning Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, I can reaffirm you that such fascism crimes coming along with Gabriele Scheler / Sebastian Thrun / ZZZ/YYY/VVV and now even Angela Merkel, would not be tolerated anywhere in human society, and that you have chosen unwisely in alliance with the fascism side, and that you can play up such a fascism coup and retaliate on victims as much as you like at this moment, but your fame and credibility as moral majorities will be destructed, and when this decade long criminal case clarified eventually, you all will be despised as supporters to fascism crimes;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    By the way, what kind of education would this PRETENTOUS and COWARDICE Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning and this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein extend to these young boys and girls in Stanford University?

  • Candid One

    The notion of not looking for tech savvy candidates to succeed John Hennessy is silly. Undergrads see their myopia as a blessing? Undergrads are a minority part of LSJU. Although Hennessy’s administration has declared its intent to achieve at least parity between graduate students and undergraduates, the last several decades have been based on a LSJU with graduate programs.

    Stanford has been an engineering and science school, very similar to MIT, with both having more grad students than undergrads. The amount of “trail breaking” that a grad student bias has provided for undergrads is apparently under-appreciated in light of the lack of appreciation of Stanford’s reality. For engineering and science to “carry” the humanities into the future isn’t an oft-hand notion. The future of US society–and the developed world will be technology-driven.

    I’ve been at LSJU for nearly 45 years. I arrived at Stanford for a stint as a multidisciplinary grad student in science and engineering–but I’ve never forsaken the humanities. Those who sell John Hennessy short on his support of the humanities needs to have their myopia checked.

    In the late eighties, Prof. Al Camarillo, then Chair of the University Committee on Minority Issues, observed that “diversity has Stanford by the nose and it doesn’t know it.” Stanford has had a non-majority student demographic since before the Nineties. That’s a sign of the times–in a non-majority state.

    With LSJU as the academic heart of Silicon Valley, John Hennessy was the optimal pilot for the University’s sashay into the Dot Com age. His kind of insights were heavily influenced by his experiences before the Information Highway had become the “road of life”.

    For the future of higher education, a tie to the past is vital…but a technological sense of that past’s transfer to life at the speed of light should be part of the portfolio of the next POLSJU. The classic academic dichotomy of techie versus fuzzy is old school…outdated school. Today’s student isn’t as fuzzy as the old school would expect.

    Tech and Humanities aren’t as separate as the narrow-minded would like to believe. There’s nothing “brave” about our new world. Today, each senior class graduates into a world that didn’t exist when they enrolled as freshmen…ask them!

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Candid One,

    You do not even show us a real name here, how could you call yourself as ‘Candid’ in the first place?

    “The notion of not looking for tech savvy candidates to succeed John Hennessy is silly. “
    ___the notion of looking for any candidates to succeed John Hennessy is silly, for all the causes stated in this public challenge posted in the comments section of this article and the other 6 StanfordDaily articles in this regard as listed in this comments section;

    ___any candidate generated by this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee chaired by Mr. Issac Stein and Stanford Board of Trustees chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning would be immediately entangeled into fascism crimes, and be despised by the whole world of humanity; I say yes; would your or Mr. Steven A. Denning or Mr. Issac Stein dare say no?

  • PeterCaoPotato

    Through this War, Fascism had plagued Stanford University for a long time; For years, I’ve witnessed fascism supporters jump out from every corner of the world, so here jump out another set, from right here inside of Stanford University___some naive and helpless young students from StanfordDaily Editorial Board, and obviously they blatantly made such a fuss in collateral with Stanford Board of Trustees and this PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee who set up this retaliatory fascism coup in Stanford University;

    But, for those who still want to join this ‘thuggish’ group in support of such fascism crimes, particularly, Mr. Isaac Stein of this PRETENTIOUS Search Committee Chair and Mr. Steven A. Denning Chair of Stanford University Board of Trustees, I can reaffirm you that such fascism crimes coming along with Gabriele Scheler / Sebastian Thrun / ZZZ/YYY/VVV and now even Angela Merkel, would not be tolerated anywhere in human society, and that you have chosen unwisely in alliance with the fascism side, and that you can play up such a fascism coup and retaliate on victims as much as you like at this moment, but your fame and credibility as moral majorities will be destructed, and when this decade long criminal case clarified eventually, you all will be despised as supporters to fascism crimes;

  • PeterCaoPotato

    By the way, what kind of education would this PRETENTOUS and COWARDICE Stanford Board of Trustees Chaired by Mr. Steven A. Denning and this ‘PRETENTIOUS Presidential Search Committee’ chaired by Mr. Isaac Stein extend to these young boys and girls in Stanford University?