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Stanford University Press is a scholarly, nonprofit publisher and auxiliary unit of the Stanford Library. As part of the academic community, a connection to our authors, readers, and educators is a vital part of our overall mission. We maintain this connection through our publishing program, our marketing outreach, and our social media activity. As with all nonprofit organizations, fundraising is a key component of the Press’s operations and a natural extension of our communications strategy.

Books sales cover the majority of the operating costs of the Press, but the evolving needs of the academic community require continual investment in new technologies and new methodologies of delivery. The continuing scholarly publishing mission also requires that the Press maintain its commitment to fields of scholarship that often may not have a market able to support the costs of publishing. Fundraising, at all levels, allows the Press to continue this mission and publish these important works at a price affordable to scholars and students.

We will be rolling out our development campaign throughout 2015 and 2016, so please check back regularly as more details are added. At present we are able to take individual donations of any amount by check or credit card. Please contact if you are interested in making a donation.

Stanford Author's Fund

We are also pleased to offer all SUP authors the opportunity to donate all or part of their royalties to the Press to the Stanford Authors Fund, to be used to fund publications by young scholars. This gift is often tax-deductible and has the added advantage of reducing the administrative burden on the Press, as well as the tax paperwork of our authors. Donors to the Authors Fund will receive an annual newsletter noting the publications supported by the program, be listed on our web site as a member of the Fund, and each book published with support of the Fund will include an acknowledgement to the Fund on the copyright page.