

FY17 Q3 E-VERIFY PERFORMANCE STATISTICS PIE CHARTS showing: Total E-Verify Cases: 15,966,744: Automatically confirmed as work authorized – 98.88%; Verified after initial mismatch – 0.15%; Uncontested mismatches – 0.62%; Contested mismatches found not authorized – 0.01%; Unresolved or In Process – 0.34%; and Cases Not Found Work Authorized: 0.97%.

The statistics in the above chart report E-Verify case processing results through Fiscal Year Q3 2017 (October 2016 – June 2017). All figures are expressed as a percentage of the total number of cases submitted and percentages are rounded.

Most employees are automatically confirmed as work authorized.

  • 98.88 percent of employees are automatically confirmed as authorized to work ("work authorized") either instantly or within 24 hours, requiring no employee or employer action
  • 1.12 percent of employees receive initial system mismatches.

Of the 1.12% of employees who receive initial system mismatches:

  • 0.15 percent are later confirmed as work authorized after contesting and resolving the mismatch.
  • 0.97 percent are not found work authorized.

Of the 0.97% of employees not found to be work authorized:

  • 0.62 percent of employees who receive initial mismatches do not contest the mismatch either because they do not choose to or are unaware of the opportunity to contest and as a result are found work authorized.
  • 0.01 percent of employees who receive initial mismatches contest the mismatch and are not found work authorized.
  • 0.34 percent of employees with initial mismatches are unresolved because the employer closed the case as "self-terminated" or as requiring further action by either the employer or employee at the end of FY17 Q3.

Percentage may not appear to sum based on rounding.
Data Source: Verification Information System (VIS) Transaction Data

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