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Residential Noise Insulation Program (RNIP)

The Residential Noise Insulation Program (RNIP) is being implemented to mitigate project noise at eligible residences in the project corridor where typical mitigation measures, such as sound wall construction, do not fully reduce noise levels above the ground floor of multi-level buildings.

windowFederal and state environmental documents for the project have identified a number of residences as potentially eligible for RNIP. Noise levels inside these residences or multiple units were estimated as part of the VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension noise studies when the Environmental Documents were prepared. Follow-up testing and assessments have been performed at all potentially eligible properties to determine which of the RNIP improvements may be installed. Each home found eligible will receive RNIP improvements based on the estimated noise levels, such as acoustical glass, double pane windows, solid core doors, and/or weather-stripping.

RNIP Fact Sheet - pdf
Spanish PDF | Chinese PDF | Vietnamese PDF

VTA is committed to keeping you informed throughout the RNIP process. Should you have any questions about RNIP, please contact VTA-BART Community Outreach at (408) 934-2662.



BART Silicon Valley Program Office, 1436 California Circle, Milpitas, CA 95035
Copyright © 2015 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). All rights reserved.