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Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Resources for Inspectors

The following resources are available to assist UST inspectors with basic as well as advanced understanding of federal UST requirements.

New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) Exit works with EPA and state staff to develop resources for UST inspectors.

  • NEIWPCC’s UST Inspectors Exit website provides pertinent inspector information such as training opportunities, publications, and links to state resources.
  • UST/LUST Virtual Classroom Exit
    The UST-LUST Virtual Classroom ­ provides­ training to state and EPA UST inspectors and staff, as well as others interested in learning about USTs. The first module, Introduction To The Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Program, provides an explanation of the UST regulations; identifies the differences between the UST and leaking UST programs (LUST); discusses financial responsibility; and orients new users to the components of an UST system. The second module, Basic UST Inspector Training, describes how inspectors can prepare for and conduct compliance inspections at typical UST sites.

National Work Group On Leak Detection Evaluations (NWGLDE) Exit provides contact information, international tank leak detection standards and resources compiled by states for UST inspectors.