If there is a reported emergency on campus, AlertSU, Stanford's emergency notification system, will deliver time-sensitive emergency notifications to faculty, staff, students, postdocs and other members of the Stanford community via voice mail, email and text-messaging. Status updates will also be available online and through a recorded phone message.

Stanford's emergency website is: emergency.stanford.edu

Stanford's emergency information hotline is: 650-725-5555.

Student Resources

Do you feel threatened or concerned about the behavior of a person or situation on campus?

 If it's an emergency:

 Get to a safe place.

 Call 9-1-1 (or 9-911 from any campus phone).

 Tell the police the emergency, the location, who is involved, and your location.

 Safely notify others who might be endangered.

 If the situation is not urgent:

 Recognize the warning signs.

 Utilize the university resources listed below.

 Report the situation as soon as possible to Public Safety or a university resource that you are comfortable with.

Even if you are questioning or unsure, it's always better to talk to someone about a person or situation of concern. Recognizing and reporting early signs of a potentially dangerous situation is crucial to violence prevention. Your participation is the first step to keeping our campus safe.

We offer many resources to help, whether you want to:

  • Talk to someone about a person or situation
  • Report a threatening or potentially dangerous person or situation
  • Help a friend
  • Seek counseling
  • Pursue police action, personal protection or disciplinary measures
  • Find resources to help you out of a threatening and potentially violent situation, including violent or abusive relationships.

No matter the situation, we highly encourage you to talk to one of our reporting & counseling resources.

If there is a reported emergency on campus, AlertSU, Stanford's emergency notification system will deliver time-sensitive emergency notifications to faculty, staff, students, postdocs and other members of the Stanford community via voice mail, email and text-messaging based on the personal contact info on file with the university. Status updates will also be available online and through a recorded phone message.

Stanford's emergency website is: http://emergency.stanford.edu/
Stanford's emergency information hotline is: 650-725-5555.

Resources on Campus

Stanford offers a variety of ways to obtain information for students concerned about the potential threat brought by another person or situation on campus. These resources are availalable for discussing anything that is on your mind. All of the resources listed below are valid options. Confidential counseling is also available through many of these resources. We encourage Stanford students to utilize these resources to better enjoy a safe, healthy and fulfilling time at Stanford.

Counseling & Guidance

   Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
(650) 723-3785 (24 hours)
Vaden Health Center, 2nd Floor

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is dedicated to promoting students' mental health and well-being. The CAPS staff are specialists treating undergraduate and graduate students and can help address concerns in a confidential and supportive setting. CAPS staff includes Board-certified psychiatrsts, psychologists, clinical social workers, and marriage and family therapists.

   The Bridge Peer Counseling Center
(650) 723-3392
Rogers' House, 581 Capistrano Way

The Bridge Peer Counseling Center offers anynymous and confidential 24/7 counseling to members of the greater Stanford community. The Bridge is staffed by trained undergraduate and graduate Stanford students. To speak to the staffer on-call, call (650)723-3392 between 6pm-9am; you may also drop in from 6pm-midnight for an in-person counsel.

   Office for Religious Life
(650) 723-1762 (M-F, 8-5)
Memorial Church Round Room


The Office for Religious Life at Stanford offers counseling and guidance geared especially towards those with spiritual concerns to assist students with challenging moments in their lives. This free counseling service is available to people of all faith backgrounds.

   Bechtel International Center
(M-F, 8:30-5)
584 Capistrano Way


The Bechtel Inernational Center believes that international educational exchange nurtures a lifelong global perspective and aspire to play a key role in increasing Stanford's visibility around the world, strengthening Stanford's position as a global university of consequence.

   Undergraduate Residence Deans
(650) 725-2800
Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd Flr, 459 Lagunita Drive, Suite 9

Residence Deans (RDs) provide counseling, advising, disciplinary and problem-solving. RDs work with individual students, community groups and with any involved and affected individuals, agencies and departments on and off campus. In a crisis or emergency, an RD is available via pager on a 24-hour basis at: (650)723-8222 ext. 15626

   Graduate Life Deans
(650) 736-7078
Graduate Community Center, 2nd Flr, 750 Escondido Road

The Graduate Life deans are available in our offices for individual/confidential consultation and advising support. In a crisis or emergency, a GLO dean is available via pager on a 24-hour basis at: (650)723-8222 ext. 25085

Chris Griffith
Assoc Vice Provost
   Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students
(650) 723-2733
Room 206, Old Union,
520 Lasuen Mall


The Associate Vice Provost is a source of support and guidance. She is knowledgeable about University resources - she will make referrals and help students gain access to them.

David Rasch
Stanford Ombuds
   Office of the Ombuds
(650) 723-3682 (M-F, 8-5)
Building 310 - Room 104


The Office of the Ombuds provides information about University policies and refers you to other university services and programs. The Ombuds is an impartial dispute resolver who strives to see that faculty, staff and students at the university are treated fairly and equitably. Any Stanford faculty, student or staff can seek the advice of the Ombuds Office. The Ombuds is impartial, neutral, and confidential.

   Diversity and Access Office
(650) 725-0326
Mariposa House, 585 Capistrano Way

The Diversity and Access Office ensures University compliance with federal, state and local regulations concerning non-discrimination and disability access. To accomplish our mission, the office works collaboratively with vice presidents, deans, department chairs, administrative managers and human resources staff who have direct responsibility for achieving the University's objectives. The office provides an array of services and resources designed to ensure equal opportunity, equal access, and to address bias and discrimination prohibited by law or official University policy. The office also assists individuals with disabilities who have requests for accommodations in the workplace and access to Stanford facilities, programs and activities.

Office of Community Standards

   Office of Community Standards
(650) 725-2485
Tresidder Union, 2nd Flr, 459 Lagunita Drive, Suite 9

The mission of the Office of Community Standards is to promote the mutual responsibility of members of the Stanford community to uphold the Honor Code and Fundamental Standard. The office coordinates the student conduct system, including administering the formal disciplinary processes and the informal resolution of concerns.

Public Safety

   Stanford Department of Public Safety
(650) 723-9633 or 9-1-1
711 Serra St (across from the campus gas station)

In an emergency or to report anything suspicious dial 911 from a cell phone, 9-911 from a campus phone or activate a blue 911 emergency tower. The Stanford Department of Public Safety provides law enforcement, security, safety, crime prevention and emergency services on the Stanford Campus 24 hours a day.

Relationship Abuse, Stalking and Sexual Assault

If you are concerned about your personal safety or the safety of others, we highly encourage you to call the police immediately. A specially trained officer can address your concerns about safety and personal protection. Please dial 9-1-1 (or 9-9-1-1 from any campus phone).

   Office of Sexual Assault & Relationship Abuse Education & Response(SARA)
(650) 725-1056 or 9-1-1 in an emergency (24 hours)
Mariposa House, 2nd Flr, 585 Capistrano Way, Rm. 208-209

The Office of Sexual Assault & Relationship Abuse Education & Response (SARA) is committed to creating a campus community that is free from violence. Our programs are designed to raise awareness of the impact of interpersonal violence on campus and to reduce the occurrence of these acts.

   Confidential Support Team (CST)
(650) 725-9955
Rogers House, 581 Capistrano Way

The Confidential Support Team (CST) offers emotional support, consultation and short-term individual counseling to Stanford students impacted by sexual assault and relationship/domestic violence as well as intimate partner abuse, stalking and sexual harassment. CST is staffed by clinical psychologists and a clinical social worker. At CST you can receive information and guidance about your rights and reporting options. Confidentiality is strictly maintained. There is no charge for Stanford students.

Title IX

Title IX
(650) 497-4955
Mariposa House, 585 Capistrano Way

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (gender) in educational programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Stanford University is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex (gender), including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, relationship (dating and domestic) violence, and stalking. The University provides resources and reporting options to students, faculty, and staff to address concerns related to sexual harassment and sexual violence prohibited by Title IX and University policy.

Sexual Harassment

   Sexual Harassment Policy Office
(650) 724-2120
Drell Residence, 556 O'Connor Lane

The Sexual Harassment Policy Office (SHPO) provides support by coordinating resources and acting as the liaison between the primary parties and those helping to resolve situations involving sexual harassment. The Office provides support and resources for all persons involved in or working to resolve a situation, but does not advocate for any particular party.