If there is a reported emergency on campus, AlertSU, Stanford's emergency notification system, will deliver time-sensitive emergency notifications to faculty, staff, students, postdocs and other members of the Stanford community via voice mail, email and text-messaging. Status updates will also be available online and through a recorded phone message.

Stanford's emergency website is: emergency.stanford.edu

Stanford's emergency information hotline is: 650-725-5555.

Responding to a Potential Threat

Stanford University has outlined a general response procedure to violence or the threat of violence on campus as demonstrated through the following flowchart.

•  Threat Response Flowchart

In dealing with a threat response, the university utilizes a variety of resources through a team of responders as appropriate to the situation.

These campus resources may include:

  • Public Safety / Police
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Dean of Students
  • Human Resources
  • Outside Consultation


In general:
  • Any person experiencing or observing imminent violence should call emergency services at 911 (or 9-911 from a campus phone) immediately and get to a safe location.
  • Any person who believes a crime has been committed against him/her has the right to report that to the proper law enforcement agency.

The situation of concern will be assessed according to the level of threat it poses. The following chart provides an example of the varying levels of threat.

•  Threat Level Assessment

In addition to what is available on this website, university threat response procedures may be found in Section 3 - "Procedures" of Administrative Guide Memo 2.2.11.

University Guidelines Regarding Violence in the Workplace

Stanford University policy also states that "no adverse action may be taken against any employee for his or her legitimate efforts to resolve workplace problems..." (Admin Guide 2.1.11)

General Roles and Responsibilities

  • Employee
    Each employee:
    • Should report any acts or threats of violence to his/her immediate supervisor, human resources manager (click here for a list), Employee & Management Services (650-723-2191), or the nearest member of management. Such reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.
    • Should notify his/her supervisor of any restraining orders against individuals that include the workplace.
  • Supervisor
    The immediate supervisor's responsibilities are to:
    • Respond promptly to issues related to workplace safety.
    • Contact the appropriate specialists in the event of a potential or actual incident, including:
        - Employee & Management Services (650-723-2191)
        - University Police (650-723-9633)
        - Medical Center Security (650-723-7222)
        - SLAC Safeguards and Security (650-926-2551)
    • Promptly inform his/her supervisor and Employee & Management Services about any acts or threats of violence even if the situation has been addressed.
    • In the event he/she is advised of a restraining order, contact Employee & Management Services.
  • Human Resources Managers (HRMs)
    Human resources managers are responsible to:
    • Contact the appropriate Employee or Management Services Representative/Specialist as soon as possible when made aware of a violent act or threat of violence.
  • Employee & Management Services
    Employee & Management Services staff:
    • Consult and advise management regarding concerns about violent and potentially violent employees or others.
    • In the event of an act or threat of violence, investigate the incident and work with management, legal counsel, and police/security to determine the appropriate action to be taken.
    • Gather and maintain University-wide information on workplace acts or threats of violence.
  • Help Center
    The Help Center (650-723-4577) counselors:
    • Provide confidential counseling services to any employee desiring assistance with situations relating to anger or threats or violence in the workplace.
    • Provide educational, emotional support and consultation to groups and individuals who are victims, observers, or otherwise adversely affected by a violent incident or threat.
    • Provide consultation to management on evaluating the potential for violence by employees.
    • Provide initial assessment of violent or threatening employees and make an appropriate referral for clinical evaluation or treatment as needed.
  • Police/Security
    • The University police take appropriate law-enforcement actions.
    • SLAC Laboratory Protection and Medical School Security notify and cooperate with all law enforcement agencies as appropriate.

Threats of Violence

  • Responsibilities:
    • Any individual who experiences or observes a threat of violence should immediately report the incident to his/her supervisor, Human Resources (HR), or the police.
    • The supervisor or other person notified calls the appropriate Employee or Management Services Representative as soon as possible.
    • Local management should attempt to ensure the safety of other employees.
    • Employee & Management Services, along with the supervisor, conducts an investigation of the alleged threat, including interviewing any witnesses.
    • Based on the finding of the investigation, appropriate action, disciplinary or otherwise, is taken.

Acts of Violence Not Involving Injuries or Weapons

  • Responsibilities:
    • The employee should report the incident immediately to his/her supervisor, HR, or the police.
    • The supervisor or other person notified calls the appropriate HRM or Employee & Management Services Representative as soon as possible.
    • Employee & Management Services coordinates, if appropriate, with the Help Center counselors for intervention, consultation, or referral for clinical evaluation or treatment.
    • Employee & Management Services conducts an independent University investigation of the incident and, in conjunction with management, takes appropriate action, disciplinary or otherwise.

Acts of Violence Involving Injuries or Weapons

  • Responsibilities:
    • Any person observing an incident should call 9-911 first, then, if at the Medical School call Medical School security (650-723-7222), and if at SLAC call the SLAC Main Gate Security Officer (650-926-2551), and then notify local management.
    • Local management should attempt to ensure the safety of other employees.
    • Management or employees should not intervene unless, in their best judgment, (a) the situation is too critical to wait for law enforcement officials and, (b) they believe intervention would be successful.
    • Once Medical School security, SLAC Laboratory Protection, or University Police are notified, they coordinate with the appropriate law-enforcement agencies and assist in controlling the situation.
    • Separate from any criminal investigation that the police may conduct, Employee & Management Services takes the lead for the University in conducting an independent investigation into the incident and, in conjunction with management, takes appropriate action, disciplinary or otherwise.
    • If necessary, the Help Center counselors arrange to work with victims and observers of the incident.