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Expense Requests News

Stanford's System for Expense Reports, Reimbursements and Non-PO Payments

Why the Updates?

Friday October 30, 2015
image of a fortune cookie breaken in two, the paper revealing 'Time for Change'

November 2 will bring a number of changes to the Expense Requests system, specifically in the expense report creation and approval processes.

These changes were driven by three main factors:

image of a percentage in cardinal red and a dollar sign in grey - Splitting Allocations

1.  User Feedback and Requests initiated these enhancements:

  • Consistent line numbering and sequencing on all transaction pages, as well as the Full View page
  • Access to Event details within the transactions
  • New features on the Full View page:
    • One click to show details associated with expense lines
    • One click to show per diem and mileage calculations
    • Access to receipts and backup documents, including attachments directly to a line

image of a percentage in cardinal red and a dollar sign in grey - Splitting Allocations

2.  Audit and review findings by Stanford Internal Audit and Office of Sponsored Research, as well as government agencies, drove a University-wide initiative to implement controls to better ensure compliance, which will result in these changes:

  • Enhancements to system messages – to better guide or instruct preparers and approvers, including warning messages triggered when explicit explanation of an expense is required
    • This explanation, included with the initial submission of a transaction, will
      • Improve understanding between preparers and approvers
      • Decrease the number of returned/rejected transactions from T&R auditors
  • Reject Reason Codes
    • When rejecting a transaction, approvers will select "Reason Codes" that will support analysis around potentially non-compliant transactions or transactions lacking adequate supporting documentation
    • Analysis will drive improvements in training and support resources.
  • Back-up documentation attachable directly to the expense line – required for:
    • Airfare receipts
    • Lodging receipts
    • Conference registration receipt and agenda

image of a percentage in cardinal red and a dollar sign in grey - Splitting Allocations

3.  Spend Analytics is supported by the collection of data in a few additional fields, and information derived will:

  • Better position Stanford in negotiations with service providers, such as:
    • Airlines
    • Hotels
  • Support the addition of perks and discounts offered through the Stanford Travel program

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