Foreign Activity Registration

Registration Criteria

The following criteria provide more detailed guidance for identifying an activity as "Foreign."

Legal Presence

  • A legal entity has been established in a foreign location for the purpose of conducting Stanford activities.
  • An international operating unit has been established in a country whether through the establishment of a legal entity or through a "partnership" with an in-country institution. The partnership may be a contract or subcontract to perform services, but not necessarily be legally registered.
  • Agreements or contracts, legal, verbal or implied, are in place with organizations, institutions or legal entities within the country for the purpose of conducting University programs, projects, activities or business.

Physical Presence

  • Facilities or land in a foreign location is owned by Stanford whether or not Stanford activities are conducted there.
  • Facilities in use that were paid for with Stanford funds or funds passed through the University.
  • Facilities are in use that have been leased, rented, are shared with a "partner institution" or have been otherwise procured through agreement for the purpose of conducting Stanford activities in a country for a period greater than 90 days.
  • Facilities have been constructed that have been paid for with Stanford funds or funds passed through Stanford.
  • Equipment is in use the cost for which is greater than $1m, constructed and paid for with Stanford University funds or funds passed through Stanford whether or not Stanford is deemed to own the equipment or its components.

Repetition and Duration

  • Personnel who are in a country performing project / activity work for a period of 30 days or greater in duration, i.e. the length of time that a business traveler can typically be in-country without requiring a visa, Work Permit or country equivalent.
  • Stanford recurring activities (e.g. annually) take place in the same foreign location for 4 weeks or more.
  • Stanford recurring (e.g. annually) programs, projects or activities take place in a foreign locations, although the location may differ (same program) for 4 weeks or more.
  • Repetitive annual travel to an international location (one location) occurs for the purpose of conducting a discrete Stanford program, project or activity for which the total time in country within a 365 day period is greater than 30 days.
  • Stanford recurring activities (e.g. annually) that involve student group participation in international location(s) e.g. Archeological expeditions, Area studies trip, Academic field of study trip, service learning trip.

Use of Stanford Name

  • The University has established a "presence" in-country through the conduct of work, past or present, which is associated with the Stanford brand or name, or one of its operating units.
  • The Stanford name is used to identify a program, project or activity in a foreign country.
  • An activity where the University is "partnering" with another institution, yet Stanford's name is associated with the project.
  • The Stanford name is associated with an activity that takes place in a foreign country for purposes of education, executive education, research, training, recruitment, alumni-related activities or the collection of contributions or donations to Stanford.

University Funding and Sponsorship

  • Student Academic Sponsorship: Students traveling to a foreign country to perform course-related work, such as "thesis work" or upon the recommendation of a faculty member; students traveling to an international location for the purpose of performing academic research and providing a deliverable on a subject matter that is intended to expand the University's base of knowledge and expertise in an area.
  • Student Financial Sponsorship: Students traveling to a foreign country to perform course-related work that is funded by the University or with funding passed through the University.
  • Student International Experience: Students traveling to a foreign country to perform work such as an internship for the purpose of gaining experience designated as an enhancement to their overall academic experience, whether funded by the University or not.
  • Faculty Sponsorship: Faculty traveling to a foreign country to perform University-related work that is funded by or passed through the University with a travel duration being equal to or greater than 30 days. [Excludes professional conferences and seminars.]
  • Faculty Expertise: Faculty traveling to a foreign country for the purpose of performing academic research and providing a "deliverable" on a subject matter that is intended to expand the University's base of knowledge and expertise on a topic or issue.
  • Programs, projects or activities provided by the University to "customers" or constituent groups for which the University collects fees.

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