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Multisystem Search   Go to Search
The Envirofacts Multisystem Search integrates information from a variety of databases and includes latitude and longitude information. Each of these databases contains information about facilities that are required to report activity to a state or federal system. Using this form, you can retrieve information about hazardous waste (including the Biennial Report), toxic and air releases, Superfund sites, and water discharge permits. Facility information and a map of its location is provided. More information on Envirofacts and the Multisystem Data.

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Air Facility System (AFS)   Go to Search
Information on air releases is contained in the Air Facility System (AFS), a computer-based repository for information about air pollution in the United States. This information comes from source reports by various stationary sources of air pollution, such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities, and provides information about the air pollutants they produce. More information on AFS.

Greenhouse Gas   Go to Search
The purpose of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) is to provide accurate and timely GHG data to inform the public, policy makers and other interested parties. The data will help the public better understand emissions from specific industries, emissions from individual facilities, factors that influence greenhouse gas emission rates, and actions that facilities could take to reduce emissions. More information on Greenhouse Gas.

Greenhouse Gas Customized Search   Go to Search
GHG Customized Search allows you to create a report on multiple subject areas using the most comprehensive set of GHG data elements. More information on Greenhouse Gas.

UV Index   Go to Search
The ozone layer shields the Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Ozone depletion, as well as seasonal and weather variations, cause different amounts of UV radiation to reach the Earth at any given time. The UV Index predicts the ultraviolet radiation levels on a 0-10+ scale, helping people determine appropriate sun-protective behaviors. More information on UV Index.

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Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES)   Go to Search
ACRES captures grantee reported data on environmental activities and accomplishments (assessment, cleanup and redevelopment), funding, job training, and details on cooperative partners and leveraging efforts - a central objective of the Brownfields Program. The information in ACRES is provided at the property and grant level. Results will be returned from Cleanups in My Community.

Biennial Reporting (BR)   Go to Search
Detailed hazardous waste information is collected on the generation of hazardous waste from large quantity generators and data on waste management practices from treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. This information is compiled into a Biennial Report and is useful for trend analysis. More information on BR.

Brownfields-Cleanups   Go to Search
Accidents, spills, leaks, and past improper disposal and handling of hazardous materials and wastes have resulted in tens of thousands of sites across our country that have contaminated our land, water (groundwater and surface water), and air (indoor and outdoor). These contaminated sites can threaten human health as well as the environment. More information on Brownfields.

Cleanups in My Community (CIMC)   Go to Search
Cleanups in My Community is a mapping and listing tool that shows sites where pollution is being or has been cleaned up throughout the United States. It maps, lists and provides cleanup progress profiles for: * Sites, facilities and properties that have been contaminated by hazardous materials and are being, or have been, cleaned up under the Superfund, RCRA or Brownfields cleanup programs. * Federal facilities that have been contaminated by hazardous materials and are being, or have been, cleaned up under the Superfund or RCRA cleanup programs. More information on CIMC.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo)   Go to Search
Hazardous waste generators, transporters, treaters, storers and disposers of hazardous waste are required to provide information on their activities to state environmental agencies. These agencies then provide the information to regional and national US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offices through the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo) System. Information on cleaning up after accidents or other activities that result in a release of hazardous materials to the water, air or land must also be reported through RCRAInfo. More information on RCRAInfo.

Superfund (CERCLIS)   Go to Search
Superfund is a program administered by the EPA to locate, investigate, and clean up uncontrolled hazardous waste sites throughout the United States. More information on CERCLIS.

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Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS)   Go to Search
The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) a web-based system that provides information for the Federal Enforcement and Compliance (FE&C) and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs. The FE&C component supports EPA's Civil Enforcement and Compliance program activities. These activities include Compliance Assistance, Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. The NPDES program supports tracking of NPDES permits, limits, discharge monitoring data and other program reports. More information on ICIS.

Information Collection Rule (ICR)   Go to Search
ICR required water systems serving 100,000 people or more to collect samples and report on microbial (source water) and disinfection byproduct (treated water) levels for 18 months (July 1997-December 1998), as part of a national research project to support development of national drinking water standards. More information on ICR.

Permit Compliance System (PCS)   Go to Search
The Permit Compliance System (PCS) provides information on companies which have been issued permits to discharge waste water into rivers. You can review information on when a permit was issued and expires, how much the company is permitted to discharge, and the actual monitoring data showing what the company has discharged. More information on PCS.

Permit Compliance System (PCS) Customized   Go to Search
This tool allows users to report on any data element, and is primarily geared toward the experienced user. The PCS Customized Search Engine consists of four main steps, as well as other features. Columns with a "code" value have a corresponding description column, a Comma Separated Value (CSV) option is available, and users can specify sort order and column display order. More information on PCS.

Safe Drinking Water Information System   Go to Search
The Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) contains information about public water systems and their violations of EPA's drinking water regulations. These statutes and accompanying regulations establish maximum contaminant levels, treatment techniques, and monitoring and reporting requirements to ensure that water provided to customers is safe for human consumption. More information on SDWIS.

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Biennial Reporting (BR)   Go to Search
Detailed hazardous waste information is collected on the generation of hazardous waste from large quantity generators and data on waste management practices from treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. This information is compiled into a Biennial Report and is useful for trend analysis. More information on BR.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo)   Go to Search
Hazardous waste generators, transporters, treaters, storers and disposers of hazardous waste are required to provide information on their activities to state environmental agencies. These agencies then provide the information to regional and national US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offices through the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo) System. Information on cleaning up after accidents or other activities that result in a release of hazardous materials to the water, air or land must also be reported through RCRAInfo. More information on RCRAInfo.

Superfund (CERCLIS)   Go to Search
Superfund is a program administered by the EPA to locate, investigate, and clean up uncontrolled hazardous waste sites throughout the United States. More information on CERCLIS.

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Toxic ReleaseToxics

Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)  
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) tracks the management of over 650 toxic chemicals that pose a threat to human health and the environment. U.S. facilities in different industry sectors that manufacture, process, or otherwise use these chemicals in amounts above established levels must report how each chemical is managed through recycling, energy recovery, treatment, and environmental releases. (A “release” of a chemical means that it is emitted to the air or water, or placed in some type of land disposal.) The information submitted by facilities to the EPA and states is complied annually as the Toxics Release Inventory or TRI, and is stored in a publicly accessible database. More information on TRI.

TRI Explorer   Go to Search
The TRI Explorer allows you to generate reports on releases, transfers, and waste managed that can be displayed by facility, chemical, geographic area, industry (NAICS code), reporting years, or mapped. Users may also generate State Reports.

TRI Search   Go to Search
The TRI Search allows you to view basic facility information, all forms submitted to EPA since 1987, aggregate chemical release data for all years reported, and relative risk information from the Risk Screening Environmental Indicator (RSEI) tool.

TRI Form R Search   Go to Search
The TRI Form R Search allows you to review facility and chemical information submitted by the facility on a Form R.

TRI Form R & A Download   Go to Search
The TRI Form R & A Download allows you to download specific TRI Form R and Form A data elements.

TRI EZ Search   Go to Search
The TRI EZ Search allows you to create a report on a single subject area using a limited set of TRI data elements.

TRI Customized Search   Go to Search
The TRI Customized Search allows you to create a tailored query/report on multiple subject areas using the most comprehensive set of TRI data elements.

TRI Pollution Prevention Search   Go to Search
The TRI Pollution Prevention Search allows you to view reported information on pollution prevention activities and associated reductions in toxic chemical release quantities. More information on Pollution Prevention.

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)   Go to Search
The Toxic Substances Control Act provides EPA with the authority to require reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to chemical substances and/or mixtures. More information on TSCA.

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Radiation Information Database (RADInfo)   Go to Search
The Radiation Information Database (RADInfo) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. RADInfo uses EPA's current "Standard Data Elements For Facility Identification" approved on November 21, 2000. This State/EPA standard offers a common and consistent way to identify facilities of interest to the EPA. More information on RADInfo.

RadNet   Go to Search
The RadNet (formerly the Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System (ERAMS)) is a national network of monitoring stations that regularly collect air, precipitation, and drinking water samples for analysis of radioactivity. The RadNet network has been used to track environmental releases resulting from nuclear emergencies and to provide baseline data during routine conditions. Data generated from RadNet provides the information base for making decisions necessary to ensure the protection of public health. More information on RadNet.

RadNet Customized Search   Go to Search
This tool allows users to report on any data element, and is primarily geared toward the experienced user. The Customized Search consists of four main steps, as well as other features. Columns with a "code" value have a corresponding description column, a Comma Separated Value (CSV) option is available, and users can specify sort order and column display order. More information on RadNet.

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Facility Registry System   Go to Search
The Facility Registry System (FRS) is a centrally managed database that identifies facilities, sites or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. FRS creates high-quality, accurate, and authoritative facility identification records through rigorous verification and management procedures that incorporate information from program national systems, state master facility records, data collected from EPA's Central Data Exchange registrations and data management personnel. More information on FRS.

Facility Registry System EZ Search   Go to Search
The FRS EZ Search search allows you select key data elements from EPA's Facility Registry System and Locational Reference Database to build a tabular report or a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file for downloading. More information on FRS.

Organization Search   Go to Search
The Organization Search allows a user to retrieve a list of selected organizations from regulatory program systems found at EPA. An organization refers to an individual or group that acts in some capacity or performs some function in association with a facility. Terms used to describe how an organization is associated or connected with a facility include owner, operator, permittee, responsible party, establishment, parent company, parent corporation, or ultimate parent.The Original FRS Search Form can be used to directly search FRS facilities. More Information on the Organization Search and FRS

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Enforcement & Compliance History Online (ECHO)   Go to Search
Four key components of the enforcement process at regulated facilities are documented in EPA databases for larger facilities and many smaller facilities:

  1. The occurrence of a monitoring event such as an inspection/evaluation or a self-report;
  2. The determination of a violation (noncompliance);
  3. The occurrence of a government enforcement action to address violations; and
  4. Penalties associated with enforcement actions. 

The information provided on Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) relates to facilities regulated as Clean Air Act (CAA) stationary sources, as Clean Water Act (CWA) permitted dischargers (under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste sites. More information on ECHO.

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Integrated Grants Management System (IGMS)   Go to Search
EPA's management information system for grants programs is the IGMS, which awards, administers, and monitors grants. Grants are regularly awarded to Federal, State, or local government agencies, universities, and other institutions that support EPA's environmental programs. More information on IGMS.

Locational Information   Go to Search
Locational information for EPA-regulated facilities in Envirofacts is cultivated from many sources, including EPA federal program systems (through monthly snapshots), and EPA regional offices and the states (through Supplementary Return Files). This information is collected and refined under the auspices of the Locational Data Improvement Project (LDIP) enacted by the Agency to improve locational data and compliance with the Agency's Locational Data Policy. More information on Locational Information.

Locational Search   Go to Search
The Locational Search allows you to retrieve data from the Envirofacts Locational database. Your search returns source information, as well as level of accuracy and documentation, and other pertinent data. More information on Locational Search.

Multisystem Search   Go to Search
The Envirofacts Multisystem Search integrates information from a variety of databases and includes latitude and longitude information. Each of these databases contains information about facilities that are required to report activity to a state or federal system. Using this form, you can retrieve information about hazardous waste (including the Biennial Report), toxic and air releases, Superfund sites, and water discharge permits. Facility information and a map of its location is provided. More information on Envirofacts and the Multisystem Data.

Substance Registry Services   Go to Search
Substance Registry Services (SRS) is the EPA's central system for information about substances that are tracked or regulated by EPA or other sources. It is the authoritative resource for basic information about chemicals, biological organisms, and other substances of interest to EPA and its state and tribal partners. More information on SRS.

UV Index   Go to Search
The ozone layer shields the Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Ozone depletion, as well as seasonal and weather variations, cause different amounts of UV radiation to reach the Earth at any given time. The UV Index predicts the ultraviolet radiation levels on a 0-10+ scale, helping people determine appropriate sun-protective behaviors. More information on UV Index.

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Cleanups in My Community (CIMC)   Go to Search
Cleanups in My Community is a mapping and listing tool that shows sites where pollution is being or has been cleaned up throughout the United States. It maps, lists and provides cleanup progress profiles for: * Sites, facilities and properties that have been contaminated by hazardous materials and are being, or have been, cleaned up under the Superfund, RCRA or Brownfields cleanup programs. * Federal facilities that have been contaminated by hazardous materials and are being, or have been, cleaned up under the Superfund or RCRA cleanup programs. More information on CIMC.

EnviroMapper for Envirofacts   Go to Search
EnviroMapper for Envirofacts (EM for EF) is a tool that generates maps of environmental information from several EPA databases. The Envirofacts website provides access to information about environmental activities that may affect air, water, and land anywhere in the United States.

MyEnvironment   Go to Search
The MyEnvironment search application is designed to provide a cross-section of environmental information based on the user's location. More information on MyEnvironment.

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