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September 23, 2010

We have released the 2010 version of CADDIS to the public. The new release contains new content in each part of the site, and has been reorganized into five volumes, or topic areas. Listed below are those volumes, how they correspond to sections of the 2007 release (in parentheses), and the new content within each volume.

October 01, 2007

We have added new material to CADDIS. The all new sections (listed below) have been added on: Candidate Causes, Analyzing Data, and Databases. In addition, we have updated the "in-depth" sections of the Step-by-Step guide.

Candidate Causes: Common Candidate Causes

  • Metals
  • Sediments
  • Nutrients
  • Dissolved Oxygen
  • Temperature
  • Ionic Strength
  • Flow Alteration
  • Unspecified Toxic Chemicals

Candidate Causes: Interactive Conceptual Model for Phosphorus

Analyzing Data: Data Analysis Methods

  • Scatter Plots
  • Correlation
  • Box Plots
  • Conditional Probability Analysis
  • Regression Analysis
  • Predicting Environmental Conditions from Biological Observations
  • Quantile Regression
  • Classification and Regression Trees
  • Species Sensitivity Distributions

Analyzing Data: Fundamentals of Data Analysis

  • Data Sources
  • Assuring Data Quality
  • Using Statistics Responsibly
  • Extrapolation

Analyzing Data: Get Data Analysis Tools: Downloadable tools available on this page include the Species Sensitivity Distribution Generator and CADStat.

  • Predicting Environmental Conditions from Biological Observations: Technical Details and Programs
  • Conceptual Model Library
  • Metals Chronic Concentration-Response Gallery
  • Metals Species Sensitivity Distribution Gallery
  • Field Stressor-Response Association Gallery

August 06, 2007

The CADDIS is site has new material that is currently undergoing final review by U.S. EPA. In addition to all new material, sections of the step by step guide have been updated, in particular, the "in depth" sections, multiple causes, and using statistics responsibly. The all new sections, listed below, include these general topics: candidate causes, analytical tools, an conceptual models.

Common Candidate Causes: Metals, Sediments, Nutrients, Dissolved Oxyge,n Temperature, Ionic Strength, Flow Alteration, Unspecified Toxic Chemicals, Interactive Conceptual Model for Phosphorus. Download alert: you will be prompted to download and install the latest version of Flash (a freely available program) in order to view this part of CADDIS.

Analyzing Data: Data Analysis Methods: Scatter Plots, Correlation, Box Plots, Conditional Probability Analysis, Regression Analysis, Predicting Environmental Conditions from Biological Observations, Quantile Regression, Classification and Regression Trees, Species Sensitivity Distributions

Analyzing Data: Fundamentals of Data Analysis: Data Sources, Assuring Data Quality, Matching Data in Space and Time, Classifying Sites, Normalizing Data, Using Statistics Responsibly, Extrapolatio,n Organizing Data along Causal Pathways

Analyzing Data: Get Data Analysis Tools. Download alert: To use CADStat, you will need to download and install the R Statistical package (a freely available program).

Predicting Environmental Conditions from Biological Observations: Technical Details and Programs, Databases, Conceptual Model Library, Metals Chronic Concentration-Response Gallery, Metals Species Sensitivity Distribution Gallery, Field Stressor-Response Gallery

March 23, 2007

We have added more material to CADDIS and would like your comments on the new material! Specifically, comment is invited on two additional candidate cause modules, an interactive conceptual model, and analytical methods, tools, and databases. The two additional candidate causes are Altered Flow and Unspecified Toxic Chemicals. We have added an Interactive Conceptual Model section that includes a model for phosphorus. Within the new Analytical Tools section, The Methods tab includes descriptions of analytical methods including scatter plots, linear regression, predicting environmental conditions from biological observations, and species sensitivity distributions. Analytical Tools provided under the Get the Tools tab include CADStat; a downloadable software package for analyzing data using a variety of exploratory and statistical approaches. We have added new material under Databases, including downloadable and on-line stressor-response galleries. You can submit comments informally by clicking on the "Click here to comment" link found in the upper right hand part of each page. If you would like your comments to be part of the official public record, please submit them to the docket by following the instructions in the March 23, 2007 Federal Register notice. The comment period for this material ends April 22, 2007.

January 17, 2007

We are adding more material to CADDIS and would like your comments on the new material! Specifically, comment is invited on two additional candidate cause modules, an interactive conceptual model, and analytical methods, tools, and databases. The two additional candidate causes are Altered Flow and Unspecified Toxic Chemicals. We have added an Interactive Conceptual Model section that includes a model for phosphorus. Within the new Analytical Tools section, The Methods tab includes descriptions of analytical methods including scatter plots, linear regression, predicting environmental conditions from biological observations, and species sensitivity distributions. Analytical Tools provided under the Get the Tools tab include CADStat; a downloadable software package for analyzing data using a variety of exploratory and statistical approaches. We have added new material under Databases, including downloadable and on-line stressor-response galleries. You can submit comments informally by clicking on the "Click here to comment" link found in the upper right hand part of each page. If you would like your comments to be part of the official public record, please submit them to the docket by following the instructions in the March 23, 2007 Federal Register notice. The comment period for this material ends April 22, 2007.

April 27, 2005

The CADDIS web site is under external review until Friday, May 27, 2005. Comments may be submitted and viewed using EPA's http://www.epa.gov/edocket. Select "search" and key in the Docket Number ORD-2005-0001. As published in the April 27, 2005, Federal Register Notice, all comments must be submitted by Friday, May 27, 2005. Comments received by this date will be considered by the external peer review panel during their review.

October 01, 2004

The CADDIS site is currently being updated. Definitions for the lines of evidence in Steps 3.2, 3.3, 5.2, and 5.3 are being clarified. New worksheets for stressor-response evidence from field observational studies, toxicity tests, and ecological process models are being developed. A searchable library of conceptual models is being added to the examples page.

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