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Architectural detail of an archway.  Photo Credit: Andrew Brodhead

Resources for Returning Students

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Stanford students take time away from school for many reasons, including family concerns, finances, health, job opportunities (including professional sports), academic issues, or needing time to clarify their priorities and goals. Students may return to Stanford after just one quarter, after many quarters, or even after many years. 

If you currently are making plans to return to Stanford, please be in touch with an Academic Advisor as soon as possible.  If the advisor you previously worked with is no longer available, you may contact Mary Laurita, Director of Academic and Educational Support Programs and Coordinator of the Returning Student Process.

For information and forms for the return process, please visit Returning to Stanford

Leaving, and Returning to Stanford

Not sure where to begin?  Academic Advising has published a booklet to help you transition back to Stanford life.  These pages provide information on how to return and register, list the essentials for a smooth return, and remind you of the resources available to you. If you have any questions or if you just need to talk to someone, your Academic Advisors are here for you.

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Additional Resources

Upon your return to Stanford, we encourage you to make use of the following resources to support you in both your academics and your well-being:

Undergraduate Advising Directors
Remember to stay in touch with the Academic Advisor who helped with your return.

Residence Deans
Residence Deans, or RDs as they are often called, are professional staff that are here to help students navigate their undergraduate experience at Stanford.​

Academic Skills Coaching
​Professional staff help with time management and study skills.

Free tutoring for select classes in Foreign Languages, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Bio, Econ, and more.

Office of Accessible Education (OAE) 
​Services for students with disabilities (e.g. accommodations, reduced course loads).

Schwab Learning Center
Services for students with learning variability (dyslexia, ADHD or other). Work with a learning specialist and receive extra tutoring resources.

Hume Center for Writing and Speaking
Help with writing and oral presentation. Available to help with PWR/Major specific classes.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Evaluation and brief counseling. Covered by Campus Health Service Fee. Can refer you out to Cardinal Care covered providers.

Additional Calculus for Engineers (ACE)
Additional support for students in engineering classes (regardless of major) who would benefit from an active learning environment led by highly trained grad student. Currently offered for MATH, CME, and CS classes.

Class Email Lists

Undergraduate class email lists are used primarily by the class presidents to communicate with members of the class and to share information about class events and programs. They may also be used by university offices and programs to share important announcements and information.

If your Stanford email was deactivated while you were away from Stanford, or if your anticipated graduation year has changed, you may want to rejoin or change your membership on a class email list.

Once you have returned to an "Active" student status and registered a Study List for the current quarter, please send a subscription request to the appropriate class list by clicking one of the links below. Your request will be reviewed and approved by the list owners.