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Coterm Tuition, Assistantships and Funding

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Coterm Tuition Information

It is important that you understand coterm tuition assessment, as it has implications on academic policy and assistantship funding.

Note that any units applicable to the graduate career that are taken while you remain in the undergraduate student tuition group are not assessed any additional fees.

In general, students in Undergraduate Billing Group may enroll in 12-20 units total for both careers. These units may be placed on either or only one career. In general, you are not required to enroll in units on the graduate career once the graduate transcript opens, though a small number of  programs requires certain courses be taken at specific times.

Students in the Graduate Billing Group have two full-time enrollment options. If both the undergraduate and graduate careers are open, you may also distribute these units across both careers or put all units on one or the other.

It is easy to check your billing group.

See the FAQs for more billing/tuition information.

Links Related to Funding Opportunities for Graduate Students

Assistantship Information

Graduate assistants need to be in the graduate tuition group.

Dean’s Office Financial Support for Engineering Coterms

Priority consideration for need-based applications.

Coterm funding opportunity database

This is a database of funding opportunities applicable to support graduate study for coterm students. Opportunities are listed by criteria related to field, individual background and field, and individual background. There is also a tab for potential funding sources for individual graduate research.

If you have feedback and/or would like to be included in this database, please contact Paula Aguilar at

Graduate Student Support Programs 

For students who are no longer eligible for undergraduate aid. Programs include:

Graduate Housing Loan

Coterms in the fifth year of enrollment are eligible to apply for interest free funds to help with off-campus move-in costs.

Graduate Student Aid Fund

The Graduate Student Aid Fund has been established to assist a limited number of graduate students with University fees such as the Campus Health Service Fee and Cardinal Care Insurance when those fees cause a significant hardship.  Students who demonstrate need will be eligible for small amounts to cover specific charges. 

Graduate Family Grant Program

The Family Grant will provide up to $10,000 per year for graduate students with dependent children (including those in professional programs). Funds may be used flexibly to cover expenses such as childcare, healthcare, and rent. Please review the program guidelines before completing the application.