Infectious Disease Testing Laboratory

Testing Lab

The Infectious Disease Testing Lab performs the laboratory testing required of all donor blood products for transfusion. Testing is performed each time a donor donates a unit of blood. If any test is reactive or positive, it is sent for further testing to verify the test results.

Before it is accepted for use at the hospital, we perform the following tests in our lab on each unit of blood:

  • ABO/Rh
  • Hepatitis panel (incl. hepatitis B surface antigen,hepatitis B core (total) antibody, hepatitis C antibody, hepatitis B DNA, Hepatitis C RNA)
  • HIV 1,2 antibody, HTLV-1,2 antibody, and HIV RNA
  • T. cruzi antibody test
  • West Nile RNA
  • TPPA (Syphilis)
  • RBC antibody screen
  • Zika RNA  (investigation)

Optional testing performed:

  • CMV
  • Cholesterol
  • Hemoglobin S
  • Additional RBC antigen testing
  • Titering for ABO antibodies

Infectious Disease Testing Lab Leadership

Elaine Sugasawara — Technical Director
Jan Webster — Day Laboratory Supervisor
Lurimer Roa — Evening Laboratory Supervisor