Through the eyes of a volunteer: one teen’s journey at Stanford Blood Center

October 15, 2014 at 9:57 am

Volunteer Deepthi Samanthkumpur

Volunteer Deepthi Sampathkumar

By Deepthi Sampathkumar, volunteer

Hi Everyone! My name is Deepthi  and I am a junior in high school. I’ve been volunteering at Stanford Blood Center ever since 8th grade and it has truly been one of the most satisfying experiences.

I originally heard about Stanford Blood Center from family and friends and I really became interested in helping out due to the amazing purpose the centers serve. Through blood transfusions, thousands and thousands of lives are saved each day and although I cannot donate blood right now, I really wanted to be part of and support the cause.

Recently a close family member of mine had a procedure in the hospital for which blood transfusions were urgently needed. Turns out the blood provider for that hospital was Stanford Blood Center and I felt very proud to be part of the team.

Volunteering at Stanford Blood Center has inspired me in so many ways. I think it is one of the most noble and practical causes and I love being part of the team. This year, I am a commissioner at my school’s Health and Community commission where I hope to help host many Stanford Blood drives and spread awareness.

Even if you have known me for years or even if its just been a few minutes, everyone alike says the same thing about me: I am very sociable. So as a post-donation volunteer my job is a treat! I love to interact with all the donors and I have gained so many interesting stories and life lessons. You just never know what kind of experiences someone has had and the valuable lessons that can be gained are abysmal!

And I guess the cherry on the top in addition to all these wonderful reasons would be the irresistible cookies at the canteen.

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