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Humanities Education

RSVP to our upcoming lunch event, November 13th, at 12:30 pm:
"Thinking Otherwise: Sustained Consideration in a Climate of Immediacy"

Humanities Education Focal Group (HEFG) explores issues concerning teaching and learning in the humanities, including research on student learning, innovation in pedagogy, the role of new technologies in humanities instruction, and professional issues for humanities teachers at all educational levels. In recent years, the HEFG has hosted speakers on a variety of current issues, ranging from alternative academic career paths to research on foreign language acquisition at the university level. DLCL affiliates can join the group by logging in with their SUNetID.

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Faculty Chair: Lisa Surwillo (Iberian and Latin American Studies)

Graduate Coordinator: Jenny Strakovsky (German Studies)


Fall Quarter Schedule:

Thinking Otherwise:

Sustained Consideration in a Climate of Immediacy

Chanelle Adams
Editor of Blue Stockings Magazine (


Ralph E. Rodriguez
Brown University, Associate Professor of American Studies, Ethnic Studies, and English


Friday November 13th, at 12:30 pm

Pigott Hall (260), Room 216



We like. We tweet. We share. But do we really think?

In this dialogue, Adams and Rodriguez will discuss the constraints and possibilities of thinking in an era of immediacy. As the classroom, activism and writing increasingly demand an ethos of rapid knowing, Adams and Rodriguez are interested in what it looks like to not know – yet. How is today's culture of snap-back online dialogue changing how we think and relate to each other? How do we work with rather than eschew difficult issues? As teachers of the humanities, how do we find space to "consider"? To what extent does "snapping back" come at the cost of authentic discourse? 


Backround Reading: 

"Snapping Back, Slowing Down. The Feminist Think Piece Industrial Complex," by Chanelle Adams:

"Calling IN: A Less Disposable Way of Holding Each Other Accountable," by Ngoc Loan Tran

"Why I Use Trigger Warnings," by Kate Manne

"The Illusion of Safey," by Roxanna Gay. (please see PDF on event page)




Winter Quarter Schedule

To be announced. Please check back soon. 

To receive updates on our events, please join our mailing list


Spring Quarter Schedule

To be announced. Please check back soon. 

To receive updates on our events, please join our mailing list



RSVP here

The DLCL Humanities Education Focal Group invites you to a lunch discussion of pedagogy training and career preparedness with Professor Jennifer Summit (English) on January 15th. Professor Summit will share her classroom observation experiences with the San Jose State University Shadowing Program. Lunch will be served.

RSVP for the Series

Coming up Next: 

Feb. 26th  | Welcome Back: The Humanities as Civic Agency

4:15pm, Lecture, Bldg 260, Rm 216

Doris Sommer, Romance Languages and Literatures, African and African American Studies, Director of the Cultural Agents Initiative, Harvard University

Professor Sommer will be speaking about how we can steer the humanities back to engagement with the world, how artistic and political projects can develop momentum and meaning as they circulate through society to inspire faith in the possible. Sommer's recent work, "Pre-Texts," is an international arts-literacy project that translates high literary theory through popular creative practices.