Payroll Distribution Certification FAQS

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I don’t think the data in the eCertification system is accurate, what should I do?

If the 100% payroll distribution for an individual does not appear reasonable or appropriate, or if there are concerns the PI should notify his or her Task Manager (research/financial administrator) by selecting "Contact My Administrator" at the bottom of each employee screen in the eCertification System.

Your administrator can access a number of reports (including LBR 671 Payroll Detail and Planning Report or they can request a 394D Reconcilliation Report from their Overseer) showing a more granular view of the payroll data, or he/she can send a message to for further assistance.

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There is a project on the eCertification screen that I don’t recognize, what do I do?

Since 100% payroll of an employee represents not only your portion of support for an individual but all support, you only certify those accounts under your direction (see certification language below).

To the best of my knowledge, the salary charges to individual sponsored projects and cost sharing accounts as well as the over the salary cap category and the non sponsored category are reasonable in relation to work performed under my direction.

In addition, in the eCertification system there is a button Contact My Administrator for Assistance.  Your administrator can access a number of reports (including LBR 671 Payroll Detail and Planning Report) showing a more granular view of the payroll data, or he/she can send a message to for assistance.

You can also click the button Contact My Administrator for Assistance if you disagree with the payroll distribution or you need additional information or data. This action will initiate an email to your financial administrator. 

Your administrator will receive your request in his or her email. You can monitor your request by clicking the Notes and History tab located at the top of the screen. You will also find a record of your request, or you may copy yourself when you send the email.

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My grant started in July 2013 and I charged 10% each month. Why does the eCertification system show 5%?

The system percentages represent an annual average over 12 months (January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013).  The equation looks like this:

10% effort *6 months /12 months = 5%  

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I know my graduate student only works 50% during the academic year but the eCertification system shows numbers adding up to 100%.

Regardless of the appointment percent or the number of hours worked all the activities you are compensated for by Stanford equals 100% effort.


If an individual has a 50% position, his/her total Stanford effort = 100%.  So, for that individual, 0.50 FTE = 100% Stanford effort.

If an individual has a 100% position, his/her total Stanford effort = 100%. If that individual works 80 hours a week on all the activities for which Stanford compensates them, 80 hours = 100% Stanford effort.

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How often is the data in the eCertification System updated?

The data is updated every night.

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One of my Senior Research Associates is not showing up for me to certify. I know he has a PI waiver for another project. Does this make a difference?

Yes, individuals with a PI waiver are considered “Principal Investigators” for a specific project and for the purpose of eCertification.  He or she will self certify for the specific project and all other projects that he/she works on even if it is under the direction of anther PI.

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Can multiple PIs certify an employee's effort?

Yes, if an employee works on multiple sponsored projects under more than one PI each PI will certify where they are the PI (task owner).  You are expected to certify employees on those projects where you are the PI (task owner) and you have firsthand knowledge of the work performed. A PI can always contact the PI for the other project to discuss the payroll information.


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I’ve already reviewed and certified my quarterly statements, what is the difference in this view?

Quarterly statements are based on project expenses, where as 100% payroll distribution represents 100% of payroll for an individual during the a calendar year (January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013) . The data is the same, just shown differently for sponsored projects and cost sharing accounts.


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What is Payroll Distribution Certification?

Payroll distribution certification is Stanford's means of providing assurance to federal sponsors that effort was devoted at a level that reasonably reflects the activity for which the employee is compensated by the institution. For anyone whose Stanford salary meets one of the four criteria listed above, the eCertification Payroll Distribution System displays salary charges to: sponsored projects, cost sharing accounts, over the salary cap category and non sponsored category, expressed as a percentage of total Stanford payroll for review and certification.

Isn't effort and payroll the same thing?

Let's say an individual has an NSF grant where she proposed and was awarded 10% effort. She has a scientific breakthrough and actually spent 25% effort.

Through the payroll system:

The NSF grant is charged 10%, (the amount awarded) and a non-sponsored account(s) is charged the difference of 15% 

The eCertification Payroll Distribution Certification system displays her 25% effort as it is in the payroll system with charges of:

 10% to the NSF Grant, and

15% to a non-sponsored account(s)

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How precise am I required to be?

The Federal Office of Management and Budget recognizes that in an academic setting, teaching, research, service, and administration are often inextricably intermingled. A precise assessment of factors that contribute to costs is not always feasible, nor is it expected. Reliance, therefore, is placed on estimates in which a degree of tolerance is appropriate.  Stanford's acceptable degree of tolerance is +/-5%.

  1. An individual’s total payroll distribution/effort is equal to the total time spent on his/her university responsibilities.  Total payroll distribution/effort is not limited to 40 or any other specific number of hours. 
  2. Outside consulting is not part of an individual’s university responsibilities.
  3. Individuals are not required to maintain detailed time records of their actual work.


An individual’s salary was initially charged 50% to a sponsored project.

The payroll distribution at 50% can be certified without adjustment as long as the actual effort/time devoted to the sponsored project during calendar year 2013 is between 45% and 55%.

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I was on a sabbatical how is that reflected in the eCertification System?

The amount charged to the University sabbatical pool will show up in the non-sponsored category.

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I have a large grant with multiple PIs, I feel another PI should certify a specific staff member.

In rare instances it may be appropriate to request a different certifier for a PTA to which an employee is charged. Overseers and task managers request this within the eCertification Payroll Distribution System. A request will be forward to the Associate Vice Provost for Research for review and approval.


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An employee worked only a few months in 2014. How can I figure out if the charges are correct if I don't know exactly when he worked?

Ask your administrator to run a detailed report from the labor system showing you the exact dates worked. The report name is the LBR 671,  Payroll Detail and Planning Report.

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I support another faculty member on my grant, but I don't see her in my list to certify.

All faculty including those with a PI waiver will certify his or her own payroll distribution.  You should never see another faculty member's payroll distribution in eCertification.

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Some names under the header Task Manager are grayed out. Why is this?

Only the primary task manager for a faculty can see the salary distribution for that faculty. Task managers for other faculty have been grayed out indicating to you that they cannot see your faculty salary.  The can see the salary distribution for non-faculty employees.

How do I know if I have been designated a primary task manager?

Click the Reports Tab in the system and open the Primary Task Manager Report. The primary task manager for each faculty is listed.

Why is there a primary task manager?

The role of primary task manager was created to ensure privacy and confidentiality of faculty salary information.

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When can the payroll charged to a sponsored project be less than the effort devoted?

  1. When it is effort devoted in excess of what was committed in the proposal to the sponsor, i.e., voluntary, uncommitted cost sharing;
  2. When another sponsored project (e.g., NIH K Award) is covering the research effort;
  3. When the balance is being appropriately charged to a related cost sharing account.

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What if my faculty member left Stanford or passed away during the year being certified?

For active sponsored projects, a substitute PI must be assigned and approved by the sponsor when the original PI is no longer available.  This substitute PI must review and sign both the quarterly expenditure statements and the annual payroll distribution certification to the best of his or her knowledge.

Prior to a PI leaving the University, all related sponsored projects must be certified by the PI.  Care should be taken to identify any certifications necessary mid-year to insure the requirement is met before the PI’s departure.

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After certification I correct an error, do I have to recertify?

It depends. If a payroll adjustment is made to a previously certified employee's payroll distribution, the certifier may need to recertify that employee's payroll distribution per the instructions below.  

Sponsored Projects or Cost Sharing

Payroll adjustments more than +/-5% for an individual sponsored project or an individual cost sharing account must be recertified unless the adjustment is within the same SPO number.

Over The Salary Cap Category or Non Sponsored Category

Payroll adjustments that impact the category total more than +/-5% must be recertified.  Changes within these categories need not be recertified if they do not impact the Sponsored Projects or Cost Sharing categories.

Recertification must be completed within one month of notification by Research Financial Compliance and Services. There may be additional circumstances where the Dean of Research Office or RFCS may require recertification. 

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