Payroll Distribution System User Guides


The user guides address the mechanics of carrying out certification and administrative responsibilities in the eCertification Payroll Distribution System.  The Office of Research Financial Compliance and Services is responsible for maintaining the eCertification Payroll Distribution System as well as reviewing and granting user access to the system. If you have been identified as a sponsored task manager or sponsored task owner (Principal Investigator) in the Oracle Financials system, you will have access once you have completed the mandatory training/briefing.

User access exceptions to the DoResearch requirements must be authorized by either the Associate VP of RFCS or the Associate Vice Provost for Research.

If you fill more than one role in this system, choose the guide for the responsibilities you want to carry out. Before using these guides, read the Payroll Distribution Certification Briefing which addresses the concept of payroll distribution certification.

Preferred browsers are Firefox 27, Safari 6.0.5, and Chrome 33. The payroll distribution data is refreshed nightly.


Questions about this topic can be answered by:

Hemenway, Marilou

Director, Research Financial Reporting

Policy and Compliance

(650) 725-9107

Faculty Guide: Certify for Calendar Year 2014


This guide is for faculty, principal investigators, and individuals with a principal investigator waiver. It outlines review and certification responsibilities and explains how to carry out those responsibilities in the eCertification Payroll Distribution System.

For the purposes of annual payroll distribution review and certification, your research/financial administrator (termed task manager or primary task manager in this system) has been asked to read the Payroll Distribution Certification Briefing and attend training so he or she is prepared to review the payroll distributions before you review and certify.

Faculty are most familiar with their own payroll distribution. To protect the confidentiality of faculty salaries, we have taken steps to identify a primary task manager for you. The primary task manager was identified by your department administrator. Only you and your primary task manager can view your payroll distribution in the eCertification system. Non primary task managers cannot view faculty payroll distribution. Therefore not all the accounts for your faculty payroll distribution may be reviewed and verified by a task manager. Only those accounts that your primary task manager is responsible for will be reviewed.

The certification period is March 31st through June 5th, 2015 for Calendar 2014.


1. Complete your review and certification in the eCertification Payroll Distribution System by the certification deadline.

Review the payroll amounts and percentages to determine whether they are reasonable in relation to the work performed and to the individual’s 100% payroll distribution.  The payroll distribution may not exceed the effort expended on sponsored projects. However, the payroll charge can be less than the effort devoted to that project.

Faculty, principal investigators and individuals with a principal investigator waiver review and certify their own payroll distribution.

In addition, principal investigators review and certify the payroll distribution of employees working under their direction.

  • It is recommended that you meet with your task manager (research/financial administrator) while reviewing and certifying.
  • Task managers (research/financial administrators) are responsible for reviewing the payroll distribution data before the certification period begins. A green check mark beside the task manager’s name indicates that he or she has reviewed the data and opted to document his or her review
  • You can request supporting data for an employee's payroll distribution from your task manager or primary task manager (research/financial administrator) before you review and certify.  
  • Keep in mind the payroll charges for sponsored projects and cost sharing accounts were certified when you reviewed and signed the Quarterly Expenditure Statements (149), which are displayed by project rather than employee.
  • If you are interrupted during a review and certification session before you finish, you can easily see, on the Home Screen, which employees you certified and you can return to where you left off.  Your work is automatically saved.
  • You can uncertify a previously certified employee and recertify at a later date before the deadline.
  • For employee's who work on multiple sponsored projects under the direction of more than one PI, each PI will certify where they are the PI (task owner). Those certified by another PI will display other certifier in the column labeled certification status. You may wish to discuss an employee’s payroll distribution with other faculty for an employee who is shared by multiple faculty.

2. Complete recertification when necessary

Your task manager or primary task manager (research/financial administrator) will inform you when recertification is required for an employee due to a payroll adjustment that was made after you certified. Complete recertification within one month of notification.

For more information about recertification please review the Research Policy Handbook section 3.2.

3. Monitor your certification progress

View a summary of your certification progress on the Home Screen.

4. Contacts

Click the contact link above for assistance with any aspect of payroll certification.


How to use the eCertification Payroll Distribution System

The Login Screen

Type your SUNet ID and SUNet password to login. This action opens the Home Screen.

The Home Screen

Use this screen to navigate and monitor your review and certification progress. The numbers in the yellow labels on the screenshot correspond to the numbers in the table below.


Home Screen Numbered Labels About

1. The Red Banner 

Persistent in all screens 

Contains navigation links as well as links to the Reports Menu and Help Menu

2. The Green Bar

Displays the Certification Period and the Certification Due Date

3. The Search Box

Use it to search the current screen

Type the word or number you want to locate on the current screen, and click Search.

Click Show All to clear your search.

4. The Charcoal Gray Bar displays titles

4a. Employee Name Column 

Each name is a hyperlink

Click it to navigate to the individual’s Employee Detail Screen

Each individual’s payroll distribution summary is displayed

Your name is listed first. If you are a PI, all the employees working under your direction are listed in alphabetical order below your name

4b. Certification Status and Certification Date Columns

Display your certification progress

The red Not Certified label is displayed for each individual before you certify. 

A green Certified label is displayed after you certify

For employee's who work on multiple sponsored projects under more than one PI, each PI will certify where they are the PI (task owner). Those certified by another PI will display other certifier in the column labeled certification status.

4c.  Note/Attachment Column 

A blue icon indicates there is an attachment 

Click the icon to open the Attachments Tab 

From there you can open any attached document or spreadsheet

5. The Confidentiality Statement

Read the statement. Please contact RFCS if you have questions about the statement.

The Employee Detail Screen

Each employee has a unique detail screen.  Click your name to open your Employee Detail Screen.

Employee Detail Screen Numbered Labels About
1. The Green Banner  Displays the faculty/employee name, title, the certification period and due date.
2. Payroll charges are displayed in four sections.

2.a. Sponsored Projects

2.b. Cost Sharing Accounts

2.c. Over the Salary Cap Category

2.d. Non Sponsored Category

3. The Certification Statement When you certify a payroll distribution, you are acknowledging your agreement with this statement.

4. The Certify Button

Click if you agree with the certification statement for the payroll distribution.

Your certification is recorded and saved.

A green Certified label will be displayed in the column titled Last Action. 

For employee's who work on multiple sponsored projects under more than one PI, each PI will certify where they are the PI (task owner). Those certified by another PI will display other certifier in the column labeled certification status.

5. The Contact My Administrator for Assistance button

Click  if you are not ready to certify

This action will send an email to the task manager for that account via regular email

6. Grey navigation

Previous Employee or Next Employee buttons 

Use to navigate the next or previous Employee Detail Screens

If you prefer, you can return to the list of employees by clicking Home and navigate to the next employee detail screen from there.

7. The Four Tabs

7.a. Payroll Charges Tab

This tab is open as the default when you open an  Employee Detail Screen.

7.b. Notes & History Tab

This tab lists the history of notes attached by anyone who uses this system.

7.c. Attachments Tab

Lists the documents attached by anyone who uses this system. It serves as a document repository.

7.d. Additional Information Tab

Provides a list of the accounts (PTAs) to which the employee's salary is charged.

When you select a PTA from the drop down list, all the information about a specific PTA is displayed.

8. Sign Out

You can complete your review and certification in as many sessions as you wish until the end of the certification period. 

Your work is automatically saved.

Click Sign Out after each session.

9. The Toggle Year Button

This action will direct to a page where the certification year can be selected. (The default year is the current certification period and the button is to be used to navigate to previous years.)

The Employee Detail Screen (con't)


Employee Detail Screen Numbered Label About

1. Notes and History Tab 

Monitor email you sent to a task managers in this system by clicking this tab.

The Employee Detail Screen (con't)

Employee Detail Screen Numbered Label


1. Uncertify Button

You can Uncertify an employee's payroll distribution at anytime during the certification period. 

Scroll to the bottom of the screen to click the Uncertify button.

A red Not Certified label is now displayed in the column titled Last Action.

Return to review and certify that individual by the certification deadline.  

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Task Manager Guide: Certify for Calendar Year 2014


This guide is for research/financial administrators who have been designated as a primary task manger or task manager.

The role of primary task manager was created to ensure privacy and confidentiality of faculty salary information. Primary task managers are designated by the school or department overseer by contacting RFCS. Task managers are assigned in Oracle Financials. Changes made in Oracle Financials to attributes such as task manager are reflected in the eCertification Payroll Distribution System when it is refreshed nightly. 

Both primary task managers and task managers can review the payroll distribution for non-faculty employees. Only the primary task manager for a faculty or individual with a PI waiver can review the payroll distribution for that person. 

View, Review, Monitor Primary Task Managers  Task Managers
Can view the payroll distribution of faculty and individuals with a PI waiver.  Yes No
Can record their review of only those PTAs for which they are the primary task manager. (If the faculty or individual with a PI waiver has multiple task managers his/her Payroll distribution will be labeled Partially Reviewed.) Yes No
Monitors the certification progress of faculty and individuals with a PI waiver. Yes No
Can view the payroll distribution of non-faculty employees.  Yes Yes
Can record their review of only those PTAs for which they are the task manager. (If the employee has multiple task managers a payroll distribution will be labeled Partially Reviewed.) Yes Yes

Monitors the certification progress of non-faculty employees

Yes Yes



1. Review the list of your PIs

On your Home Screen click the arrow on the PI/Certifier View Box.  

  • If a PI is missing from your list, confirm you are not the primary task manager for that PI by checking the Primary Task Manager Report located in the Reports Tab. The Primary Task Report displays faculty and individuals with a PI waiver and their primary task manager.
  • If a primary task manager is not listed, contact your school or department overseer so that one can be identified. Only the primary task manager, school or department overseer and RFCS can view the faculty payroll distribution.

2​. Review the list of employees

On your Home Screen, check the list for unusual charges, missing employees, and employees you don't recognize. 

  • If a faculty or individual with a PI waiver is missing, you are not the primary task manager for that faculty working under the direction of your PI. Click the Reports Tab, and open the Primary Task Manager Report to view the primary task manager assignments.
  • If a non-faculty employee is missing, contact your overseer. Click the Reports Tab, and open the Overseer List to view the overseer assignments.

3. Review each employee's payroll distribution 

On each employee's Employee Detail Screen review the payroll distribution for reasonableness before certifiers access the system in April. 

  • Keep in mind, the Administrative Systems (AS) and Research Finance Compliance and Services (RFCS) teams have reviewed the data in the eCertification Payroll Distribution System to verify that the data with adjustments for EID and payroll adjustments matches the data in the Quarterly Expenditure Statements (149).
  • You do not have to reconcile the payroll distribution data with your Quarterly Expenditure Statements (149). RFCS has done this. RFCS can provide a Reconciliation Report (394D) upon request.  You can also view the Oracle Planning and Actuals Labor Report (671) if you have authority to Labor Distribution Adjuster through Authority Manager. 
  • Contact RFCS if you find an employee with unusual payroll charges such as negative salary amounts or an employee with absent payroll charges. 
  • Make sure all payroll adjustments you have made are reflected in the system.

4. Record your review

Click the Reviewed All button to record your review. Both task managers and primary task managers can record their review only for the PTAs for which they are a task manager.

  • Task Managers are required to have recorded and completed all their reviews by the end of the review period (March 30, 2015).

5. Revise task names if desired in PTA Manager

You may want to give your PTAs a name that is more meaningful or intuitive for you and your PI.

6. Meet with your PIs while they certify

We encourage you to meet with your PIs while they are working in the system to complete certification. You can do this in person or remotely by switching to the PI/Certifier View in the system.

Prepare for meeting with your PI

Click the name of a PI from the PI/Certifier View. The display changes in the following ways. You will see just the employees for that PI, not all those listed in your Home Screen. If you have already recorded your review, you will see a green check mark beside your name in the PI's view. You will not be able to record your review while in the PI view. You must return to your Home Screen to do that.

Identify and process payroll adjustments before your PI certifies

We recommend you meet with your PIs in early April to allow time to identify and process payroll adjustments before your PI reviews and certifies.

  • Keep in mind, OSR requires 3 business days to review and approve or reject payroll adjustments. It takes up to 24 hours for an accepted payroll adjustment to be reflected in the eCertification Payroll Distribution System.
  • Please do not wait until the last minute to post payroll adjustments to avoid the need for your PI to recertify. 

Respond to system generated emails from your PIs

If you do not meet with your PIs while they are reviewing and certifying, you may receive a system generated email requesting your help. Respond to your PI's request, and provide supporting data for an employee's payroll distribution when necessary.

7. Recertification may be triggered by a labor distribution adjustment made after your PI certifies

Respond to system generated email alerting you that recertification is required due to a payroll adjustment.

  • Provide data and back up if recertification is triggered by payroll adjustments after the PI certifies both during the certification period and after the certification deadline.

For more information about recertification please review the Research Policy Handbook section 3.2.

8. Obtain a signed certification document if RFCS makes the request

In rare instances you will receive an email from RFCS asking you to obtain and upload a signed certification document from a certifier. This may be necessary for one of two reasons.

 1. A certifier may not be able to physically login to certify into the eCert Payroll Distribution System. 

2. During the review period you discover an incorrect payroll amount that cannot be corrected in the system. 

9. Request reassign

In rare instances it may be appropriate to request a different certifier for a PTA to which an employee is charged or for the employee. Task managers should request this within the system. Please include a detailed message and the certifier you propose. RFCS will forward your request to the Associate Vice Provost for Research. If approved, the new certifier will be notified by RFCS.

Monitor these requests with two reports available in the Reports Tab: the Request for Reassign Report (shows outstanding requests only), and the Reassignment Report (shows fulfilled requests).

10. Monitor certification progress throughout the year

Ensure PIs complete payroll distribution certification by the certification deadline. In the event certifiers do not meet the deadline, assist your overseer and the RFCS team with the escalation procedure. Please contact RFCS immediately if a PI, faculty or supervisor will not meet the deadline.

Certifiers Leaving Stanford

Certifiers who plan to leave Stanford must complete his or her review and certification before leaving as their award and property under Stanford direction will not be transferred until certification is complete. As soon you are aware a certifier is leaving, contact RFCS and the faculty affairs officer in your school or department.


11. Contacts

Click the contact link above for assistance with any aspect of payroll certification.


Using the eCertification Payroll Distribution System

The Login Screen

Type your SUNet ID and password to login. This action opens the Home Screen. You will work in three screens: the Home Screen, the Employee Detail Screen, and the PI/Certifier View

The Home Screen

This screen opens whenever you login and whenever you click Home. Use this screen to navigate to the other screens and to monitor the review and certification progress. The numbered paragraphs below the screenshot correspond to the numbers in the yellow labels on the screenshot. They explain how to carry out your responsibilities in the system. 

Home Screen Numbered Labels About
1. The Red Banner 

Persistent in all screens 

Contains navigation links as well as links to the Reports Menu and Help Menu

2. The Green Bar Displays the Certification Period and the Certification Due Date
3. In the PI/Certifier View Click the arrow to open a list of your PIs. Click one PI to see just the employees working under that PI's direction.


Home Screen Numbered Labels


4. The Search Box

Use it to search the current screen

Type the word or number you want to locate on the current screen, and click Search.

Click Show All to clear your search.

5. The Charcoal Gray Bar displays titles

Displays the column titles for the summary of each employee's payroll distribution as well as the column titles for monitoring the review and certification progress.

Employee Name Column 

Each name is a hyperlink

Click it to navigate to the individual’s Employee Detail Screen

Each individual’s payroll distribution summary is displayed.

Certification Status Column 

on the right you can view each employee's certification status. A red Not Certified label indicates the employee has not been certified.


Review Status Column 

A red Not Reviewed label indicates the payroll distribution has not been reviewed.

Note/Attachment Column

A blue icon indicates an attachment is available. Click it to open the Attachments Tab. From there you can open the attached document or spreadsheet. The document will also be listed in the Notes and History Tab.

6. The Confidentiality Statement

Read it. Please contact RFCS if you have questions about the statement.


The Employee Detail Screen

Each employee has a unique detail screen. Click an employee name to open his or her Employee Detail Screen. The employee's name is displayed at the top of the screen in the green banner. Use each employee's screen to review his or her payroll distribution, and to record your review. The numbered paragraphs below the screenshot correspond to the numbers in the yellow labels on the screenshot. They explain how to carry out your responsibilities in the system. 


Review the payroll distribution for that employee.Payroll charges are displayed in four sections. Only sections for which there are charges are displayed. The dollar amount represents only salary and does not include staff benefits, vacation accrual, housing allowances, cell phone supplements or BeWell Berries.

  1. Sponsored Projects
  2. Cost sharing Accounts
  3. Over the Salary Cap Category
  4. Non Sponsored Category

Use the buttons on the Employee Detail Screen to record your review.

Reviewed All Button

Click the Review All button record your review. You will see a green Reviewed On Date label in the column titled Last Action.

If you click Home, you will see a green Reviewed label in the column titled Review Status for that employee. 

When the PI logs in, he or she will see a green check mark next to your name indicating your review. You can see this when you switch to a PI/Certifier View.



Other Actions Button

Use this to review by individual PTA. Once you review, either select Reviewed or Request Reassign.

Request Reassignment (rarely used)

In rare instances it may be appropriate to request a different certifier for a PTA to which an employee is charged. Overseers and task managers request this within the eCertification Payroll Distribution System. A request will be forward to the Associate Vice Provost for Research for review and approval.

On the Employee Detail Screen:

Click the Other Actions button

Click Request Reassign

Select RFCS-Admin from the list

In the form: type the name of the suggested certifier, type your message.

Click the Send button.

Monitor these requests with the reports: Request for Reassign Report (shows outstanding requests only), and Reassignment Report.  These reports are available in the Reports drop down menu.

Navigation Buttons

​Click the Next Employee button to view the details of the next employee

Click the Previous Employee button to go back.

Click Home to return to the Home screen.

Four Tabs on the Employee Detail Screen


The Payroll Charges Tab is open by default

The Notes & History Tab - You can read and add notes. Everyone who has access to this employee can view your notes.

The Attachments Tab -  You can view and add documents. Everyone who has access to this employee can view or delete your attachments. This activity will be recorded in Notes & History.

The Additional Information Tab - You can view that employee's information as well as a list of the PTAs to which that employee's salary is charged.

Access the PI/Certifier View

Your PIs may want your help while reviewing and certifying. You can switch to a specific PI's view to prepare and to facilitate communication while meeting.

Follow these steps to switch to an individual PI's view. Keep in mind that when you switch to a PI's view you will not be able to record your review. You must return to your Home Screen to do that.


Click Home.

Select one PI from the PI/Certifier View drop down list. In that PI's view, all the employees working under that PI are listed in alphabetical order after the PI's name.


The Screen is labeled PI View.

Drill down by selecting an employee or return to the Home Screen by selecting Home on the top red banner.



Monitor the certification progress for each employee throughout the certification period. Use the last four columns in your Home Screen.

In the Certify Status Column, a green Certified label indicates certification is complete.

In the Review Status Column a green Reviewed label indicates that you completed your review.

In the Review Date Column, a date indicates the date you completed your review.

In the Request Help Column, an icon indicates a PI requested your help.

View a record of your review on your Home Screen

You may complete your review in as many sessions as you wish before the certification period opens.

Log Out

Click your SUNet ID located in the top right corner of the red banner.


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Overseer Guide: Certify for Calendar Year 2014


This guide is for both school overseers and department overseers where school overseers have designated department overseers to carry out these responsibilities. It outlines oversight and monitoring responsibilities and explains how to carry out those responsibilities in the eCertification Payroll Distribution System.

The review period for overseers is January 20 - February 17, 2015.

The review period for task managers is February 17 - March 30, 2015.

The review and certification period for certifiers is March 31 - June 5, 2015.


1. Review (January 20 - February 17, 2015)

Overseers should complete the following review responsibilities before task managers access the system February 17th, 2015.

  • School overseers contact RFCS to designate department overseers. In the eCertification Payroll Distribution System, verify that the assignments are accurate. Make sure designated department overseers have "salary view authority” in the Authority Manager.
  • If you are both a task manager and a department overseer, be sure to toggle between your two views within the system when carrying out the responsibilities of each role.
  • Verify you can see all Org Code assignments under your authority.
  • Ensure task manager assignments are valid for each certifier. Update task manager assignments in PTA Manager if necessary. Keep in mind; it takes 24 hours for your changes to be reflected in this system. Respond to requests from RFCS and task managers to identify a primary task manager for each faculty and individual with a PI waiver.
  • Review the "Overseer List" located in the "Reports" tab to verify that department overseer assignments, if any, are current. If updates are required, contact with a detailed request.
  • Use the Maintain Primary Task Manager function to identify a Primary Task Manager for each faculty or individual with a PI waiver under your purview.
  • Verify that every task manager responsible for reviewing payroll distribution data for a certifier has "salary view authority" in the Authority Manager. Make necessary corrections in PTA Manager.
  • If the task manager will be absent for a long period, identify a new task manager in PTA Manager, or complete the review for that task manger, and document it in the Notes & History Tab.


2. Monitor Task Managers' Review Progress (February 17 - March 30, 2015)

Ensure task managers complete their review by March 30th, 2015 . You cannot monitor the progress of department overseers from within the system. However, you can quickly access a department overseer's email from within the system in three tabs Certification by Employee, Certification Status by Certifier and Review Status by Task Manager. All three tabs have a column titled Overseers. Click View to display the email of a department overseer. 

3. Monitor Certification Progress (March 31 - June 5, 2015)

Ensure certifiers complete payroll distribution certification by the June 5th, 2015 deadline.

In the event certifiers do not meet the deadline, assist task mangers and RFCS with the escalation procedure.

Ensure certifiers leaving Stanford at anytime during the year complete payroll distribution certification. Certifiers who plan to leave Stanford must complete certification before leaving as their award and property under Stanford direction will not be transferred until certification is complete. As soon you are aware a certifier is leaving, contact RFCS.

4. Monitor the Recertification Process (ongoing)

A payroll adjustment that occurs after certification, whether it is during the certification period or after the June 5, 2015 deadline, may trigger a requirement to re-certify. If the adjustment occurs within the certification period, make sure re-certification is complete by the certification deadline.

If the re-certification requirement is triggered after the certification deadline, the certifier must re-certify within one month of notification. The task manager and certifier will be notified via an email from

For more information about recertification please review the Research Policy Handbook section 3.2. 

5. Request a Reassignment (in rare instances)

In rare instances it may be appropriate to request a different certifier for a PTA to which an employee is charged. Overseers can send a request from within the eCertification Payroll Distribution System. Please include a message and alternate certifier you propose. RFCS will receive, review, and implement your request (if appropriate) after review and approval by the Associate Vice Provost for Research. If approved, the new certifier will be notified by RFCS. 

If a task manager makes this request within the eCertification Payroll Distribution System, you will receive a copy.

Monitor these requests with the reports: Request for Reassign Report (shows outstanding requests only), and Reassignment Report.  These reports are available in the Reports Tab.

6. Obtain and Upload a Signed Certification Document (as needed)

In rare instances you will receive an email from RFCS asking you to obtain and upload a signed certification document from a certifier in two circumstances. This is triggered by a request from a task manager for the following reasons. A certifier may not be able to login to certify into the eCertification Payroll Distribution System. During the review the task manager discovered an incorrect payroll amount that cannot be corrected in the system. 

How to Use the eCertification Payroll Distribution System

The Login Screen

Type your SUNet ID and password to login. This action opens the Home Screen. 

Type your SUNet ID and password to login. This action opens the Home Screen and Home Tab

The Home Screen

This screen opens whenever you login and whenever you click Home. The Certification Status by Employee Tab is always open on the Home Screen. Open the other tabs by clicking them. The numbered paragraphs below the screenshot correspond to the numbers in the yellow labels on the screenshot. They explain how to carry out your responsibilities in the system. 


1. The Red Banner which is available on all three screens contains navigation links to Home, Reports and Help, as well as your SUNet ID and Sign Out link. Click Help to find links to user guides, HelpSU, and contacts. Click Reports to find a list of reports.

2. The Green Bar displays the Certification Period and the Certification Due Date

3. Each tab displays certification status from a different perspective. You will review and monitor in these four tabs.

4. Organization List Search Box 

The search box will change for each of the three tabs:

  1. Certification Status by Employee: Find Employee
  2. Certification by Certifier: Find Certifier
  3. Certification by Task Manager: Find Task Manager

5. Drill Down Section

4. Organization List

5. Drill Down Section

6 . The Confidentiality Statement is displayed only on the Certification Status by Employee Tab.

The eCertification System contains personal salary information. The reports and financial information in this system shall be used in compliance with Stanford Administrative Guide 1.1.1 University Code of Conduct: (3) Confidentiality and Privacy.

How to Carry Out Your Responsibilities in the Tabs

Tab: Certification Status by Employee (the Home Tab)

Here you can access the list of every employee in your organization whose payroll distribution must be certified. The list displays the employee's certification status. Keep in mind, an employee may be listed twice if he or she works in two or more departments or schools. You can access the Employee Detail Screen in two ways.

By Name

Click the grey Find Employee button to display the entire list of employees. From this screen, you can use the search box to search for an employee by name or scan the alphabetized list.

By Organization

To see all the employees in the parent organization, click the hyperlink in the column titled Number of Employees.

To see the employees in the underlying organizations, click the organization for a list of organizations. Then click the hyperlink in the column titled #of Employees

Drill down into the Employee Detail Screen

Request a Reassignment 

In rare instances it may be appropriate to request a different certifier for a PTA to which an employee is charged. Overseers can do this within the eCertification Payroll Distribution System. RFCS will receive your request, and you will receive a copy. On the Employee Detail Screen:

  • Click the Other Action button

  • Click Request Reassign

  • Select RFCS-Admin from the list

  • Type the name of the suggested certifier. Type your message

  • Click the Send button

Monitor these requests with the reports: Request for Reassign Report (shows outstanding requests only), and Reassignment Report.  These reports are available in the Reports drop down menu.

Tab: Certification Status by Certifier

Click the tab to open it. Here you can access the list of certifiers and their certification status. You can access the list in two ways.

  • Click the grey Find Certifier button to display the list. From the list screen, you can use the search box to search for a certifier by name.
  • Click the hyperlink in the column titled #of Certifiers.

Tab: Review Status by Task Manager

Click the tab to open it. Here you can access the list of task managers. The list displays the task manager's review status. Ensure the task manager assignments on the page are current and accurate. 

A red Not Started icon indicates the task manager has not yet reviewed. 

An orange Partially Reviewed icon indicates the task manager has not yet completed his or her review. 

A green Reviewed icon indicates the task manager has completed his or her review.

You can access the list of task managers in two ways.

  • Click the grey Find Task Manager button to display the list. From the list screen, you can use the search box to search for a certifier by name.
  • Click the hyperlink in the column titled #of Managers.

Tab: Manual Certifiers List

Names of the certifiers will be displayed only after you upload a certification document. This functionality is not available unless it is required. RFCS-Admin will email you if this is necessary. This is triggered by a request from a task manager for manual certification.

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Supervisor Guide: Certify for Calendar Year 2014



This guide is for staff supervisors. It outlines review and certification responsibilities and explains how to carry out those responsibilities in the eCertification Payroll Distribution System.

For the purposes of annual payroll distribution review and certification, we have taken steps to identify an administrative contact to assist you with the certification process. The administrative contact was identified by your department administrator.  You can find a list of administrative contacts here.

The certification period is March 31 through June 5th, 2015.



1. Complete your review and certification in the eCertification Payroll Distribution System by June 5, 2015

Review the payroll amounts and percentages to determine whether they are reasonable in relation to the work performed and to the individual’s 100% payroll distribution.  The payroll distribution may not exceed the effort expended on sponsored projects. However, the payroll charge can be less than the effort devoted to that project.

Supervisors review and certify the payroll distribution of employees working under their direction.

  • It is recommended that you meet with your administrative contact before and/or while reviewing and certifying.
  • Task managers (research/financial administrators) have been asked to complete a review of the payroll distribution data before the certification period begins. A green check mark beside the task manager’s name indicates that he or she has reviewed the data and opted to document his or her review.
  • Keep in mind the payroll charges for sponsored projects and cost sharing accounts were certified when the PI reviewed and signed the Quarterly Expenditure Statements (149).
  • If you are interrupted during a review and certification session before you finish, you can easily see, on the Home Screen, which employees you certified and you can return to where you left off. Your work is automatically saved.
  • You can uncertify a previously certified employee and recertify at a later date before the certification deadline.

2. Complete recertification when necessary

Your administrative contact will inform you when recertification is required for an employee due to a payroll adjustment that was made after you certified. Complete recertification within one month of notification.

For more information about recertification please review the Research Policy Handbook section 3.2.

3. Monitor your certification progress

View a summary of your certification progress on the Home Screen

4. Contacts

Click the contact link above for assistance with any aspect of payroll certification.


How to use the eCertification Payroll Distribution System

The Login Screen

Type your SUNet ID and SUNet password to login. This action opens the Home Screen.

The Home Screen

Use this screen to navigate and monitor your review and certification progress. The numbers in the yellow labels on the screenshot correspond to the numbers in the table below. 



Home Screen Numbered Labels About

1. The Red Banner 

Persistent in all screens 

Contains navigation links as well as links to the Reports Menu and Help Menu

2. The Green Bar

Displays the Certification Period and the Certification Due Date

3. The Search Box

Use it to search the current screen

Type the word or number you want to locate on the current screen, and click Search.

Click Show All to clear your search.

4. The Charcoal Gray Bar displays titles

4a. Employee Name Column 

Each name is a hyperlink

Click it to navigate to the individual’s Employee Detail Screen

Each individual’s payroll distribution summary is displayed

4b. Certification Status and Certification Date Columns

Display your certification progress

The red Not Certified label is displayed for each individual before you certify. 

A green Certified label is displayed after you certify

4c. Note/Attachment Column 

A blue icon indicates there is an attachment 

Click the icon to open the Attachments Tab

From there you can open any attached document or spreadsheet

5. The Confidentiality Statement

Read the statement. Please contact RFCS if you have questions about the statement.

The Employee Detail Screen

Each employee has a unique detail screen.  Click your name to open your Employee Detail Screen.

Employee Detail Screen Numbered Labels About

1. The Green Banner 

Displays the faculty/employee name, title, the certification period and due date.

2. Payroll charges are displayed in four sections

2.a. Sponsored Projects

2.b. Cost Sharing Accounts

2.c. Over the Salary Cap Category

2d. Non Sponsored Category

3. The Certification Statement

When you certify a payroll distribution, you are acknowledging your agreement with this statement

4. The Certify Button

Click if you agree with the certification statement for the payroll distribution

Your certification is recorded and saved

A green Certified label will be displayed in the column titled Last Action

5. The Contact My Administrator for Assistance button

Click  if you are not ready to certify

This action will send an email to the task manager for that account via regular email

6. Grey navigation Previous Employee or Next Employee buttons 

Use to navigate the next or previous Employee Detail Screens

If you prefer, you can return to the list of employees by clicking Home and navigate to the next employee detail screen from there

7. The Four Tabs

7.a. Payroll Charges Tab

This tab is open as the default when you open an Employee Detail Screen

7.b. Notes & History Tab

This tab lists the history of notes attached by anyone who uses this system.

7.c. Attachments Tab

Lists the documents attached by anyone who uses this system 

It serves as a document repository

7.d. Additional Information Tab

Provides a list of the accounts (PTAs) to which the employee's salary is charged

When you select a PTA from the drop down list, all the information about a specific PTA is displayed

8. Sign Out

You can complete your review and certification in as many sessions as you wish until the end of the certification period (May 31, 2014)

Your work is automatically saved

Click Sign Out after each session

Employee Detail Screen Numbered Label About

1. Notes and History Tab 

Monitor email you sent to a task managers in this system by clicking this tab.

Employee Detail Screen Numbered Label


1. Uncertify Button

You can uncertify an employee's payroll distribution at anytime during the certification period. 

Scroll to the bottom of the screen to click the Uncertify button.

A red Not Certified label is now displayed in the column titled Last Action.

Return to review and certify that individual by the certification deadline.


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