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Job Market Candidates

Available November 2015 for positions in Summer/Fall 2016

Placement Officers: Nick Bloom 650-725-7836; Kyle Bagwell 650-723-3251

Placement Administrator: Susie Gilbert 650-725-6198

Sandro Ambuehl

Fields of Study: Behavioral & Experimental Economics; Secondary: Microeconomic Theory, Market Design
Job Market Paper: An Offer You Can't Refuse? Incentives Change How We Think

Alina Arefeva

Fields of Study: Macroeconomics, Finance, Real Estate Economics
Job Market Paper: How Auctions Amplify House-Price Fluctuations

Nick Arnosti (MS&E PhD Candidate)

Fields of Study: Market Design, Microeconomic Theory
Job Market Paper: Centralized Clearinghouse Design: A Quantity-Quality Tradeoff

Deniz Aydin

Fields of Study: Finance, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics
Job Market Paper: The Marginal Propensity to Consume Out of Liquidity: Evidence From Random Assignment of 54,522 Credit Lines

Blake Barton

Fields of Study: Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Microeconomics
Job Market Paper: Interpersonal Time Inconsistency and Commitment

Lorenzo Casaburi (Post Doctoral Scholar)

Fields of Study: Development Economics (Primary); Agricultural Economics, Political Economy, International Trade, Public Finance (Secondary)
Job Market Paper: Firm and Market Response to Saving Constraints: Evidence from the Kenyan Dairy Industry

Zoe Cullen

Fields of Study: Applied Microeconomics, Labor, History
Job Market Paper: Equal Pay for Equal Work: Evidence from the Renegotiations of Short-term Work Contracts

Andres Drenik

Fields of Study: Macroeconomics, Labor, International Finance
Job Market Paper: Labor Market Dynamics After Nominal Devaluations

Egemen Eren

Fields of Study: Primary: Financial Intermediation, Monetary Economics; Secondary: Empirical Asset Pricing, Macroeconomics
Job Market Paper: Matching Prime Brokers and Hedge Funds

Daniel Garcia-Macia

Fields of Study: Macroeconomics, Finance
Job Market Paper: The Financing of Ideas and the Great Deviation

Michela Giorcelli

Fields of Study: Labor Economics, Applied Microeconomics, History
Job Market Paper: The Effects of Management and Technology Transfer: Evidence from the Marshall Plan Productivity Program

Phuong Le

Fields of Study: Market Design, Mechanism Design, Microeconomic Theory Econometrics
Job Market Paper: Group Strategy-Proof Combinatorial Auctions

Shengwu Li

Fields of Study: Microeconomic Theory, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Matching, Market Design
Job Market Paper: Obviously Strategy-Proof Mechanisms

Xing Li

Fields of Study: Industrial Organization, Econometrics, Economics of Innovation
Job Market Paper: Paying Incumbents and Customers to Enter an Industry: Buying Downloads

Isaac Opper

Fields of Study: Public Economics (emphasis on Education), Industrial Organization
Job Market Paper: Does Helping John Help Sue? Evidence of Spillovers in Education
picture of Joe Orsini

Joe Orsini

Fields of Study: Industrial Organization, Health Economics
Job Market Paper: Regulated Age-Based Pricing in Health Insurance Exchanges

Igor Popov

Fields of Study: Public Economics, Industrial Organization, Behavioral Economics
Job Market Paper: Homeless Programs and Social Insurance

Igor Salitskiy

Fields of Study: Corporate Finance
Advisor(s): Martin Schneider, Jeffrey Zwiebel, Josef Zechner

Orie Shelef (Post Doctoral Scholar)

Fields of Study: Applied Microeconomics, Personnel Economics, Organizational Economics
Job Market Paper: Competing for Labor Through Contracts

Mari Tanaka

Fields of Study: Development Economics, International Trade, Labor Economics
Job Market Paper: Exporting Sweatshops? Evidence from Myanmar

Pietro Tebaldi

Fields of Study: Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomic Theory, Health Economics
Job Market Paper: Estimating Equilibrium in Health Insurance Exchanges: Price Competition and Subsidy Design under the ACA

Yiqing Xing

Fields of Study: Microeconomics, Experimental Economics, Development Economics, Social and Economic Networks
Job Market Paper: Who Shares Risk with Whom and How? Endogenous Matching and Selection of Risk Sharing Equilibria

Rui Xu

Fields of Study: Macroeconomics, Labor, International Economics
Job Market Paper: High-Skilled Migration and Global Innovation

Constantine Yannelis

Fields of Study: Public Finance, Labor, Consumer Finance
Job Market Paper: Asymmetric Information in Student Loans