Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal

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Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal is a collection of Hadith collected by Sunni scholar Ibn Hanbal to whom the Hanbali madhab of Sunnis is attributed.


Front cover of Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibne Hanbal.

It is said by some that Ibn Hanbal made a comment in regards to his book which read as follows: "I have only included a hadith in this book if it had been used as evidence by some of the scholars." Certain Hanbali scholars, such as Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi claimed that the Musnad contains hadiths that are fabricated by interpolation (i.e. the narrator jumbling up information, mixing texts and authoritative chains), which were said to be nine Hadiths by some, or fifteen Hadiths by some others. However, it is agreed that the hadith that are suspected to be fabricated are not new hadiths that are creations of a dubious narrator's imagination.[1]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Fatawa of Ibn Taimiya, vol 1, page 248.

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