Resources for junior faculty

[Photo: junior faculty members]
Assistant professors Drew Endy and Christina Smolke of the Bioengineering department

Stanford provides a number of resources specifically aimed toward assisting new and junior faculty. This section lists some of the policies and opportunities that apply particularly to assistant professors and associate professors.


Faculty child care assistance program

The Faculty Child Care Assistance Program is available to full-time faculty (assistant and associate professors in tenure-, non-tenure- and Medical Center lines who have not yet received tenure or promotion to continuing term). The program provides financial assistance for child care to families with children age five and under. Spouses or registered domestic partners must be working at least 30 hours per week or be disabled, a fulltime student or looking for work (if married to or a partner of newly-hired faculty).

Award levels ($5,000 to $20,000) are based on family-adjusted-gross income for those whose income does not exceed a set threshold (Total adjusted gross family income may not exceed $199,999 per year, including any child support payments.) If a family has more than one child younger than five, the total award is increased by $1,000. The awards are disbursed through reimbursements for child-care expenses and are paid as taxable salary supplements. This program is administered by the WorkLife Office. For more information see the website.

Junior faculty dependent care travel grants

Stanford offers junior faculty (assistant and associate professors in tenure-, non-tenure- and Medical Center-lines who have not yet received tenure or promotion to continuing term) taxable grants for qualified dependent care expenses incurred when traveling to attend professional meetings, conferences, workshops and professional development opportunities or to conduct research or scholarship. The grant is funded at a level intended to provide for reasonable and approved expenses, up to a maximum of $500 post-tax per calendar year.

Awards may be used for either child or adult dependent care, including for:

• Care at an alternative location (including at home) for after-hours care while you are away.
• Reasonable dependent care expenses over and above the costs, if any, that you would normally incur for care here, if your dependent must travel with you.
• Duplicate care, i.e., dependent care at a conference or research site if you must continue to pay to preserve dependent care space or coverage here.
• Travel expenses for a caregiver.

Grants are administered as either a reimbursement or a grant in advance and are paid as additional compensation and considered taxable income. This program is administered by the WorkLife Office.

Junior faculty leave policy (School of Humanities and Sciences)

Tenure-track assistant professors in the School of Humanities and Sciences who are reappointed to a second term may take a full year of sabbatical at 100% pay (on the nine-month base salary) during their fifth or sixth year. The intent of this program is to provide every reappointed assistant professor with a full year of leave to enhance the preparation for tenure review and to provide a period of time for pure research leave.

Junior faculty professional development program

CCSRE (the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity) sponsors Research Institute Fellowships for Stanford Faculty, which are designed to help young faculty produce high-quality scholarship and research during their early years at Stanford by providing time off from teaching responsibilities.

Presidential research grants for junior faculty

The Presidential Research Grants for Junior Faculty Program gives unrestricted research grants to junior faculty in the Schools of Earth Sciences, Engineering, and Humanities and Sciences. It is structured to provide an incentive at the time of appointment, and a reward for those who achieve tenure. These three schools were chosen for the pilot program to recognize that faculty in these schools have a major responsibility for teaching and advising undergraduates. This program supports the President's emphasis on the synthesis of research and teaching.

Each assistant professor will receive a $5,000 grant in the year of hire, followed by $5,000 at the time of reappointment as an assistant professor or as an untenured associate professor. If a candidate is awarded tenure, he or she will be given a $10,000 research grant in a single lump sum. The funds may be used for travel to scholarly meetings or to conduct research, to procure research materials, to defray the costs of publication, to purchase computers, or for any other purpose in direct support of a faculty member's research program. The funds may not serve as salary support for the recipient, that is, the funds may not be used to support a leave without salary, summer salary, or housing supplements. The recipients will not be required to report on their use of the funds.

Research guide for new faculty

Online guide to help new faculty with research