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Khmer Rouge Tribunal Monitoring Report - Case 002/01 Report Issue No. 30 (Khmer)

Publication Date: 
Aug 02, 2012
Executive Summary: 

Rochoem Ton alias “Cheam,” a former high-ranking cadre from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), continued his testimony this week.  He provided details on his decision to join the revolution, the evacuation of Phnom Penh, the interaction between Office 870 and the MFA, the administration of the MFA, and Ieng Sary’s powers and duties. The Defense Teams attempted to challenge Rochoem Ton’s credibility by confronting him with statements he made in previous interviews, as well as other witnesses’ statements, that were inconsistent with his testimony.

After the conclusion of Rochoem Ton’s examination on Thursday, the Trial Chamber called another former MFA cadre, Mr. Suong Sikoeun, to the witness stand.  Suong Sikoeun’s testimony covered several matters, including his early years as a revolutionary, some CPK policies, FUNK and GRUNK, and the roles Ieng Sary and Khieu Samphan played in these organizations.

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