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2015 Honors Cohort with Dr. Gould

2015 Honors Cohort with Dr. Gould


Honors Program for International Relation's Majors

International Relation's (IR) honors program offers qualified IR students the opportunity to conduct a major independent research project under faculty guidance. Such a project requires a high degree of initiative and dedication, significant amounts of time and energy, and demonstrated skills in research and writing. The Program is interdisciplinary and enables you to undertake a wide variety of research projects. Previous students have written theses on topics such as: international political economy, international security, regional integration, human rights, domestic issues in foreign countries, international education and regional Issues (this list is by no means exhaustive). You may select to work with faculty throughout the university, and will be equipped with the professional "tools" to undertake your own independent research, analyze the findings, and write a final research thesis. 

For more information on the IR Honors program, contact Erica Gould at




Applications for the 2017 cohort are now open. Applications are due by Tuesday, March 1, 2016.


Info & Application Materials:

  1. Cohort 2017 Policies & Guidlines   honors_in_international_relations_policies_and_guidelines_final_2016_pdf.pdf
  2. Cohort 2017 Application Proposal   ir_honors_thesis_proposal_16-17_pdf.pdf




Below are recommended timelines, and policy issues to help you begin your honors thesis work.



  • Minimum 3.5 overall grade point average
  • Good Academic Standing
  • Successful experience writing a research paper
  • A faculty advisor approved honors thesis proposal and approval from the IR Program



  • You must receive at least a “B+” in your honors work to graduate with honors.
  • You will receive an “N” grade for INTNLREL 198 (Honors) in the fall and winter quarters until your final letter grades are assigned at the end of spring quarter.



  • Over the fall, winter, and spring quarters, you should anticipate enrolling in a total of 8-15 units of honors thesis work (INTNLREL 198). Enrollment in units will be monitored. INTNLREL 200A , 200B, and 200C do not count towards the 8-15 units for INTNLREL 198.
  • Seniors who have completed all of their undergraduate degree requirements may register as Permit for Services Only (PSO) in the spring quarter of their senior year while completing their thesis (please note however that international students cannot register for PSO status).



  • Your Thesis Advisor must be a Stanford Academic Council faculty member (the IR office can confirm Academic Council status for you if you are unsure).
  • Your Thesis Advisor is responsible for assigning your grade for honors.
  • You are encouraged to choose a secondary reader, among any faculty member at Stanford, if their expertise would be beneficial in conducting your thesis research.


Required Courses

  • The spring quarter of your junior year you will take the IR Honors Field Research course (INTNLREL 200A), which is mandatory for all IR Honors students. The course is letter-graded.
  • In your senior year, all Honors students should enroll in the fall quarter course (INTNLREL 200B), which will focus on the analysis of research findings and initial steps in writing the thesis. At the end of the quarter, you should expect to have 1-2 chapters of your thesis submitted in draft form.
  • In your senior year, all Honors students should enroll in the winter quarter course (INTNLREL 200C), in which students continue to present their research, as well as give and receive feedback on each other's research.
  • All honors students are required to participate in the Honors Conference in the spring quarter of your senior year. You must present your thesis and attend the conference. Dates TBA (usually in mid-May).


Other Policies

  • There is no fixed length for your honors thesis. Most honors theses in International Relations are between 70-100 pages, plus notes and bibliography.
  • If you are conducting interviews or surveys in your research, you must contact the Human Subjects Protocol Panel for appropriate protocol.


Recommended Timeline 


Junior Year

  • Enroll in a course dealing with the subject you wish to pursue in your honors work. Take a writing seminar to help develop research and writing skills.
  • Define a viable thesis topic and consult with possible faculty members who can serve as your thesis advisor. Before the end of the academic year, develop a work plan with your advisor.
  • Contact UAR during the beginning of Winter Quarter if you wish to apply for a grant to conduct research during the summer.
  • If you are conducting interviews or surveys in your research, you must contact the Human Subjects Protocol Panel for appropriate protocol.
  • Attend the IR Honors information meeting in February.
  • Submit your IR Honors Thesis Proposal application by the deadline – 2016 date: March 1, 2016
  • Enroll in INTNLREL 200A (IR Honors Field Research) in the spring quarter.


  • Sharpen your proposal and start your research. The more research you do over the summer, the more you can concentrate on writing once you get back to campus.
  • Consider participating in the Bing Honors College, which gives honors students the opportunity to focus on their theses as well as work with faculty advisors for three weeks in September before the start of senior year.


Senior Year

Autumn Quarter

  • All Honors students should enroll in the honors fall quarter course (INTNLREL 200B), which will focus on the analysis of research findings and initial steps in writing the thesis. At the end of the quarter, you should expect to have two chapters of your thesis submitted in draft form.
  • Enroll in INTNLREL 198 (IR Honors Thesis) with your Thesis Advisor for 2-5 units. You should enroll in no more than 5 thesis related units per quarter. At the end of the honors program, you will be required to have completed 8-15 total units of IR 198.
  • Establish a timeline for draft completion and/or progress check-points in consultation with your advisor.


Winter Quarter

  • Enroll in course (INTNLREL 200C), in which you will continue to present your research, as well as give and receive feedback on each other's research.
  • Enroll in INTNLREL 198 (IR Honors Thesis) with your Thesis Advisor for 2-5 units. Continue to meet with your Faculty Advisor as agreed.


Spring Quarter

  • Enroll in INTNLREL 198 (IR Honors Thesis) with your Thesis Advisor for 2-5 units. You should plan to submit a first draft of your complete thesis by the third week of the quarter so that comments and revisions can be made. The draft should be submitted to your secondary advisor if you have one.
  • Prepare your honors thesis presentation and attend the honors conference (mid-May).
  • Submit one copy of your thesis to your advisor and one bound copy & one electronic copy to the IR Program Office by the announced due-date. If you want to be considered for a thesis award, you should submit your completed thesis to your advisor and the IR Program Office in advance. Due-dates to be announced (usually mid-May to be considered for awards and early June for the final deadline). 

How to Apply

Are you a declared IR major interested in completing a major independent research project, developing a close relationship with a faculty advisor, and graduating with honors? Our program is interdisciplinary and enables students to pursue a wide variety of research topics. Students can elect to work with faculty throughout the university, and will be equipped with the professional “tools” to undertake their own independent research, analyze the findings, and write a final research thesis. Successful students will possess a high degree of initiative and dedication and also demonstrated skills in research and writing. Contact Erica Gould at: to learn more.



Applications for the 2017 cohort are now open. Applications are due by Tuesday, March 1, 2016.


Info & Application Materials:

  1. Cohort 2017 Policies & Guidlines   honors_in_international_relations_policies_and_guidelines_final_2016_pdf.pdf
  2. Cohort 2017 Application Proposal  ir_honors_thesis_proposal_16-17_pdf.pdf



                                                                                        Biola Macaulay, Rebecca Mehra, Simone Nelsen, and Hope Sheils 
                                                                     IR Honors students attending the 2015 SURPS Conference:
                                                               Biola Macaulay, Rebecca Mehra, Simone Nelsen, and Hope Sheils