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Using TSM to Restore a File or Perform a Manual Backup

Getting started

Start the TSM Backup program to initiate a file restore or perform a manual (i.e., a non-scheduled) backup.

The TSM Graphical User Interface (GUI) (see figure, below) contains four buttons:

  1. Backup. Used to perform a manual (nonscheduled) backup of a file system or individual files.
  2. Restore. Used to restore a file or files.
  3. Archive. The Archive function is not currently available. DO NOT USE.
  4. Retrieve. The Retrieve (from Archive) function is not currently available. DO NOT USE.


TSM Graphical User Interface Window
TSM Graphic User Interface

Backing up a file

Click on the "Backup" button in the GUI. A window will open with a representation of your local system.

Navigate to the drive, folder, or file you want to back up. Click the button in the left column to select the file or files you want to back up.

Click "Backup."

Restoring a file

Click the GUI "Restore" button. A window will open with a representation of your local system.

Navigate to the drive, folder, or file you want to restore. Click the select button in the left column to choose which files to restore.

Click "Restore." The Restore Destination window will open. Specify where you want the file to be restored (to the original or to a different location).

Last modified December 9, 2015