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Support Group Lead Role, Responsibilities and Capabilities

Responsibilities of support group lead

Each Support Group in Remedy must name a Support Group Lead. The Support Group Lead is the primary contact for each support group in Remedy. The Support Group Lead assists with the oversight and management of unresolved case backlogs, as well as acting as an approver for any routing rule changes or other Remedy system configurations affecting their support groups.

To facilitate the management of customer requests to resolution, University IT will provide the Support Group Lead with a weekly report of unresolved HelpSU Incident Cases older than 5 business days. University IT will work with the Support Group Lead to make sure such requests are actively worked and ultimately resolved.

Special capabilities of support group leads

Support Group Lead functions are selected from the Group Lead Functions menu in the left sidebar of the Overview Console. The two areas in which they have special capabilities are in creating Templates, and in managing their Group membership and configuration.

Functionality of the templates feature

Templates are an excellent way to populate a New Incident with standard information that is entered on a regular basis by any support group: a kind of "quick ticket". Support Group Leads can create templates (as many as they want) for their groups that have prefilled fields (as many as the group feels are appropriate) to speed Incident creation. For example, Summary, and Description, Classification, Resolution etc. can each be pre-defined for certain kind of frequent requests, leaving only the Customer's contact information and specific problem details to be filled in by the support staff. Using templates can allow the support staff create and resolve an Incident in just a few clicks.

User/group management

The Support Group Lead has the capability to configure users in their support groups, as well as some aspects of the group's support profile.

The Support Group lead can manage the membership of the support group, adding and deleting users as appropriate, or marking members as Available or Unavailable, due to vacation or other leave.

Note: Support Group Leads cannot assign Remedy licenses to brand-new users, that must be done by University IT staff via a HelpSU request

More information

For more information on these capabilities, along with screen shots, please refer to Support Group Lead Role, Responsibilities, and Capabilities [PDF].

Last modified December 10, 2015