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VPN (Virtual Private Network)


Two-Step Authentication for VPN

As of February 25, 2015, two-step authentication is required to access the Stanford VPN. See Two-Step Authentication for VPN for more information.

Access to Restricted Library Journals From Off-Campus

Stanford University Libraries (SUL) is updating the method by which authorized community members access restricted journals from off-campus.

Rather than using Stanford's VPN (Virtual Private Network),  SUL wants community members to use its EZProxy service:

The community is encouraged to use this new method immediately.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a remote access technology that creates a private encrypted connection over the Internet between a single host and Stanford's private network, SUNet.

Stanford's VPN allows you to connect to Stanford's network as if you were on campus, making access to restricted services possible. There are two types of VPN available:

  • Default Stanford (split-tunnel) allows access to anything at via the VPN connection but non-Stanford traffic flows normally on an unencrypted internet connection.
  • Full Traffic (non-split-tunnel) encrypts all internet traffic from your computer but may inadvertently block you from using resources on your local network, such as a networked printer at home. This also allows access to library journals as if you were on campus.


  • When using VPN, your off-campus computer is dynamically assigned a Stanford IP address to connect back to Stanford's network.
  • A Stanford IP address allows you access to Stanford's computing resources and certain campus services (e.g., departmental file and print servers).

Getting started

Select your operating system to see the VPN configuration instructions for your device:

Learn more

Last modified November 30, 2015