Professor Juliet Brodie Appointed Associate Dean for Clinical Education


Publish Date:
March 21, 2013
  • Stanford Law School
Stanford Law School
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Juliet M. Brodie 3
Juliet M. Brodie, Professor of Law and Director, Stanford Community Law Clinic

STANFORD, Calif., March 21, 2013—Stanford Law School today announced the appointment of Juliet M. Brodie, who has directed the Stanford Community Law Clinic since 2006, to Associate Dean for Clinical Education, effective June 15.

“I am delighted that Juliet Brodie will lead the Mills Legal Clinic,” said Law School Dean Elizabeth Magill. “Juliet is an exceptional lawyer, an inspiring teacher, and a natural leader. She has built the Community Law Clinic into a powerhouse. The Mills Legal Clinic is already gem of the academic program at Stanford Law School. I know Juliet will bring it to even greater heights.”

“I am humbled by the opportunity to help the clinical faculty continue to build and operate programs that give extraordinary learning opportunities to our students and that provide great service to clients,” said Brodie. “Stanford should be very proud of its clinics, and I’m excited to play whatever role I can in continuing their growth and sustaining their excellence.”

Professor Brodie is a graduate of Brown University and Harvard Law School. Before joining the Stanford Law School faculty in 2006, Professor Brodie was an associate clinical professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School. She began her career as a litigation associate at the Boston law firm Hill & Barlow and went on the serve as an assistant attorney general for the state of Wisconsin, prosecuting health care providers accused of Medicaid fraud. She has served as a member of the editorial board of the Clinical Law Review and of the executive committee of the Section on Poverty Law at the AALS. She was co-chair (2009–2011) of the AALS Clinical Education Section Subcommittee on Lawyering in the Public Interest (Bellow Scholar Program). She is a frequent speaker on community lawyering, clinical education, and representing low-income clients in civil matters.

The Stanford Law School clinical program now includes 11 clinics operating across a wide array of substantive practice areas as well as practice types. The substantive areas range from criminal defense to Supreme Court litigation to religious liberty to education law. And the practice types are just as wide-ranging: alongside trial and appellate litigation in clinics like the Supreme Court Litigation Clinic and the Criminal Defense Clinic, Stanford’s clinics expose students to transactional work (in the Organizations and Transactions Clinic), to policy work (in the Environmental Law and Youth and Education Law clinics), to client advising (in many of the clinics). Students enroll in clinics full-time for a quarter, and over the past four years, more than 60 percent of our students have taken at least one clinic.