Some recent publications of Humanities and Area Studies curators

March 5, 2019
Sarah B Sussman

Many curators in HASRG balance active research in their subject fields with daily work at Stanford Library. Participating in the scholarly and professional debates in our areas of expertise shapes how we develop the collections,  and allows us to provide top notch research and outreach services to students and scholars at Stanford and in the larger academic realm. A recently-formed writing group, organized by Margarita Nafpaktitis, Eitan Kensky, and Kathleen Smith, offers collegial support.

To this end, here’s a bibliography of some recent curatorial publications – they represent research in a wide range of topics and languages, and show yet another way that we put Stanford’s collections to good use.

Capitanio, Joshua. "Sanskrit and Pseudo-Sanskrit Incantations in Daoist Ritual Texts," History of Religions 57, no. 4 (2018): 348-405.

Kensky, Eitan. "Old Media, New Media" for AJS Perspectives, the magazine of the Association for Jewish Studies. 2018.

 Kensky, Eitan. "Young Lions: How Jewish Authors Reinvented the American War Novel by Leah Garrett.Studies in American Jewish Literature 37, no. 2 (2018): 211-214.

Kensky, Eitan. "Dress British, Think YiddishJewish Review of Books. Summer 2018.   

Kensky, Eitan. “Moses Mendelssohn Walks Into a Bar... Review of The First Book of Jewish Jokes edited by Elliott OringMoment Magazine. September 2018.

Krupa, Barbara. „Zygmunt Haupt: między popularyzacją a demagogią.” Jestem bardzo niefortunnym wyborem: Studia i szkice o twórczości Zygmunta Haupta, red. A. Niewiadomski, P. Panas, Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 2018, ss. 181-192. (Krupa, Barbara. “Zygmunt Haupt: between popularization and demagogy.” I am a very unfortunate pick:  Studies and sketches on Zygmunt Haupt’s writings, edited by Andrzej Niewiadomski and Pawel Panas: 181-192. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 2018.)

Krupa, Barbara. „Zygmunt Haupt – pisarz, tłumacz, redaktor Głosu Ameryki, popularyzator książek i czytelnik.” Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi 2017: 11, ss. 231-252.  (Krupa, Barbara. “Zygmunt Haupt –a writer, translator, Voice of America editor, book promotor and a reader.” Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections 11 (2017): 231-252.)

Lowood, Henry. "Interview: Henry Lowood" (interviewed by Alison Gazzard and Carl Therrien). Kinephanos: Journal of Media Studies and Popular Culture - Special Issue: Preserving Play (August 2018): 10-20.

Lowood, Henry. (With Eric Kaltman and Joseph Osborn) "Screen Capture and Replay: Documenting Gameplay as Performance." In: Histories of Performance Documentation: Museum, Artistic and Scholarly Practices, edited by Gabriella Giannacchi and Jonah Westerman, 149-64. New York and London: Routledge, 2017.

Lowood, Henry. "Software Archives and Software Libraries," in Challenging Collections: Approaches to the Heritage of Recent Science and Technology, ​eds. Alison Boyle and Johannes-Geert Hagmann, 68-86. Artefacts: Studies in the History of Science and Technology; X. Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Scholarly Press, 2017.

Perkins, C. Ryan. “London, Lucknow and the Global Indian City, c. 1857-1920.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, October 1, 2017: 611–26.

Perkins, C. Ryan. “ A Bounty of Gems: Yūsuf u Zulaykhā in Pashto.” In Jāmī in Regional Contexts: The Reception of ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Jāmī’s Works in the Islamicate World, ca. 9th/15th-14th/20th Century, edited by Thibaut d’Hubert and Alexandre Papas: 777-797. Leiden: Brill, 2018.

Sussman, Sarah. "Outre-Atlantique. Les collections françaises dans les bibliothèques américaines.Revue de la BNF, vol. 57, no. 2 (2018) : 48-65.



Sarah B Sussman

Curator, French and Italian Collections
Head, International and Area Studies Resource Group