At a glance

East Asia Library

Reserving Space at EAL

The East Asia Library has six meeting rooms of vaious sizes for event use. Use of space at the East Asia Library is limited to Stanford-affliated academic events such as lectures, conferences and seminar meetings that are free and open to the public.

Events are permitted only during EAL hours of operation:

Monday – Thursday: 9am – 10pm
Friday: 9am – 6pm

Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: 1pm – 9pm

Since library hours vary during intersessions please check library calendar before making a reservation. Please schedule your events to end at least half an hour before the library closes to allow time for cleaning. Room requests should be made using the online request reservation form.


  • During the summer sessions, EAL meeting rooms are generally closed to groups and persons not associated with the East Asian studies programs at Stanford or the Stanford University Libraries system.
  • The East Asia Library is designed to provide a quiet atmosphere in which all Stanford affiliates carry out research and writing. All groups using EAL meeting rooms should make every effort to maintain this atmosphere. No loud activities are permitted at any time.
  • Any group using EAL meeting rooms is required to ensure that their personnel will set up, staff, and break down the event. All tables, chairs and equipment should be returned to their original position. EAL staff is not available to answer questions for event participants.
  • Limited food and drink served in conjunction with your event is permitted only in Room 224. Please consult EAL first if you will serve hot food. You must provide your PTA and request cleaning service with DTZ for any events that serve food. Please refer to Room 224 for more detailed information.
  • EAL will provide only basic technical support for your event. You can request full technical support and any additional equipment required from Events and Labor Services.
  • Key pick-up and return: Only one key will be given out per event for events held in lecture rooms (Room 224, 212, 338). The key may be picked up at the circulation desk and must be returned after you open the door. Please ask the circulation staff to lock the door after your event. Events held in group study rooms (Room 324 and 327) do not need a key.


All departments and student groups of Stanford University are eligible to use the facility according to the following priorities:

  • Center for East Asian Studies and related units on campus
  • Events enhancing or promoting the study of East Asia
  • Academic accommodations for individuals registered with the Office of Accessible Education
  • Units and staff in the University Libraries system.

Space may not be used for:

  • Administrative functions
  • Social events
  • Student Services
  • Receptions not in conjunction with conferences or lectures
  • Dinners whether or not in conjunction with conferences or lectures
  • Any event that is not free and open to the Stanford community or general public


If you wish to reserve one of the EAL's rooms, please submit an online request reservation form at least three work days prior to your event. Requests can be made up to six months prior to event date. We will respond to your requests within two work days.


Please submit notice of cancellation as early as possible to Xiaowen Wang.

Available Spaces

Room 224

  • Capacity: 49
  • Lectern: 1
  • Writable wall
  • AV equipment: Projection screen including speaker system, 1 microphone attached to lectern, 1 handheld microphone, and VGA/HDMI laptop connection. A work order to Event Services Group can be placed requesting any other equipment needed.
  • Limited food and drink served in conjunction with your event is permitted in this room. Please mark your food preferences clearly on the event request form and consult EAL first if you will serve hot food. Please provide your own food, dishes and catering. No kitchen facilities are available. You will need to provide your PTA on request form and billed for any damage to the carpet and furnishings.
  • If food is served for your event, you need to contact DTZ to schedule cleaning service right after the event, and give them your PTA.  Please see more information on Stanford Custodial Services

Room 212

  • Capacity: 28
  • Mobile white board
  • AV equipment: 72” monitor and VGA/HDMI laptop connection. A work order to Event Services Group can be placed requesting any other equipment needed.

Room 338

  • Capacity: 31
  • Writable wall
  • AV equipment: Projection screen and VGA/HDMI laptop connection. A work order to Event Services Group can be placed requesting any other equipment needed.

Room 324

  • Capacity: 6
  • Writable wall

Room 327

  • Capacity: 10
  • Writable wall

Room 324 and 327 are group study rooms. When not booked for events or meetings, users can use these rooms on a first come first served basis. Daily event schedules will be placed outside of each room. Please respect room schedules and plan your use accordingly.

EAL also has individual study rooms that could be reserved quarterly by visiting scholars and postdoctoral fellows. If interested, please e-mail Xiaowen Wang to reserve. We would prefer an accompanying note from your advisor or hosting faculty. Please note that these rooms are in high demand and we are sorry if we cannot fill all the requests.