How We Learn

Scholarly Concentration, Didactics, Therapy Training, Pathways, Research Track, and Diversity

Scholarly Concentration

At Stanford, we put a lot of emphasis on self-directed and independent learning, coupled with strong mentorship to allow you to get to your goals. One of the ways in which we implement this philosophy is through our well-received scholarly concentration (elective) time in our curriculum. PGY-2 residents receive 8 weeks of full-time to explore their interests, whether they be clinical, educational, or research-related; PGY-3 residents receive 200 hours spread out throughout the year, and PGY-4 residents receive 500 hours spread out over 6-12 months. This is 100% protected time to pursue our interests (and residents often expand their projects to more than just the time allotted to them). Here are some of the ways in which residents are currently (or in the recent past) using their concentration time:

Clinical Examples

Psychopharmacology Clinics for Special Populations

  • Women’s Wellness (i.e. pregnant and lactating women)
  • La Clinica
  • Sports Psychiatry (student and professional athletes)
  • Psych-Oncology Clinic
  • HIV Psychiatry (Positive Care Clinic)
  • Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (additional/early clinical rotations)

Additional Training in Psychotherapy:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
  • Couples & Family Therapy
  • Advanced Topics in CBT
  • DBT for Adult Eating Disorders
  • Same-Sex Couples Therapy
  • Black CAPS (African and African-American Stanford students)
  • Advanced Topics in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • Mindfulness-based substance use reduction therapy
  • Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy for issues related to minority/LGBT identity

Additional Interventions:

  • TMS and DBS
  • Consultations on the inpatient units for patients with Functional Neurological Disorder
  • Home visits
  • Screening for Eating Disorders

Exploratory & QI Examples

  • Writing columns on mental health in popular media outlets (i.e. Washington Post, Scientific American)
  • Literature of Psychosis - studying psychosis through artistic expressions and literary works
  • Studying cultural influences on body image perceptions
  • Understanding Health Technology
  • Interviewing teens at juvenile hall to better understand risk and protective factors
  • Development of a Spiritual Psychiatric Integrative Residential Intensive Treatment Program (SPIRIT)
  • Effective interventions for the prevention of PTSD in post-disaster settings
  • Designing ICUs to reduce delirium potential (in collaboration with the Stanford Design School)
  • Archetypal and Existential Psychotherapy
  • Creating medical documentation orientation for interns

Educational Examples

  • Development of lunchtime talks on mental health portrayals in the public media
  • Resident-led Medical student support groups
  • Gender & Sexuality, Culture & Spirituality Curriculum Development
  • Guiding Asian parents towards more effective communication with their teens (
  • Creating educational materials for early psychosis patients
  • Inpatient curriculum development for residents to teach medical students
  • Completing an MPH or MBA
  • Minority Stress and Outreach Workshops
  • Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Fellowship
  • Development of a Stanford University course: Leadership in Mental Health
  • Assisting Psychiatry faculty in the teaching of Stanford undergraduate humanities courses: Culture & Madness, and Psych & Art & Literature
  • Co-leading underclassmen in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy supervision

Global Mental Health Examples

  • Jujuy, Argentina
  • Chennai, India
  • Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala
  • Petra, Jordan
  • Kathmandu, Nepal (post-earthquake)
  • Houston, TX (post-hurricane)

Research Examples

  • Influential factors in high-functioning psychosis
  • Development of interdisciplinary simulation modules
  • Metabolic Disorder in patients with schizophrenia in Argentina
  • Biomarkers using EEG for the Amelioration of Mood disorders (BEAM) study
  • Benzodiazepine Review manuscript
  • Factors driving educational inequality
  • Geriatric psychiatry inpatient interventions for reducing readmission
  • Studying effects of various therapy models for functional neurological disorder
  • Neuroimaging in children with autism
  • Understanding the impact of the environment on health-behaviors (nutrition, healthy eating, community food systems, food security)
  • Needs assessment in access to mental health care in underserved community of East San Jose
  • Functional connectivity of adolescents at risk for depression
  • Eating disorder assessments and treatments
  • Reviewing literature on stigma and mental health utilization by Korean immigrants and Korean-Americans
  • Outcomes for ECT non-remitters
  • Imaging studies in substance use disorders and PTSD
  • Cultural factors in caretaking of chronically mentally ill patients in the Chinese community
  • Refugee Mental Health, Human Rights, and Gender-Based Violence
  • Obesity and Weight Management Disorders
  • Qualitative research regarding attitudes of athletes and cultural aspects of athletics that influence participation in mental health interventions

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