Clinical Neuroscience Immersion Experience (CNI-X)

Clinical Neuroscience Immersion Experience (CNI-X) at Stanford University

The Clinical Neuroscience Immersion Experience (CNI-X) at Stanford University is an intensive one-week summer program that generally follows a student’s sophomore, junior, or senior year of high school. During this week, students from across California, the country, and the world are exposed to the breadth of research found in the Stanford Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Through interactive seminars with Stanford faculty and researchers, students learn about principles of neuroscience, clinical neuropsychiatry, neuroscience research, psychiatric epidemiology, behavioral and social sciences, and more.

In addition to participating in interactive lectures, students will spend guided time working in small teams to develop innovative, novel solutions to social issues related to psychiatry, psychology, or neuroscience. These ideas and solutions are then presented at a final capstone session in front of an audience of classmates, families, and the program’s faculty and staff.

CNI-X is a fast-paced, intense, challenging, creative, and bonding experience for students. Previous students have come from very diverse academic backgrounds, and have a wide range of career aspirations, including law, sociology, medicine, psychology, engineering, business, fine arts, and more.  In summary, one student said, "It was so informative and educational! I was surprised at how much we had access to...and how encouraging [the professors] were. It was my privilege to meet them and they treated me with so much respect and understanding."

Examples of past topics and activities

  • Eating Disorders: Body Image
  • Early Intervention Programs
  • Mindfulness: Reducing Stress and Promoting Wellness for Youth
  • Emotions and Building a Brain
  • Depression
  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Design Thinking for Clinical Innovation
  • Why Sleep?
  • Gender Differences in the Brain
  • Sports Psychiatry 
  • Stanford Laboratory for Mental Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
  • Psychosocial Intervention for Early Psychosis
  • Brain Stimulation
  • Human Brain Models of Disease 
  • Intolerance of Uncertainty Across OCD and Related Disorders 
  • Forensic Psychiatry 
  • Neuroimaging 
  • The Mind and Diet 
  • Zebra Fish Laboratory Tour

2017 Faculty and Presenters

Laura Roberts, M.D., M.A., Co-Director

Alan Louie, M.D., Co-Director

Steve Adelsheim, M.D.

Cara Bohon, Ph.D.

Jake Ballon, M.D., MPH

Whitney Daniels, M.D.

Alison Darcy, Ph.D.

David Eagleman, Ph.D.

Maria Filippou, M.D., M.B.S

Kate Hardy, Clin.Psych.D.

Shashank Joshi, M.D.

Michael Kelly, M.D.

Kristine Luce, Ph.D.

Ryan Matlow, Ph.D.

Philippe Mourrain, Ph.D.

Doug Noordsy, M.D.

Marily Oppezzo, Ph.D.

Sergiu Pasca, M.D. 

Rafael Pelayo, M.D.

John Rettger, Ph.D.

Carolyn Rodriguez, M.D., Ph.D.

Debra Safer, M.D.

Manish Saggar, Ph.D.

Nirao Shah, Ph.D.

Shannon Sullivan, M.D.

Nina Vasan, M.D.

Nolan Williams, M.D.

Application Process

UPDATE: As of June 7, 2018, applications are closed.

We will be offering 2 sessions this summer:

Session 1: June 18 – June 22, 2018

Session 2: June 25 – June 29, 2018

The tuition for CNI-X 2018 is $950. Payment details will be sent after acceptance to the program. For financial assistance please contact Byers at

Students will learn and talk about a wide range of topics, some fascinating, some exciting, and some quite serious.  Applicants should be aware that sensitive topics in psychiatry may arise, including but not limited to suicide, psychosis, addiction, child abuse, sexual assault, violence, and mental disorders, and should not apply if this will be problematic for them.

NOTE: Before beginning the application, please be prepared to submit a few sentences on why you are interested in joining our program and what you hope to gain from the experience. Please limit your responses to 100 words or less.


Please contact the lead coordinator, Byers, at

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