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Become a Member!

Membership in the Stanford Photonics Research Center is available to companies interested in establishing mutually-beneficial relationships with the Stanford photonics community. Membership fees directly support research and teaching in photonics at Stanford; in turn, members gain facilitated access to Stanford photonics students, faculty, and current and emerging areas of research at Stanford.


Introduction Membership Level

The introductory membership level is provided to companies and organizations who prefer to spend their first membership year getting better acquainted with the research activities at Stanford University prior to supporting a specific SPRC investigator or Faculty Working Group. The membership fee at this level supports SPRC workshops, the annual symposium, seminar series, and other center events. The Introductory level requires a minimum 2-year membership commitment, with the second and following years at either the Standard or Senior level.  $25,000/first year


Standard Membership Level

In addition to the basic benefits available to all members, Standard Members may participate in a single SPRC Working Group, and may elect to allocate research funds (a portion of the membership fee) to a single Stanford photonics faculty/researcher in accordance with SPRC Advisory Board and University policy. $50,000/year


Senior Membership Level

In addition to the basic benefits available to all members, Senior Members may participate in multiple SPRC Working Groups, may have one representative on the SPRC Advisory Board, and may elect to allocate research funds (a portion of the membership fee) to multiple Stanford photonics faculty/researchers in accordance with SPRC Advisory Board and University policy. $150,000/year


Member Benefits:



Intellectual Property Provision

Member Companies acknowledge and agree that this Industrial Affiliates Program (“program”) is governed by Document 13.4 of Stanford’s Research Policy Handbook which is attached hereto as Exhibit [A]. Specifically, Member Companies understand that (a) Stanford’s principles of openness in research and dissemination of research require that any results of research pursuant to this Program be made available in a timely manner to person (s) and entities not participating, in this Program; (b) while members may offer suggestions for research activities, Stanford faculty must select research topics, adopt research methodology, and select participants, (c) any requests to send representatives to Stanford to collaborate on research will follow the established procedures and standards applicable to visiting scholars at Stanford, and (d) no license or other intellectual property rights will be granted as a result of membership in the program.