Organic Gardens

Manzanita Dining's organic garden


Through the organic dining hall gardens and the BeWell Community Gardens, the Sustainable Food Program cultivates healthy food for the community and provides an experiential model of the food system for students and the Stanford community.

R&DE Stanford Dining Organic Gardens

Each of R&DE Stanford Dining’s eight major dining halls has a dedicated organic garden. These gardens are managed by the Sustainable Food Program, and student gardeners assist with maintenance as part of the internship program. The gardens are primarily used to educate students about the seasonality of food, the botany of fruits and vegetables, and agroecological methods of sustainable food production. Food grown in the gardens is also incorporated into the dining hall menus.

BeWell Community Gardens

The Sustainable Food Program manages Stanford’s two BeWell Community Gardens, which are open to the Stanford community for personal use. More information on the gardens can be found here:

Stanford Seed Library

The Stanford Seed Library is co-hosted by the Stanford Community Farm and R&DE Stanford Dining’s Sustainable Food Program. It provides the Stanford community with convenient access to heirloom seeds, as well as workshops and, a newsletter, and handouts full of gardening and seed saving information. Sign up for the Seed Library here: