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Critical Policies for Student Organizations


Student organization leaders should know and follow university policy and guidelines when conducting their activities on behalf of Stanford. The "top ten critical policies" to know is a good place to start. Additional policies and guidelines are available under the policy sections for event planning, fiscal management and risk management.

Alcohol and Other Controlled Substances

Student groups should know and follow the university’s policy on Alcohol and Controlled Substances when planning parties or events with alcohol. Groups wishing to be reimbursed for the purchase of alcohol can do so only after their event has been registered and approved as a party through the Office Alcohol Policy and Education (OAPE).

Campus Disruptions

The university's policy on campus disruption applies to all students, faculty and staff. See the Campus Disruptions policy before planning protests or demonstrations.  

Commercial Activity

Activities done with off-campus entities (corporate or non-profit) must support the University's educational mission and tax-exempt status.  Student leaders must know and follow university policies for Commercial Activity and working with companies before engaging in agreements for event sponsorship, fundraisers or any form of sponsorship or the exchange of funds, services or products.

Event Planning

Student groups must meet a number of important Event policies when planning events, especially those events that are large and complex.

Fundamental Standard

Student groups and their leaders are expected to uphold the Fundamental Standard when conducting student organization activities.


Stanford does not tolerate hazing and expects all students to follow the university Hazing Policy in the Stanford Bulletin. 

Local Autonomy

Student organizations affiliated with national or regional organizations are expected to make all decisions for their organization in keeping with the principle of local autonomy.

Off-campus Fundraising

University policies govern all External Fundraising activities for cash, goods or services done by departments and student groups from off-campus sources. Student orgs must  receive prior University permission before conducting any off-campus fundraising.

Partisan Political Activities

Student organizations should first consult and gain approval from SAL before confirming partisan political speakers (those running for office) for campus event in order to meet the University policy on Partisan Political Activities.

Stanford Name

Student groups must follow university Name Use guidelines when using the Stanford name or marks.  Items sold must be provided by a licensed vendor.