Disciplines in an Interdisciplinary Age, or History in the Age of Google Glass

May 8, 2014 -
5:00am to 6:00am
Humanities Center Board Room*Note New Location!


Read the May 15, 2014 Stanford Report story on Campbell's talk.

Prof. James T. Campbell appears as part of The Center for Teaching and Learning's longest-running lecture series, Award-Winning Teachers on Teaching, which invites faculty winners of Stanford's major teaching awards to deliver a lecture on a teaching topic of their choice. Campbell's topic:

Interdisciplinary fields are proliferating in American universities, especially at Stanford, where upwards of forty percent of undergraduate students now take degrees in interdisciplinary programs.  What is the place of disciplinary-based learning in this changing educational landscape?  What do those of us trained in traditional disciplines—in my case, History—have to offer our students?


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Center for Teaching and Learning
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