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Jan 13, 2016
There are many setbacks on the road to success. Hear from professors Martha Cyert, Allyson Hobbs, and Raymond McDermott as they share their academic and professional stories of failure, rejection, and resilience.
Hello my name is canvas
Dec 8, 2015
You’re Invited: Canvas Kick-off Event
Dec 4, 2015
Join us in this hands-on workshop setting, where faculty members from a variety of disciplines will discuss how they have used learning goals as a foundation for course design.
Teacher instructing two students
Nov 23, 2015
This is third in a series of blog posts from the Course Design Institute (CDI), a 4-day workshop for faculty on how to design and teach a course from the ground up.  In Part 2, I discussed how to adapt the rhythm of your class to the academic
Nov 19, 2015
Platforms for Collaboration and Productivity is a celebration of crowd-sourcing, citizen science, learning at scale and smart workspaces.
Nov 19, 2015
Join us for a faculty panel including Carl Wieman, Sheri Sheppard, Russell Berman and Robyn Dunbar, discussing how to formulate effective learning goals, their use in teaching, and their use in the new course evaluation system.
Nov 17, 2015
Designed for faculty in their first three years at Stanford. Hear from a panel of Stanford faculty members about their own struggles and strategies, and learn about a variety of approaches to decision making and time management.
Nov 16, 2015
The promise of Virtual Reality (VR) is a presence so powerful that it feels real. VR simulations are potent, treated by the human brain as real events.
LIne drawing: a hand drawing a circle with a compass tool
Nov 13, 2015
Help for grad students and postdocs to design a great syllabus.


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