Resilience News & Research

2015-16 Resilience Events

Autumn & Winter Quarters: Residential Workshops and Programs

Ask your Resident Assistant or your Resident Fellow about bringing resilience to your dorm. Or contact us and we will reach out.

January 13, 2016: Fail 2 Succeed

The Resilience Project will host Fail 2 Succeed: Trials and triumphs from faculty. There are many setbacks on the road to success. Hear from professors Martha Cyert, Allyson Hobbs, and Raymond McDermott as they share their personal and professional stories of failure, rejection, and resilience. The panel discussion begins at 7:30 p.m. in Paul Brest Hall followed by a dessert reception at 8:30 p.m. This Resilience Project event is sponsored by the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning and the Year of Learning.

March 31, 2016: Stanford, I Screwed Up

Everybody fails at something. 

"Stanford, I Screwed Up" is an annual event commemorating and celebrating the 'epic failures' in our lives. Students from across campus will come together and share experiences through storytelling, comedy, poetry, song, video, and other creative means.

By sharing our "epic failures" with each other, we fight the duck syndrome and build a strong community.

What's your epic failure? How do you want to share it?

Be brave! Check back for submission information in January

The Stanford Resilience Project in the news

Grit, resilience, and bouncing back