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Conflicts of Interest

University scientists are encouraged to share their expertise with industry through consulting, speaking, or other arrangements; to collaborate with industry in product development; and to form their own companies.

This emphasis on encouraging academic scientists to work with industry has been an unparalleled success in speeding discoveries from the laboratory to the marketplace. However, the broader opportunity and role for the academic community has also led to challenges. Such academic-industry collaboration should never compromise the safety of people volunteering to participate in biomedical research or scientific integrity.

To address these issues, universities must develop and implement policies that enable them to review and manage the relationships between faculty members' institutional responsibilities and their outside, industry-related activities. Universities and faculty must never act in ways that compromise the public’s trust.



The amendments proposed by the PHS are significant and will alter the relationship between a research institution, its investigators, and the PHS.
The public has every right to expect objectivity in research, and accountability regarding the management of potential financial conflicts of interest in research.
A principled partnership between the academic community and industry is essential if we are to realize the promise of biomedical research, but such collaboration can also create serious conflicts of interest.
"Protecting Patients, Preserving Integrity, Advancing Health: Accelerating the Implementation of COI Policies in Human Subjects Research"
Recent responses to the newly implemented reporting and divestiture requirements suggest that they are harming NIH’s capacity to attract and retain such highly-qualified individuals.
Letter to Chris B. Pascal, J.D., Director, Office of Research Integrity, Re: Public Health Service Po licies on Research Misconduct
The Task Force concluded that the problem is rarely a particular conflict itself -- rather it is the question about what is done with the conflict.
University presidents urge expanded campus oversight of potential conflicts of interest in research.
Research universities are concerned about financial conflict of interest because it strikes to the heart of the integrity of the institution and the public’s confidence in that integrity.