

CIA and the Wars in Southeast Asia, 1947–75

Studies CoverCIA and the Wars in Southeast Asia, 1947–75

A Studies in Intelligence Anthology

Selections, introduction, and summaries by Clayton D. Laurie, CIA Historian, and Andres Vaart, Managing Editor

September 2016

Purpose. This digitally interactive and hyperlinked DoD-logo.jpganthology was prepared as a contribution to Department of Defense-led interagency efforts to commemorate the passing of 50 years since the large-scale engagement of the military forces of the United States and other countries in defending the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) against communist guerrilla, mainforce, and North Vietnamese Army units. For CIA, and many members of the US military, engagement in South Vietnam began well before what is marked as the beginning of the 50th anniversary commemoration, 1965. As the 41 articles selected by CIA historian Clayton Laurie for this anthology will show, Southeast Asia was the focus of CIA activity as long ago as the early 1950s, when it was directed to provide support to French efforts to maintain control of its colony of Indonesia.

CIA-fallen-spies.jpgDedication. This volume is dedicated to the men and women of the United States, Allied nations, and peoples of the region with whom US intelligence worked to thwart the advance the advance of communism in Southeast Asia. Among the more than fifty-three thousand Americans who gave their lives were eighteen members of the Central Intelligence Agency, their sacrifices marked by stars carved into CIA’s Memorial Wall.

About the digital interactive PDF

The site includes an interactive timeline of war-related events. The timeline includes intelligence events provided by CIA’s History Staff.

Upon entry into the PDF, readers will be able to navigate within the PDF and to the 41 articles in the anthology, as well as to additional CIA and Intelligence Community-produced resources.

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A print-only version is also available.

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Additional information about the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration can be found at

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All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this journal are those of the authors. Nothing in any of the articles should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of their factual statements and interpretations. Articles by non-US government employees are copyrighted.

Posted: Oct 12, 2016 12:20 PM
Last Updated: Oct 13, 2016 01:52 PM